Obama says he feels sorry for the senators that signed the letter.

The Wright brothers actually invented flight a decade earlier before being announced because they wanted the rest of the world to catch up. Other wise they would just look weak.
Remember this one?

Well as we see. that seems to only go for when there is A Republican president...anyone surprised they have now resorted to calling people traitors for bucking their messiah, Obama?

obots cult clingers............................................ are losers

The 47 Senators who signed the letter are fools. They also committed sedition. Of course I would not expect Stephanie to know what sedition is, so I'll post the definition (which she will ignore, but not out of willful ignorance, her's is a product of birth).

Sedition - "sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority to tend toward insurrection against the established order."

Insurrection - an insurrection is a rise against government authority.

The Senate acted rashly and proved with out a doubt that "country first" is just a slogan having no basis in fact.

The spoke against Dear Leader, those traitorous whitewingers. Imprison them nao!

Given that you and Stephanie have about the same knowledge base, and intelligence (lol), I expect nothing more from you but what you offer - nothing of substance, poorly constructed and in childish gibberish.

Aren't you just a fucking prison guard? Don't even think to question my intelligence as compared to yours fucktard.
I may not be articulate and clean without a negro dialect but I'm far from your level of stupid.

Prison guard? Don't you wish you could have a job as a turn key - sorry, your kind (felons) can't meet the MQ's. Were you offended by my comparison? Did I strike a note which so upset you by some truth? Is it possible that when you dress in dresses you post under the nom de plume of "Stephanie"?

Hey, that soap is probably slippery in the shower...besides where do you think he got "murked" at?
That letter was a dumb thing to do.

It made them look very bush league.
Compared to Obama, not so much.

The GOP just wants to make sure Iran doesn't get nukes and all you guys on the left want to talk about is how embarrassing it is for Obama.
It would be a lot less embarrassing if he wasn't trying to screw us over and murder Israelis in the process.

March 14, 2015, 11:18 am
Bolton calls Iran deal 'unprecedented' surrender

By Mark Hensch​

Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton said Saturday that President Obama is negotiating “an unprecedented act of surrender” with Iran in discussions over its nuclear weapons program.

“This deal is fundamentally flawed,” Bolton said at the South Carolina National Security Action Summit in West Columbia, S.C. “There really is no deal I’d trust Iran with. It is a regime determined to have nuclear weapons and this deal will give it to them.”

The Obama administration is hoping Iran will slow or stop its nuclear armaments research in exchange for removing economic sanctions. Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia are aiding U.S. efforts to bargain with Iran. The two sides will resume talks in Lausanne, Switzerland, next week.

Controversy erupted over an open letter Republicans sent Iran’s leadership Monday. It vowed Congress can void any deal it finds unsatisfying and was signed by 47 GOP senators.

President Obama said Friday he was “embarrassed” for the message’s signers. The move has drawn swift criticism from social media, with the hashtag #47Traitors a recurring trend online last week.

Bolton rebuked the president’s response as unjustified Saturday. He said the Senators were not traitors, but rather lawmakers who “stood up for the Constitution.”

“The president coddles the Iranian ayatollah and attacks his own countrymen and our closest allies over this deal,” Bolton said Saturday. “The danger we hope to avoid is now imminent. This is just one example of how the President doesn’t care about America’s national security.”

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, blasted the letter’s “backstabbing” on Thursday. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), the letter’s driving force, criticized the Ayatollah’s regime Tuesday.

“They’ve been killing Americans for 35 years, they’ve killed hundreds of troops in Iran, now they control five capitols in the Middle East,” Cotton said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “They are nothing but hard-liners in Iran, and if they do all of those things without a nuclear weapon, imagine what they would do with one.”

Bolton said Saturday that Obama’s eagerness for a deal would give Tehran a “free pass” for nuclear arms. He said American voters should thus make national security the central issue of 2016’s presidential elections.

“The gravest threat to our national security sits in the Oval Office,” Bolton said. “The next two years can’t pass swiftly enough. For God’s sake, let’s not make the same mistake in 2016.”

Bolton calls Iran deal unprecedented surrender TheHill
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Wonder if the idiot realizes that roughly 64% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.

Congress is the main contributor to that assessment

Thankfully, the adults are finally back in charge of Congress.

Those "adults" just showed how inept they are when it comes to foreign policy

And yet they're still doing a better job.

Two months in, what have they accomplished?

They're serving notice to Obama that he doesn't automatically get everything he wants whenever he wants. That's a very important first step.
Republicans somehow put US in danger because they don't want Iran to have a nuclear bomb?? All they did was send a letter. How does that put us in danger?
Republicans somehow put US in danger because they don't want Iran to have a nuclear bomb?? All they did was send a letter. How does that put us in danger?

Hey the media and Obama said it did. that's all they need to call someone a traitor for sending a LETTER for crying out loud

I'm sure they have run out of names to call us. they've called us terrorist, hostage takes, deniers, birthers and this is from a party in OUR GOVERMENT.

wake up people

Gallup Daily Obama Job Approval
Speaking of dick moves; President elect Obama tried to keep Iraqi officials from working out any withdrawal deals with George W. Bush. Ironically, he claimed that any deals had to go through Congress to hold any weight. The Iranian president blew the whistle on the conversation with Obama not long after he won election for his first term.

Obama-Biden Reservations Confirmed
By The Prowler
Published 9/17/2008 12:08:47 AM

The Obama campaign spent more than five hours on Monday attempting to figure out the best refutation of the explosive New York Post report that quoted Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari as saying that Barack Obama during his July visit to Baghdad demanded that Iraq not negotiate with the Bush Administration on the withdrawal of American troops. Instead, he asked that they delay such negotiations until after the presidential handover at the end of January.

The three problems, according to campaign sources: The report was true, there were at least three other people in the room with Obama and Zebari to confirm the conversation, and there was concern that there were enough aggressive reporters based in Baghdad with the sources to confirm the conversation that to deny the comments would create a bigger problem.

Instead, Obama's national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi told reporters that Obama told the Iraqis that they should not rush through what she termed a "Strategic Framework Agreement" governing the future of U.S. forces until after President Bush left office. In other words, the Iraqis should not negotiate an American troop withdrawal.

According to a Senate staffer working for Sen. Joseph Biden, Biden himself got involved in the shaping of the statement. "The whole reason he's on the ticket is the foreign policy insight," explained the staffer.

--this sounds more like political parsing of words in a statement than "foreign policy insight"

Obama is constantly being caught doing the very thing he accused Bush of. And these screams of how 47 members of Congress did something that was unprecedented rings hollow considering all of the undermining Democrats did to Bush while he was president.

Also, Obama thinks of foreign policy in purely political terms. It's why he didn't try to negotiate a status of forces agreement or even attempt to keep troops in Iraq, because he felt would make a bigger splash in his re-election, which helped make the current situation possible with ISIS.


Obama secretly asked Iraq to delay troop withdraw - Page 3
Democrats prepared to buck White House on Iran nuclear deal - Burgess Everett - POLITICO
McCain Obama Deserves Scorn and Disdain for Iraq Pullout
The Humble Libertarian Bush 2.0 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
As nuke talks intensify WH celebrates Iranian holiday TheHill
Obama called Bush unpatriotic for debt before outspending Bush in half the time - Spokane Conservative Examiner.com
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Republicans somehow put US in danger because they don't want Iran to have a nuclear bomb?? All they did was send a letter. How does that put us in danger?

Because the leftists have to make EVERYTHING political. They cannot understand that there would ever be any other reasoning behind why people do things. Lol. Their partisan blinders are super glued to their dumb faces. :)
And there is this too.

Obama s Iran scheme is laid bare - The Washington Post

What is going on here? For starters, the existing U.N. resolutions obtained by President George W. Bush are much, much stricter than anything President Obama has indicated would be forthcoming. Those resolutions don’t permit Iran to keep thousands of centrifuges. They don’t give Iran a 10-year sunset. They require complete dismantling of Iran’s illicit program, full inspections and an accounting of past illicit behavior. In other words, any new deal negotiated by the administration would be weaker than — and in fact, in violation of — existing U.N. resolutions. That is why Obama would need to go back to the U.N., to water down, to cave into Iran’s demands.
I find Obama to be nothing more but a community agitator but now it's on a Grand scale with the title of President... What good is it doing for him to come out and say this kind of crap about people he has to work with. there is nothing Presidential about him.

SERIOUSLY, every day we have to hear his opinions, from football to what is happening in some state that is none of his concern.

I'm so disgusted by him and what he's brought down on us

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