Obama said no to American energy independence and yes to radical environmentalists


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
Just how out of touch is socialist Barack Obama? Even though 70%+ of the American people support the job-creating, pro-American Keystone XL pipeline, Obama delayed the decision. Thousands of American workers won't get a job thanks to Obama's un-American and stupid decision. Instead, more oil will be shipped by train, which leads to more pollution and more spills. And that oil's going to go to China instead of the USA. Barack Obama's decision today hurts the lives of average Midwestern Americans. Obama won't listen to the American people, and 2014 is a good time to send a clear message to him.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!
Per usual, this defies comprehension.

A mere 5 years ago, Obama approved and the State Department lauded the Alberta Clipper Pipeline...

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.

These are two nearly identical projects, in scope function and purpose.

There is no rationale for stalling the approval of the XL portion of a project that is already mostly completed.
Just how out of touch is socialist Barack Obama? Even though 70%+ of the American people support the job-creating, pro-American Keystone XL pipeline, Obama delayed the decision. Thousands of American workers won't get a job thanks to Obama's un-American and stupid decision. Instead, more oil will be shipped by train, which leads to more pollution and more spills. And that oil's going to go to China instead of the USA. Barack Obama's decision today hurts the lives of average Midwestern Americans. Obama won't listen to the American people, and 2014 is a good time to send a clear message to him.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!

And it only cost a billionaire a hundred million to the dems. The son of a bitch sells the country on the cheep.
OMG, we'll lose maybe 100 permanent jobs.

If it makes the US a better country Obama is against it, if it facilitates the USA slide into a third world cesspool Obama is all for it.
Liberals hate oil. Period. In particular, they hate US Oil or any attempt by US to lower our cost of oil. It is not about clean air, climate change or wildlife. If it were, there would be a global multination effort to curb oil in Russia, China, India, Latin America or the Middle East. Nope. It's only about keeping Oil prohibitive to US at all costs.

You environs are full of shit and are committed to necessarily hurting the US Economy and its Middle Class.
Agriculture is the true raper of environments.

The real irony is that modern-day agriculture could not exist without hydrocarbons.

Yet, the farmer not only gets a pass he gets paid to continue the rape and pillage of land sea and air.
Farmers are fucking America, and America is thanking them for it. And America will continue to do so in perpetuity.
The Keystone Pipeline is "socialist" as well. What else do you call the government confiscating private property to build a pipeline?
Obama's Socialism = 1% of the population making 95% of the financial gains. Brilliant, Teabaggers.

We're producing more fuel than ever before and gas prices are still high, so drilling and fracking even more will suddenly lower fuel prices?
OMG, we'll lose maybe 100 permanent jobs.


The Koch Brothers? Don't you mean George Soros? The Kochs own 1.1 million acres in Canada guess who owns the other millions of acres? Why its George Soros and guess who else, Buffett.

Buffett owns 7 billion dollars worth of ConocoPhillips, Soros owns tens of millions as well. And this is the Koch brothers fault, how? ConocoPhillips and Shell own more land than the Kochs and have they have been there since 1963 . Soros top stocks he own are all oil and gas companies with billions invested to these companies; S.A.Petrobras and Hess Corp. ALL being sued for environmental damage and here is another Canadian Company, Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. is being sued for environmental; damage among other thing. .

Buffett 'major mistake' leads to Berkshire acquisition - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blogTerm Sheet

Lets face it, if you really cared about the Oil Sands, you would be damning them all, but instead you only care what the Kochs do. You don't care, its just partisan hackery.
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Bill and Melissa Gates' Foundation own millions of shares in Exxon Mobil. No one on the left ever freaks out about their own.
Bottom line is Obama can block the pipeline all he wants. The oil is still coming via rail and truck.
We don't want to do anything to get jobs for people that would get them off unemployment benefits which according to Nancy Pelosi helps the economy you got to love far left logic.

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