Obama says he is willing to negotiate if the government is reopened

You know its very obvious you know you are wrong, you just won't admit it. It's much easier to put all the blame on dems isn't it?

Point out in detail where I am wrong.

The House is responsible for this shutdown over a LAW. It is their responsibility to recognize a LAW. Instead they are acting like toddlers to get their way.

I don't even need to explain that to you.

Fine its a law. Nothing in the law says the house has to fund it. The law stays in place, but the government has no funding to enforce it. There are plenty of other laws on the books that are LAWS but are not enforced due to lack of funding for them, or executive indifference. How is this any different?
Obama said pass a 6 week CR AND a negotiating body for that time. Boehner says no...Pubs are insisting on wrecking the recovery AGAIN and possibly a new recession..BRILLIANT.

Not reported on the Pub Propaganda Machine, barely if ever on the cowardly corporate, ratings obsessed LSM...DEM DOMINATED MY BUTT.
Point out in detail where I am wrong.

The House is responsible for this shutdown over a LAW. It is their responsibility to recognize a LAW. Instead they are acting like toddlers to get their way.

I don't even need to explain that to you.

Fine its a law. Nothing in the law says the house has to fund it. The law stays in place, but the government has no funding to enforce it. There are plenty of other laws on the books that are LAWS but are not enforced due to lack of funding for them, or executive indifference. How is this any different?

How the fuck else would it be different? It's different because they are shutting down the government over it.

Yup, how dare they want to protect the economy and end this new bs extortion by a minority ''no compromise, un-American Tea Party''-- TIME:eusa_liar::cuckoo:

What economy? The one Obama's regime keeps in the crapper? The one that takes 85 billion a month to keep the US on life support?

Yea, we need to protect that cancer

Good grief................


Hey hey dude. Why don't you explain to all just what benefits to the economy we should all look for after the default on our debt. You seem to think you have a pretty good handle on what makes our economy function and I haven't seen any of you Repubs explain how this default on debt is going to be so good for us all.

So why don't you just take a moment and explain how beneficial default will be.

Hell maybe you can change my mine and I will support a default and shut down both.

Who knows. I guess it depends on how good your explanation is.
What default would that be?

The interest on the debt is less than 1/10 of the monthly income of the Federal Government.

How does that work again?
The House is responsible for this shutdown over a LAW. It is their responsibility to recognize a LAW. Instead they are acting like toddlers to get their way.

I don't even need to explain that to you.

Fine its a law. Nothing in the law says the house has to fund it. The law stays in place, but the government has no funding to enforce it. There are plenty of other laws on the books that are LAWS but are not enforced due to lack of funding for them, or executive indifference. How is this any different?

How the fuck else would it be different? It's different because they are shutting down the government over it.

Then you should probably write your Senator and tell them to start voting on the bills sent to them by the House. Simple up or down should do it.
The House is responsible for this shutdown over a LAW. It is their responsibility to recognize a LAW. Instead they are acting like toddlers to get their way.

I don't even need to explain that to you.

Fine its a law. Nothing in the law says the house has to fund it. The law stays in place, but the government has no funding to enforce it. There are plenty of other laws on the books that are LAWS but are not enforced due to lack of funding for them, or executive indifference. How is this any different?

How the fuck else would it be different? It's different because they are shutting down the government over it.


Nope, the Senate and the President had a bill that would fund 98% of the government. They continue to get bills that fund the individual items that people are complaining about. Democrats refuse to cooperate unless they get everything they want. Dems are the roadblock.

Its not like this is a budget, something the Dem controlled sentate hasnt passed in years, these are continuing resolutions, which by their nature can be peicemeal.

The house is following the rules set up by the consitution, the senate and the Prez are not allowing anything forward, which is thier right. However thiers is the blame for the shutdown.
What economy? The one Obama's regime keeps in the crapper? The one that takes 85 billion a month to keep the US on life support?

Yea, we need to protect that cancer

Good grief................


Hey hey dude. Why don't you explain to all just what benefits to the economy we should all look for after the default on our debt. You seem to think you have a pretty good handle on what makes our economy function and I haven't seen any of you Repubs explain how this default on debt is going to be so good for us all.

So why don't you just take a moment and explain how beneficial default will be.

Hell maybe you can change my mine and I will support a default and shut down both.

Who knows. I guess it depends on how good your explanation is.
What default would that be?

The interest on the debt is less than 1/10 of the monthly income of the Federal Government.

How does that work again?

You just can't figure this shit out can you. What default you ask? The one being threatened by the Speaker of the House and his minions the Teabaggers.

And no matter how bad you want Obams to bail your asses out when we do default, Obama has already said he won't fund government piecemeal. No just paying the interest on debt, no opening the parts of government that Rethugs want funded.

You know what. When you are in a war, you have to pick your battles. Obama is not up for re election again and he understands that to give in the T party terrorists will set a precedence that we may not be able to overcome. He (Obama) may decide that this is where the battle will be fought. Win, lose or draw but lets get it on.

i support Obama fully. This shit has to end right now.

If the Tbaggers and the rethugs in Congress want to destroy the country (and they do) then it won't happen without a fight. Maybe you baggers will win, maybe not. Lets find out.
Fine its a law. Nothing in the law says the house has to fund it. The law stays in place, but the government has no funding to enforce it. There are plenty of other laws on the books that are LAWS but are not enforced due to lack of funding for them, or executive indifference. How is this any different?

How the fuck else would it be different? It's different because they are shutting down the government over it.


Nope, the Senate and the President had a bill that would fund 98% of the government. They continue to get bills that fund the individual items that people are complaining about. Democrats refuse to cooperate unless they get everything they want. Dems are the roadblock.

Its not like this is a budget, something the Dem controlled sentate hasnt passed in years, these are continuing resolutions, which by their nature can be peicemeal.

The house is following the rules set up by the consitution, the senate and the Prez are not allowing anything forward, which is thier right. However thiers is the blame for the shutdown.

You sir are a liar. There is a Senate Dem budget right now that the Rethugs won't take up in the House to reconcile. Quit lying.
How the fuck else would it be different? It's different because they are shutting down the government over it.


Nope, the Senate and the President had a bill that would fund 98% of the government. They continue to get bills that fund the individual items that people are complaining about. Democrats refuse to cooperate unless they get everything they want. Dems are the roadblock.

Its not like this is a budget, something the Dem controlled sentate hasnt passed in years, these are continuing resolutions, which by their nature can be peicemeal.

The house is following the rules set up by the consitution, the senate and the Prez are not allowing anything forward, which is thier right. However thiers is the blame for the shutdown.

You sir are a liar. There is a Senate Dem budget right now that the Rethugs won't take up in the House to reconcile. Quit lying.

A budget cannot originate from the senate, it has to come from the house. Therefore it is a propaganda bill only, as any funding has to come from the house.

Who's lying now?
Obama offered and Boehner said no.

So be it. The American public blames all the players but particularly the GOP.
Obama offered and Boehner said no.

So be it. The American public blames all the players but particularly the GOP.

Offering to negotiate after the other side gives in is not an honest response, and everyone knows it. Considering the press won't hold Obama to honor this its a losing proposition for the GOP to accept it.
In other words, obama is saying "give me what I want, then I'll negotiate". In addition to the multitude of other things that obama is ignorant of, add negotiation to the list.
The delirious far right reactionaries continue thinking they have the American people on their side.

They don't.
The delirious far right reactionaries continue thinking they have the American people on their side.

They don't.

So far the majority of americans have not had thier life impacted by this at all. Thats the biggest fear of the Progressive statists, because it shows people that they dont need as much government as we already have.
Hmmm... Allow the debt ceiling to be raised, Obama talks for three minutes and then then walks out of the talks.

Let's have real negotiations and a deal before that ceiling is lifted.
The delirious far right reactionaries continue thinking they have the American people on their side.

They don't.

So far the majority of americans have not had thier life impacted by this at all. Thats the biggest fear of the Progressive statists, because it shows people that they dont need as much government as we already have.

I doesn't matter. If the GOP was smart they would come out as owning this whole shutdown. Because when obamacare fucks up our healthcare and our economy, which it is already doing, people will look back on this effort as heroic. But of course the GOP is schizophrenic due to the proliferation of RINOs and progressives in the party.
The delirious far right reactionaries continue thinking they have the American people on their side.

They don't.

So far the majority of americans have not had thier life impacted by this at all. Thats the biggest fear of the Progressive statists, because it shows people that they dont need as much government as we already have.

I doesn't matter. If the GOP was smart they would come out as owning this whole shutdown. Because when obamacare fucks up our healthcare and our economy, which it is already doing, people will look back on this effort as heroic. But of course the GOP is schizophrenic due to the proliferation of RINOs and progressives in the party.

You have far more faith in the electorate than I do.
This is like Mob negotiations.

Give me everything I want and we'll negotiate on what I give back.

obama learned in in Chicago.

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