Obama says he has the authority to kill civilians

Obama memo justifies drone-war killing of Americans | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Obama claims and orders that he has the authority to kill American civilians anywhere outside the Country any time he decides it is needed. All without Judicial, military or legal opinions actions or considerations.

His policy allows high level officials to simply say a person might be a threat and can not be captured, then with no consolation with the Military or Judiciary or Congress a drone attack to KILL that person can be ordered. A US Citizen, deprived of due process and all his Constitutional rights based solely on the Opinion of the President or high ranking officials.

Go ahead Obama supporters explain to us how this is legal or Constitutional. Show us you support the outright murder of anyone Obama feels like killing for just about any reason.,

Now that I think about it, the solution to closing the borders is readily apparent to the most casual observer. All Obama has to do is have some drones spot a group climbing the fence, declare that one of them is a terrorist on his list and go boom. No more alleged terrorist, and after a few more hellfire missile strikes, no one will want to go near the border.

KissMy fails to provide good evidence for the assertion. In fact, the USDOJ/OIG Special Report opined:

In early 1996, the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division (CRD) of the Department of Justice began supervising the investigation in an attempt to determine whether Trentadue had been beaten or murdered. After CRD presented extensive testimony to a federal grand jury, it declined prosecution of anyone. In a press release dated October 9, 1997, the Department of Justice reported CRD’s conclusions that the investigation failed to establish credible evidence that any BOP personnel violated federal civil rights laws and did not “establish evidence that was inconsistent with a conclusion that Trentadue committed suicide.”

:cuckoo: You are an idiot!

Suicide :lol: His body was bruised from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. The FBI moved their files every time just before the court demanded the content's of a certain computer drive or filing cabinet. Of course officially they deny beating him to death. Your retarded reference to 1997 press release is absurd since the court battle was still going on in 2009. :cuckoo:

Yes, you are :cuckoo: The DOJ says you are wrong. Trentadue committed suicide.

You are the dumbest retard on this board. The DOJ & Eric Holder are implicated in the cover-up :cuckoo:

Richard Lee Guthrie Jr was also tortured to death, beaten from the soles of his feet to the top of his head & found hanging in his cell. This happened a day before he was to be interviewed by the L.A. Times. The FBI had originally mistaken Kenneth Michael Trentadue for Richard Lee Guthrie Jr. The government also claims Richard Lee Guthrie Jr died from suicide.

Alden Gillis Baker witnessed the FBI torturing & killing Kenneth Michael Trentadue. Alden Gillis Baker was also beaten & hung in his cell. The government claimed Alden Gillis Baker death was also suicide. Just last year the Judge ruled that the FBI's explanation of missing Oklahoma City bombing tapes not credible.

I haven't the time to waste on you retard.
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The use of drones is not different than the use of Bombs against Dresden in WW II, Big Boy dropped on Hiroshima and Cruise Missiles used against Saddam's sons in Iraq - Collateral damage was the result. In fact Bush and Obama used more precise weapons and both did so in undeclared wars vis a vis FDR & Truman.

Presidents have to make difficult decisions and those made by a Commander-in-Chief are many times life and death ones. It is easy to be an armchair QB, I personally support the use of drones when used against the command and control leadership of those who have dedicated their life to killing Americans.

While I don't support Capital Punishment, per se, I have no problem with executing those who are not in custody and actively engaged in planning the death of our citizens.

Rule of law be damned. Planning the death of Americans? Can you back that up with any evidence. Lets talk about the 16 year old boy who was assassinated. Was he actively planning to kill americans?

I don't know the details re a 16 year old boy. But, how about Kadafi's (sic?) infant daughter killed when Reagan ordered our planes attack Libya? You may consider thus an apples and oranges comparison, I don't unless much more detail is known.

I know this is like asking a snake to change its habits, but how about not being a hypocrite so often?

How about this.

According to medical staff in the nearby hospital, two dozen people arrived in military uniform and two without uniform. Total Libyan casualties were estimated at 60, including casualties at the bombed airbases. Later among the casualties an infant girl, whose body was shown to American reporters and was claimed to be Gaddafi's recently adopted daughter Hana. However, there was and remains much skepticism over this
Didn't say anything about an "insurgent", addressing the claim that the government said he was 21.

Being "military age" isn't claiming someone is 21. Hell in this country "military age" is 18. Probably younger in Middle Eastern countries.


Except they did claim he was 21, which is why his birth certificate was provided proving he was only 16.

I provided a link showing the claim was "military age male".

Do you have a link from an administration official showing a claim of 21?


Try your quote with a little different emphasis bolded.

Two U.S. officials, again speaking on the condition of anonymity, suggested in the days after the strike that Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was in his 20s, calling him a “military-age male.” Such a description, under the laws of war, might make it easier to justify his killing.
Obama memo justifies drone-war killing of Americans | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Obama claims and orders that he has the authority to kill American civilians anywhere outside the Country any time he decides it is needed. All without Judicial, military or legal opinions actions or considerations.

His policy allows high level officials to simply say a person might be a threat and can not be captured, then with no consolation with the Military or Judiciary or Congress a drone attack to KILL that person can be ordered. A US Citizen, deprived of due process and all his Constitutional rights based solely on the Opinion of the President or high ranking officials.

Go ahead Obama supporters explain to us how this is legal or Constitutional. Show us you support the outright murder of anyone Obama feels like killing for just about any reason.,

Now that I think about it, the solution to closing the borders is readily apparent to the most casual observer. All Obama has to do is have some drones spot a group climbing the fence, declare that one of them is a terrorist on his list and go boom. No more alleged terrorist, and after a few more hellfire missile strikes, no one will want to go near the border.
Yes, he could do that via the Patriot Act. But it would be wrong as people looking for a better life aren't terrorists.
they didn't try to claim that he was 21, the claimed he was

"two u.s. Officials, again speaking on the condition of anonymity, suggested in the days after the strike that abdulrahman al-awlaki was in his 20s, calling him a “military-age male.” such a description, under the laws of war, might make it easier to justify his killing.​

and yes, 16 in many countries is military age. Military age in the united states? No. Military age in a middle eastern country? Probably.



Hadn't even noticed that.

You're right, I didn't.

I was wrong.

:cuckoo: You are an idiot!

Suicide :lol: His body was bruised from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. The FBI moved their files every time just before the court demanded the content's of a certain computer drive or filing cabinet. Of course officially they deny beating him to death. Your retarded reference to 1997 press release is absurd since the court battle was still going on in 2009. :cuckoo:

Yes, you are :cuckoo: The DOJ says you are wrong. Trentadue committed suicide.

You are the dumbest retard on this board. The DOJ & Eric Holder are implicated in the cover-up :cuckoo:

Richard Lee Guthrie Jr was also tortured to death, beaten from the soles of his feet to the top of his head & found hanging in his cell. This happened a day before he was to be interviewed by the L.A. Times. The FBI had originally mistaken Kenneth Michael Trentadue for Richard Lee Guthrie Jr. The government also claims Richard Lee Guthrie Jr died from suicide.

Alden Gillis Baker witnessed the FBI torturing & killing Kenneth Michael Trentadue. Alden Gillis Baker was also beaten & hung in his cell. The government claimed Alden Gillis Baker death was also suicide. Just last year the Judge ruled that the FBI's explanation of missing Oklahoma City bombing tapes not credible.

I haven't the time to waste on you retard.

You are posting conspiracy memes that fall apart on examination. Tis what tis.
Any vigilantes on the fence line of our border would make prefect drone feed, for they are acting as terrorists.
Yes, you are :cuckoo: The DOJ says you are wrong. Trentadue committed suicide.

You are the dumbest retard on this board. The DOJ & Eric Holder are implicated in the cover-up :cuckoo:

Richard Lee Guthrie Jr was also tortured to death, beaten from the soles of his feet to the top of his head & found hanging in his cell. This happened a day before he was to be interviewed by the L.A. Times. The FBI had originally mistaken Kenneth Michael Trentadue for Richard Lee Guthrie Jr. The government also claims Richard Lee Guthrie Jr died from suicide.

Alden Gillis Baker witnessed the FBI torturing & killing Kenneth Michael Trentadue. Alden Gillis Baker was also beaten & hung in his cell. The government claimed Alden Gillis Baker death was also suicide. Just last year the Judge ruled that the FBI's explanation of missing Oklahoma City bombing tapes not credible.

I haven't the time to waste on you retard.

You are posting conspiracy memes that fall apart on examination. Tis what tis.

Oklahoma City bombing case file too massive to search, FBI tells Utah judge - Due to past evidence that Hardy had provided false and misleading information to a court in another case, U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups ordered Hardy to declare that he or any of the involved federal agents had not provided the court with incomplete or misleading information. Waddoups expressed concern about the previous unrelated case: "When the deception was revealed, the government argued that it had authority to mislead the court and requested an opportunity to brief the issue."
You are the dumbest retard on this board. The DOJ & Eric Holder are implicated in the cover-up :cuckoo:

Richard Lee Guthrie Jr was also tortured to death, beaten from the soles of his feet to the top of his head & found hanging in his cell. This happened a day before he was to be interviewed by the L.A. Times. The FBI had originally mistaken Kenneth Michael Trentadue for Richard Lee Guthrie Jr. The government also claims Richard Lee Guthrie Jr died from suicide.

Alden Gillis Baker witnessed the FBI torturing & killing Kenneth Michael Trentadue. Alden Gillis Baker was also beaten & hung in his cell. The government claimed Alden Gillis Baker death was also suicide. Just last year the Judge ruled that the FBI's explanation of missing Oklahoma City bombing tapes not credible.

I haven't the time to waste on you retard.

You are posting conspiracy memes that fall apart on examination. Tis what tis.

Oklahoma City bombing case file too massive to search, FBI tells Utah judge - Due to past evidence that Hardy had provided false and misleading information to a court in another case, U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups ordered Hardy to declare that he or any of the involved federal agents had not provided the court with incomplete or misleading information. Waddoups expressed concern about the previous unrelated case: "When the deception was revealed, the government argued that it had authority to mislead the court and requested an opportunity to brief the issue."

You continue to fail.
The 16-year old was where he was because of his father.

So . . . dig up Dad and complain to him about child abuse.

Dad had been dead for two weeks prior to the government killing the son. Can't really blame him.

But that is what the Administration did. In the press conference 2 or 3 days later former WH spokesperson Carney did just that, blamed the dad.

"I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well-being of their children," former White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs said to a gaggle of reporters in October. "I don't think becoming an al-Qaeda jihadist terrorist is the best way to go about doing your business."
The 16-year old was where he was because of his father.

So . . . dig up Dad and complain to him about child abuse.

Dad had been dead for two weeks prior to the government killing the son. Can't really blame him.

But that is what the Administration did. In the press conference 2 or 3 days later former WH spokesperson Carney did just that, blamed the dad.

"I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well-being of their children," former White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs said to a gaggle of reporters in October. "I don't think becoming an al-Qaeda jihadist terrorist is the best way to go about doing your business."

Well it wasn't 2 - 3 days later, and it was Robert Gibbs, but yes.
KissMy fails to provide good evidence for the assertion. In fact, the USDOJ/OIG Special Report opined:

In early 1996, the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division (CRD) of the Department of Justice began supervising the investigation in an attempt to determine whether Trentadue had been beaten or murdered. After CRD presented extensive testimony to a federal grand jury, it declined prosecution of anyone. In a press release dated October 9, 1997, the Department of Justice reported CRD’s conclusions that the investigation failed to establish credible evidence that any BOP personnel violated federal civil rights laws and did not “establish evidence that was inconsistent with a conclusion that Trentadue committed suicide.”

:cuckoo: You are an idiot!

Suicide :lol: His body was bruised from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. The FBI moved their files every time just before the court demanded the content's of a certain computer drive or filing cabinet. Of course officially they deny beating him to death. Your retarded reference to 1997 press release is absurd since the court battle was still going on in 2009. :cuckoo:

Yes, you are :cuckoo: The DOJ says you are wrong. Trentadue committed suicide.

Trentadue committed suicide, as per the DOJ....whether he wanted to or not.

Isnt this the same DOJ that was involved in Waco, Ruby Ridge, Fast & Furious....how could you not believe them, they have such a track record for being so truthful and open.
Obama memo justifies drone-war killing of Americans | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Obama claims and orders that he has the authority to kill American civilians anywhere outside the Country any time he decides it is needed. All without Judicial, military or legal opinions actions or considerations.

His policy allows high level officials to simply say a person might be a threat and can not be captured, then with no consolation with the Military or Judiciary or Congress a drone attack to KILL that person can be ordered. A US Citizen, deprived of due process and all his Constitutional rights based solely on the Opinion of the President or high ranking officials.

Go ahead Obama supporters explain to us how this is legal or Constitutional. Show us you support the outright murder of anyone Obama feels like killing for just about any reason.,

That option was given to the POTUS in a SCOTUS DECISON in 2004. See: Hamdi 542, US 507, 518.

For what its worth I share you concern about this ruling, think it's outrageous and probably a threat to ALL americans regardless of who is president of the USA.

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