Obama says he feels sorry for the senators that signed the letter.

Given that you and Stephanie have about the same knowledge base, and intelligence (lol), I expect nothing more from you but what you offer - nothing of substance, poorly constructed and in childish gibberish.
Aren't you just a fucking prison guard? Don't even think to question my intelligence as compared to yours fucktard.
I may not be articulate and clean without a negro dialect but I'm far from your level of stupid.

Prison guard? Don't you wish you could have a job as a turn key - sorry, your kind (felons) can't meet the MQ's. Were you offended by my comparison? Did I strike a note which so upset you by some truth? Is it possible that when you dress in dresses you post under the nom de plume of "Stephanie"?

Are you not an ex prison guard? I'm pretty sure you are. Are you gonna cower from your stated career now that you've been called out?
You strike me as one of the pussies that hid behind a "badge".
And does Stephanie have to do with me?

You and Stephanie are both stupid.

I'm retired law enforcement, I wore a suit and tie, carried a concealed weapon and only entered prisons when I had a need to interview a scum bag who might have info we needed, but most were like you, full of shit.
You have no idea what I was or am. I can assure you, badge or not I would take you down in 2 seconds. What happened to you after that would be determined on how much stupidity comes out of your mouth.

I don't play games chump. I didn't then & I still don't now.
The luxury you have now, or the saving grace, is that we're not face to face.

Piss off punk, I heard the same shit from punks like you for over 30 years. Tough behind a keyboard or seated in the cage, otherwise, "yes sir, no sir". Remember your place.
It is good to be sympathetic to the Low Information Retarded. Obama is doing the right thing.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

Supporting allies is not un-American. Sympathizing with enemies is anti-American.

Obama has no plan other than to apologize for America and allow the worst people in the world to advance their agenda. He needs to step aside and let the adults handle this one.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

Supporting allies is not un-American. Sympathizing with enemies is anti-American.

Obama has no plan other than to apologize for America and allow the worst people in the world to advance their agenda. He needs to step aside and let the adults handle this one.

See, well of course you won't, in the world today determining who is the friend and who is the foe is a bit problematic. The rest of your post is partisan and ignorant, and thus of no substance at all.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

Supporting allies is not un-American. Sympathizing with enemies is anti-American.

Obama has no plan other than to apologize for America and allow the worst people in the world to advance their agenda. He needs to step aside and let the adults handle this one.

See, well of course you won't, in the world today determining who is the friend and who is the foe is a bit problematic. The rest of your post is partisan and ignorant, and thus of no substance at all.

Maybe you are confused, but Iran and other hostile countries have threatened us numerous times. Only an idiot would wonder if they are friend or foe.

Those Obama deems as friendly, such as the Muslim brotherhood, are enemies of the free world. I am not confused, though you seem to be. If you think Iran and other radicals are friends, that says a lot about you and who you want to rule the world.
They sending a letter doesn't even COMPARE to what Pelosi did. so you all will just have lick your hurt fweelings and move along. You aren't in control anymore.

Wait for next week and a new petty outrage will pop for you to blow a gasket over
well yes it does. But then again you are so stupid you wouldnt understand anyways

Uh NO! It doesn't....

The 47 Americans were working in adherence to AMERICAN PRINCIPLE... promoting AMERICAN INTERESTS... such is NEVER THE CASE in the ENDLESS EXAMPLES OF Leftists going to foreign nations to UNDERMINE AMERICAN PRINCIPLES and INTERESTS.

But you're invited to try to find an example where it happened. Maybe you'd like to start with John Kerry's meeting with the government of North Vietnam and bringing their 7 point plan BACK to the US and IMPLEMENTING IT.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

Supporting allies is not un-American. Sympathizing with enemies is anti-American.

Obama has no plan other than to apologize for America and allow the worst people in the world to advance their agenda. He needs to step aside and let the adults handle this one.

See, well of course you won't, in the world today determining who is the friend and who is the foe is a bit problematic. The rest of your post is partisan and ignorant, and thus of no substance at all.


Is it really?

I disagree... you for instance are an anti-American with no kinship with American principles whatsoever, pretending to be such.

Meaning that YOU are NOT a FRIEND.

Same goes for your cult leader... NOTHING American about it, its background, its policy advocacies and policy...

NOT a Friend...

And of course I am speaking of America... you're not a friend of America.

But then... No Leftist can be.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

Supporting allies is not un-American. Sympathizing with enemies is anti-American.

Obama has no plan other than to apologize for America and allow the worst people in the world to advance their agenda. He needs to step aside and let the adults handle this one.

See, well of course you won't, in the world today determining who is the friend and who is the foe is a bit problematic. The rest of your post is partisan and ignorant, and thus of no substance at all.

Maybe you are confused, ...



Well, from the poll I posted it seem almost 50% of Americans doesn't give a crap about some letter. so this one isn't going to stick. just like you hoped pinning the shutting down of the government on them didn't work for you either.
People dont tend to care about these things in general, so your poll is meaningless.
No it worked fairly well, because they are economic terrorists.

No poll means anything.

Yet the Left and dies on polls, because the Left lives and dies on the presumption of popularity.

Which makes the specter of a Leftist poo-pooing a poll... all the more HYSTERICAL!
Aren't you just a fucking prison guard? Don't even think to question my intelligence as compared to yours fucktard.
I may not be articulate and clean without a negro dialect but I'm far from your level of stupid.

Prison guard? Don't you wish you could have a job as a turn key - sorry, your kind (felons) can't meet the MQ's. Were you offended by my comparison? Did I strike a note which so upset you by some truth? Is it possible that when you dress in dresses you post under the nom de plume of "Stephanie"?

Are you not an ex prison guard? I'm pretty sure you are. Are you gonna cower from your stated career now that you've been called out?
You strike me as one of the pussies that hid behind a "badge".
And does Stephanie have to do with me?

You and Stephanie are both stupid.

I'm retired law enforcement, I wore a suit and tie, carried a concealed weapon and only entered prisons when I had a need to interview a scum bag who might have info we needed, but most were like you, full of shit.
You have no idea what I was or am. I can assure you, badge or not I would take you down in 2 seconds. What happened to you after that would be determined on how much stupidity comes out of your mouth.

I don't play games chump. I didn't then & I still don't now.
The luxury you have now, or the saving grace, is that we're not face to face.

Piss off punk, I heard the same shit from punks like you for over 30 years. Tough behind a keyboard or seated in the cage, otherwise, "yes sir, no sir". Remember your place.

Is there ANYTHING more adorable than a Butch Socialist?

If we're lucky, she regale us with he COMBAT time in Vietnam... spraying numbers onto Conex Boxes and counting alice packs.
Wonder if the idiot realizes that roughly 64% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.

I feel sorry for them as well.

Obama runs circles around them, belittles them in public, and sits smugly back in his chair knowing that he is untouchable and that they would never seek to impeach him no matter what he does.
That letter was a dumb thing to do.

It made them look very bush league.
The fact the letter needed to be written at all makes obie look bush league. It should never come down to congress having to tell other countries that our president has his head up his ass and doesn't have the power. That should be front and fucking center in any negotiation that the president isn't the only one they need to deal with they need to make a fucking deal 50 states will support as well. If they aren't negotiating on what can be ratified they are negotiating nothing. Or as Kerry the piece of shit said in congress they are negotiating a non-binding deal. Which was pretty much the point of the letter and why obie needed to be slapped down and put in his place.

The Republicans' letter makes America look weak and dysfunctional to our enemies.

That Obama is a weak President doesn't absolve the Republicans from responsibility when they do stupid things.

Republicans shouldn't be so obsessed with hatred towards Obama that they weaken America.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
Wait what? The letter makes our weak president who is being weak on foreign relations look weak because somebody with some balls stood up to his weakness? obie is the weak fucking link here. It's certainly not Cotton who is acting like a pussy it's obie and the fucking ketchup guy.

When you have a fucking pussy president that pretty much means someone else needs to step up. That is all that was done here. We announced to the world through one letter that the American people are not represented by this **** ass twat holding the office of president and he isn't the final answer to anything.
I can see it all now....

Obama deputizes Jane Fonda to hunt down and round up those rascally Republicans!
Our president was willing to give everything away until you weak people showed up and actually demanded he not be such a twat. Why do you make us look so weak?
If only people would stop tripping obie up as he ran down the battle field with the white flag we wouldn't look so weak.
If it wasn't for these damn republican's we could have surrendered by now! And not looked so weak.
So Brian Williams was on the front lines of war (where he always is) and got captured. He was bent over lubed up and taking several ISIS dicks in his ass but replied so eloquently... I would fight back but obie said I would look weak.
Monica Lewisnski was thinking maybe she shouldn't suck Bill's dick but upon further reflection decided if she doesn't just throat it she would look weak.
Neil Armstrong flew to the moon but wouldn't land. He didn't want to appear weak in front of the muslims since they didn't even have the bomb yet.

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