Obama says he has the authority to kill civilians

Too bad we couldn't have used a drone on Jane Fonda when in Viet nam. It definitely would have raised morale among the troops.
Obama memo justifies drone-war killing of Americans | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Obama claims and orders that he has the authority to kill American civilians anywhere outside the Country any time he decides it is needed. All without Judicial, military or legal opinions actions or considerations.

His policy allows high level officials to simply say a person might be a threat and can not be captured, then with no consolation with the Military or Judiciary or Congress a drone attack to KILL that person can be ordered. A US Citizen, deprived of due process and all his Constitutional rights based solely on the Opinion of the President or high ranking officials.

Go ahead Obama supporters explain to us how this is legal or Constitutional. Show us you support the outright murder of anyone Obama feels like killing for just about any reason.,
Obamaturd is a friggin idiot.
Stop it, guys, until you sort it out. Some of you are indeed serious about the legal ramifications of what "authorized drone kill" means for American freedoms. Some of you are just pissed a black Democrat is doing what a white Republican did.

My opinion: when an American deliberately outlaws himself from American justice to where he can only be touched by a drone, so be it.

agreed. The President sent a msg. to the militia-types when he had the drones do an overfly at the Inauguration

Obama memo justifies drone-war killing of Americans | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Obama claims and orders that he has the authority to kill American civilians anywhere outside the Country any time he decides it is needed. All without Judicial, military or legal opinions actions or considerations.

His policy allows high level officials to simply say a person might be a threat and can not be captured, then with no consolation with the Military or Judiciary or Congress a drone attack to KILL that person can be ordered. A US Citizen, deprived of due process and all his Constitutional rights based solely on the Opinion of the President or high ranking officials.

Go ahead Obama supporters explain to us how this is legal or Constitutional. Show us you support the outright murder of anyone Obama feels like killing for just about any reason.,

Yeah, I prefer Bush's practice of kidnapping suspects from outside the country, locking them up without judicial, military or legal opinions, actions, and considerations and torturing them for useless information.

And it wouldn't be fair not to point out the gall and hypocrisy of your post. Making it sound as is these are nice white American fathers overseas on holiday instead of Muslim Americans plotting terrorism. Personally, I'm for no drones, no torture, no kidnapping, no war on terror. And I never, ever change my mind on that, depending on which party is in office.
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And it wouldn't be fair not to point out the gall and hypocrisy of your post. Making it sound as is these are nice white American fathers overseas on holiday instead of Muslim Americans plotting terrorism.
Exactly. I love how people are pretending it isn't clear who is on the receiving end of these drone strikes and wringing their hands about omg innocent Americans they didn't have a trial.

Personally, I'm for no drones, no torture, no kidnapping, no war on terror. And I never, ever change my mind on that, depending on which party is in office.
And I am all for drones and kidnapping, and I never, ever change my mind depending on which party is in office. I can respect your view a hell of a lot more that the people who make morality decisions based on whether red/blue team having the ball.
"Philosophy professor, social critic and activist Cornel West says that like Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, there is no way to avoid the conclusion that President Obama—due to his execution of foreign wars and direction of clandestine military operations overseas resulting in the direct and foreseeable death of innocent people—should be called out for what he is: a 'war criminal'..."

"'It’s been over 200 children so far. These are war crimes.'

'Let Us Not Be Deceived': Cornel West Names Obama as 'War Criminal' | Common Dreams
I'll bash Obama all day long, but in this particular situation, it's a matter of law and order. I also have a healthy distrust of handing the power of life and death to leftists anytime, but face it, the American people did that when they re-elected the bastard.

Any local or state cop, any FBI or ATF or DEA agent, and I suppose a few others have "the power to kill Americans" - and sometimes they need killin' - as we say in Texas.
I'll bash Obama all day long, but in this particular situation, it's a matter of law and order. I also have a healthy distrust of handing the power of life and death to leftists anytime, but face it, the American people did that when they re-elected the bastard.

Any local or state cop, any FBI or ATF or DEA agent, and I suppose a few others have "the power to kill Americans" - and sometimes they need killin' - as we say in Texas.
Do you think Dick and Dubya needed to kill Vietnamese and Iraqis?
I'll bash Obama all day long, but in this particular situation, it's a matter of law and order. I also have a healthy distrust of handing the power of life and death to leftists anytime, but face it, the American people did that when they re-elected the bastard.

Any local or state cop, any FBI or ATF or DEA agent, and I suppose a few others have "the power to kill Americans" - and sometimes they need killin' - as we say in Texas.

You're willing to bash the president for UHC, legalization of SSM and fair taxation, but not this? :eusa_eh:
"The fate of the nation, we understood, could be decided by the three judges who will rule on our lawsuit against President Barack Obama for signing into law Section 1021(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

"The section permits the military to detain anyone, including U.S. citizens, who 'substantially support'—an undefined legal term—al-Qaida, the Taliban or 'associated forces,' again a term that is legally undefined.

"Those detained can be imprisoned indefinitely by the military and denied due process until 'the end of hostilities.'

"In an age of permanent war this is probably a lifetime. Anyone detained under the NDAA can be sent, according to Section (c)(4), to any 'foreign country or entity.'

"This is, in essence, extraordinary rendition of U.S. citizens. It empowers the government to ship detainees to the jails of some of the most repressive regimes on earth."

Chris Hedges: The NDAA and the Death of the Democratic State - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

You can only wonder why some Americans don't see (or want to admit they see) what's coming?
Dad had been dead for two weeks prior to the government killing the son. Can't really blame him.

But that is what the Administration did. In the press conference 2 or 3 days later former WH spokesperson Carney did just that, blamed the dad.

"I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well-being of their children," former White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs said to a gaggle of reporters in October. "I don't think becoming an al-Qaeda jihadist terrorist is the best way to go about doing your business."

Well it wasn't 2 - 3 days later, and it was Robert Gibbs, but yes.

Gibbs / Carney ....whatever, both were/are mouthpieces for the Administration.

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