Obama says Ford Benefited from Bail outs of Competitors.

How do people still believe Obama did any work on his own in college and law school? How?

Call Kurt Vonnegut and tell him I stopped payment on the check!
Charles, you're using a lefto weirdo tactic my friend, just take your lumps, admit your error and move on. Don't fall into their game. mistakes happen.

LOL now you are calling me a lefto? Dude I do not dispute that they saw some Benefit from the Bail outs, I am simply stating they might have Benefited Even more if We had allowed Chrysler and GM to go through Bankruptcy.

IMO there is a very good chance they could have. People who were afraid to buy a car from one of the Company's in Bankruptcy, Would have had to turn to Ford, if they wanted to Buy American. They could have Gained a Huge Chunk of the Market Share. Plain and simple. Any Business person being honest can see that, It simply is not a very Nice thing to Talk about :)

I am not wrong about the real purpose of the Auto Bail outs, and if you do not agree, then you my friends are the Lefto.. We have bankruptcy laws for a reason. GM and Chrysler could have used them, and Cut out the Dead meat, became slimmer and more efficient and came out the other side better for it.

But the Democrats could not have that, Because Bankruptcy would have given GM and Chrysler immense power to Renegotiate Union contracts.

That is the Reason the Dems bailed them out instead of letting them Go through Bankruptcy. Plain and simple. Agree with me or not, that is a Fact IMO.

No, you misread my post. I said the tactic of pretending what was said wasn't said is a leftie tactic and you shouldn't be using it.

I did not pretend what was said was not said. I am well aware of what he said. What I said is he might be being Diplomatic, or making political Considerations with his answer. He might not be telling the whole story of what he thinks.

Look man, You can not deny that FORD might have been able to Gain significant Market share, and Benefit from Chrysler and GM renegotiating Contracts, as they might have had leverage then for their own. Those are undeniable facts IMO. He simply did not state them.
it's all about perception.

after trying to convince the american public that your $800 billion stimulus bill was a success despite employment going above what you said it would without it

now you're telling people that one of the reasons why ford (hte company who didn't take the bailout) is doing so well is because its less profitable competitors did take the bailout.

it's a completely valid argument, that unfortunately for obama, the american people just don't want to hear.
LOL now you are calling me a lefto? Dude I do not dispute that they saw some Benefit from the Bail outs, I am simply stating they might have Benefited Even more if We had allowed Chrysler and GM to go through Bankruptcy.

IMO there is a very good chance they could have. People who were afraid to buy a car from one of the Company's in Bankruptcy, Would have had to turn to Ford, if they wanted to Buy American. They could have Gained a Huge Chunk of the Market Share. Plain and simple. Any Business person being honest can see that, It simply is not a very Nice thing to Talk about :)

I am not wrong about the real purpose of the Auto Bail outs, and if you do not agree, then you my friends are the Lefto.. We have bankruptcy laws for a reason. GM and Chrysler could have used them, and Cut out the Dead meat, became slimmer and more efficient and came out the other side better for it.

But the Democrats could not have that, Because Bankruptcy would have given GM and Chrysler immense power to Renegotiate Union contracts.

That is the Reason the Dems bailed them out instead of letting them Go through Bankruptcy. Plain and simple. Agree with me or not, that is a Fact IMO.

No, you misread my post. I said the tactic of pretending what was said wasn't said is a leftie tactic and you shouldn't be using it.

I did not pretend what was said was not said. I am well aware of what he said. What I said is he might be being Diplomatic, or making political Considerations with his answer. He might not be telling the whole story of what he thinks.

Look man, You can not deny that FORD might have been able to Gain significant Market share, and Benefit from Chrysler and GM renegotiating Contracts, as they might have had leverage then for their own. Those are undeniable facts IMO. He simply did not state them.

You're not listening. If company A company B and company C use company 1 company 2 and company 3 for parts and such then companies 1 , 2, and 3 are likewise dependent on companies a,b, and c to further their existence. so if B and C go out of business then 1,2,and 3 end up going out of business and A is left without any parts thus forcing them out of business. Do you really think that Mullaly went to DC to be diplomatic? No he went to assure Ford's survival.

Come on man, you're above this.
it's all about perception.

after trying to convince the american public that your $800 billion stimulus bill was a success despite employment going above what you said it would without it

now you're telling people that one of the reasons why ford (hte company who didn't take the bailout) is doing so well is because its less profitable competitors did take the bailout.

it's a completely valid argument, that unfortunately for obama, the american people just don't want to hear.

Ford isn't and wasn't profitable, just so you know.
it's all about perception.

after trying to convince the american public that your $800 billion stimulus bill was a success despite employment going above what you said it would without it

now you're telling people that one of the reasons why ford (hte company who didn't take the bailout) is doing so well is because its less profitable competitors did take the bailout.

it's a completely valid argument, that unfortunately for obama, the american people just don't want to hear.

Um, er, hmmm, um, yeah, sure, if I stand on my head and snort a quart of vodka through my nose it almost looks like you're starting to make a lick of sense.

English is not your first language and sanity is just a fallback position, right?
it's all about perception.

after trying to convince the american public that your $800 billion stimulus bill was a success despite employment going above what you said it would without it

now you're telling people that one of the reasons why ford (hte company who didn't take the bailout) is doing so well is because its less profitable competitors did take the bailout.

it's a completely valid argument, that unfortunately for obama, the american people just don't want to hear.

Ford isn't and wasn't profitable, just so you know.

"In another sign that the U.S. auto industry was recovering from a deep downturn, Ford Motor Co. said Tuesday that it swung to a profit of $2.1 billion in the first quarter after posting a huge loss in the same period a year earlier."

"Ford reports second quarter net income of $2.6 billion, or 61 cents per share, a $338 million improvement from second quarter 2009. Pre-tax operating profit totaled $2.9 billion, or 68 cents per share, a $3.5 billion improvement from second quarter 2009 and a $932 million improvement from first quarter"

are there other numbers i should be looking at?
it's all about perception.

after trying to convince the american public that your $800 billion stimulus bill was a success despite employment going above what you said it would without it

now you're telling people that one of the reasons why ford (hte company who didn't take the bailout) is doing so well is because its less profitable competitors did take the bailout.

it's a completely valid argument, that unfortunately for obama, the american people just don't want to hear.

Um, er, hmmm, um, yeah, sure, if I stand on my head and snort a quart of vodka through my nose it almost looks like you're starting to make a lick of sense.

English is not your first language and sanity is just a fallback position, right?

the obama administration has spent months telling us that the stimulus was a success. a lot of americans are scratching their heads. they see unemployment at 9.5% and are thinking to themselves, "how are these guys defining success?"

now they are trying to link the success of ford with the bailouts of gm and chrysler. my point is, no matter how valid the argument, americans don't want to hear it.

sorry if that doesn't make sense to you.
it's all about perception.

after trying to convince the american public that your $800 billion stimulus bill was a success despite employment going above what you said it would without it

now you're telling people that one of the reasons why ford (hte company who didn't take the bailout) is doing so well is because its less profitable competitors did take the bailout.

it's a completely valid argument, that unfortunately for obama, the american people just don't want to hear.

Um, er, hmmm, um, yeah, sure, if I stand on my head and snort a quart of vodka through my nose it almost looks like you're starting to make a lick of sense.

English is not your first language and sanity is just a fallback position, right?

the obama administration has spent months telling us that the stimulus was a success. a lot of americans are scratching their heads. they see unemployment at 9.5% and are thinking to themselves, "how are these guys defining success?"

now they are trying to link the success of ford with the bailouts of gm and chrysler. my point is, no matter how valid the argument, americans don't want to hear it.

sorry if that doesn't make sense to you.

It makes no sense because it makes no sense, it has nothing to do with me.

The Stimulus was an Epic Fail by any metric.
In an internal memo sent to Ford dealers in New York, the automaker laid out a new incentive that would pay current owners of Dodge, Chrysler or Jeep vehicles an extra $1,000 – in addition to whatever Customer Cash, Bonus Cash and 0% APR is already available – to trade in their current rides for a new SUV, pickup or crossover from Ford.


a bankruptcy at either General Motors or Chrysler could put a major dent in Ford's own perilous financial footing.

Ford counting on the "B" word to score conquest sales — Autoblog
Um, er, hmmm, um, yeah, sure, if I stand on my head and snort a quart of vodka through my nose it almost looks like you're starting to make a lick of sense.

English is not your first language and sanity is just a fallback position, right?

the obama administration has spent months telling us that the stimulus was a success. a lot of americans are scratching their heads. they see unemployment at 9.5% and are thinking to themselves, "how are these guys defining success?"

now they are trying to link the success of ford with the bailouts of gm and chrysler. my point is, no matter how valid the argument, americans don't want to hear it.

sorry if that doesn't make sense to you.

It makes no sense because it makes no sense, it has nothing to do with me.

The Stimulus was an Epic Fail by any metric.

whatever you say. sorry to waste your time oh great one.
In a stunning display of this administrations lack of understanding of business. The white house is claiming that even though ford did not take any money, They benefited from the Bail out of Chrysler and GM.


White House officials countered that Ford benefited from the industry bailout even though it did not accept aid itself, because the federal money kept a network of suppliers in business. They also pointed to the industrywide boost from the government’s cash-for-clunkers program, which used tax credits to encourage consumers to trade in older, more polluting cars for new models last year.

Once again Obama does not understand business at all. Ford would have seen much more benefit if one or both of it's competitors were allowed to fail instead of propped up by the government.

I hope people are not falling for this line of BS.

You're correct, Mulally was being diplomatic, the suppliers would have been picked up for $.50 on the dollar, bailing out GM & Chrysler was a mistake, they should have gone through BK.....

Ford was well prepared and now this incompetent idiot wants to take credit for it?!?!?!? If someone can not recognize he sold out to the Unions their stupidity is at an all time high!!!

Quoting Barofsky; The Obama Administration “made a series of decisions that may have substantially contributed to the accelerated shuttering of thousands of small businesses and thereby potentially adding tens of thousands of workers to the already lengthy unemployment rolls – all based on a theory and without sufficient consideration of the decisions’ broader economic impact.” Not to mentioned the thousands of Non-Union employees who lost everything, but Obummer made sure the Unions retained everything? Every time I am reminded of this crap I want to impeach this POS, how in the hell can anyone defend this slim ball......
it's all about perception.

after trying to convince the american public that your $800 billion stimulus bill was a success despite employment going above what you said it would without it

now you're telling people that one of the reasons why ford (hte company who didn't take the bailout) is doing so well is because its less profitable competitors did take the bailout.

it's a completely valid argument, that unfortunately for obama, the american people just don't want to hear.

Ford isn't and wasn't profitable, just so you know.

Not according to CNN Money:
Ford: First profitable year since '05
Ford: First profitable year since '05 - Jan. 28, 2010
The way I see it is simple... If the other two companies were left to fail, Ford would have had to make do or fail them self. If they failed someone else would have bought the good parts of one or parts of all the companies and made something better.

Did this all help Ford? No, it made them dependent on the Government if anything, according to the rich guy. Do I care what some rich guy says will happen to the company if other companies don't get bailed out? No...
Ford didn't take the bail out money and is doing just fine.

I'll bet that all the investers that got hosed by Obama wish that thier money had been invested with Ford instead of GM and Chrysler.
Is the piece of shit now going to claim jobs and saved jobs and tie himself to the gun industry?
After all many people went out and purchase plenty of guns that would not have.
ford was rescued by the obama administration from their worst financial crisis since the great depression

How so? they did not need any money

i was being facetious, that's what they say everyday about the economy. it's a joke cause the don't mention the carter years, and we don't have runs on banks.
when obama was able to trick people into believing that, it was cute, now it's just plain harmful to america
I do not believe BO helped Ford with the Bailout of GM and Chrysler, to say suppliers might have been hurt without the bailout, yes that is true.

On the other hand Ford might have double sales if GM and Chrysler were gone, thus they would need more parts from the suppliers that used to supply GM and Chrysler.

Cash for clunkers, that helped everyone even the Imports, what I cannot understand is why did my tax dollars would go to help all the foreign owned companies.

Bottom line, BO would take credit for a Cow Patty if he though it would further his power and prestige, what a moron.......


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