Obama says there needs to be justice for Michael Brown

Did Obama mean no justice no peace?
That's a biggie in the black community...

You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and you are spot on.

Today, when a white person here's a black use the word "justice" immediately in their mind they hear "no justice no peace !"

So in our minds we immediately think that Obama being black, is saying there has to be justice for the black victim.

You nailed it dude ! :clap2:
We have a young black man who was killed during some interaction with a police officer.
This incident is being investigated as it should be.
Before the results are in we have rioting,looting and a comment from Obama...

Then we have a young white man murdered in cold blood for no reason other then....Hey why not just kill a white kid....

The response from Obama,Sharpton.... nothing!

The Libs will say the kid who did it was arrested what's the problem.
Ain't no big thang!
Tell that to the family.

Is this where we are as a country...
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Obama needs to shut his fat mouth and go back to the golf course. Nobody in Ferguson gives a rat's ass about what that uncle Tom says. When on the golf cart, he has Saul Alinsky at arm's length for advice.

It is what he said. I just fucking listened to it.

WTF is the deal with you libs? Gotta try to lie & twist EVERYTHING

You're the one lying and twisting, read the fucking transcript. You don't get to make your own reality.

Note the screen name: Murked.

dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.
Another one too dumb to get it.

You seek justice on behalf of the victim. Obama is implying that an injustice was done. Obama doesn't know any of the facts and neither do the rest of us.

There may in fact need to be justice served in this case. OR justice may have already been served when the kid was shot.

No one outside of the investigators have any idea which way is correct but Obama and all you liberal scumbags are just ready to hang someone regardless of the facts to be determined.

Simply seeking the facts & truth =/= serving justice.

Justice applies to everyone in the situation. The dead teen, the cop that shot him, the townspeople, etc. Justice isn't just about the victim.

Didn't you get justice, dumbass?

The storeowners whose businesses were robbed and damaged also need "justice".
Yes, I included them under townspeople. And Obama did as well.
We have a young black man who was killed during some interaction with a police officer.
This incident is being investigated as it should be.
Before the results are in we have rioting,looting and a comment from Obama...

Then we have a young white man murdered in cold blood for no reason other then....Hey why not just kill a white kid....
White man killed in random racial hate crime in Stuttgart, Arkansas

The response from Obama,Sharpton.... nothing!

The Libs will say the kid who did it was arrested what's the problem.
Ain't no big thang!
Tell that to the family.

Is this where we are as a country...


Like I said, twisting the truth. What is wrong with this statement?

"I made clear to the attorney general that we should do what is necessary to help determine exactly what happened and to see that justice is done."

Maybe justice is that the cop acted wrongly and is tried for murder. Maybe justice is that kthe kid did something that led to his death and the cop is not charged.

Which is not at all contrary to my title or op which you called me a liar for and even negged me.

Fuck off hack

You are lying in this post. Your OP is a whine about Obama calling for justice FOR A BLACK KID. Your subsequent posts are whines about Obama using the race card and blah.....blah......blah!

You still can't handle a black guy being your president. It consumes you.
Did Obama mean no justice no peace?
That's a biggie in the black community...

You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and you are spot on.

Today, when a white person here's a black use the word "justice" immediately in their mind they hear "no justice no peace !"

So in our minds we immediately think that Obama being black, is saying there has to be justice for the black victim.

You nailed it dude ! :clap2:

No. Not all white people. Just some. Guess which ones.
Thousands of unarmed blacks killed by other blacks - crickets.
One unarmed black killed by a (presumably white) cop and there's hell to pay.

Awwwwww! You poor guy! Did posting those words for the thousandth time make you feel any better?

Every murder is investigated and is considered a bad thing. Every murder doesn't get a ton of press. It is that way for reasons OTHER THAN RACE you stupid fuck.
What kind of statement is that? How does he know justice wasn't already served? No one knows all the details. If the kid did or didn't attack the cop. Did the cop shoot in self defense? Did the cop shoot out of malice?

Does Obama realize justice doesn't see skin color but rather laws & crime.

Also why is Obama complaining about the way the police are treating reporters when it's his own FAA that restricted news choppers from flying above to cover the story.

What kind of statement is that?

It's a 'mission statement'. It's stating that no one is above the law.

It also sends a signal to the state that this will not be swept under the rug and the Federal Government has taken an interest in it.

Your whole OP contradicts itself in just a few sentences..
Did Obama mean no justice no peace?
That's a biggie in the black community...

You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and you are spot on.

Today, when a white person here's a black use the word "justice" immediately in their mind they hear "no justice no peace !"

So in our minds we immediately think that Obama being black, is saying there has to be justice for the black victim.

You nailed it dude ! :clap2:

Conservatives have reminded everyone, each and every day, that Obama is a black man.

Now? It's a problem?

Did Obama mean no justice no peace?
That's a biggie in the black community...

You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and you are spot on.

Today, when a white person here's a black use the word "justice" immediately in their mind they hear "no justice no peace !"

So in our minds we immediately think that Obama being black, is saying there has to be justice for the black victim.

You nailed it dude ! :clap2:

No. Not all white people. Just some. Guess which ones.

The ones who pay attention.
Did Obama mean no justice no peace?
That's a biggie in the black community...

You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and you are spot on.

Today, when a white person here's a black use the word "justice" immediately in their mind they hear "no justice no peace !"

So in our minds we immediately think that Obama being black, is saying there has to be justice for the black victim.

You nailed it dude ! :clap2:

Conservatives have reminded everyone, each and every day, that Obama is a black man.

Now? It's a problem?


Did you notice it? Did you see where he said " a white person"......but then said "a black"? No "person". Do you think he realizes it?
If these idiots would wait a few months they'd probably get their fucking justice. Instead, what do they do? They riot, loot and destroy peoples property.

Dumb is the key word here.

Yes. Rioting and looting is dumb. People of all races do it. It a dumb thing that humans sometimes do.

Did ya notice how there was no rioting in Ferguson last night? Is that because those people are now smart? Would you like to make a post about how smart and wonderful the people of Ferguson are?

Do you see? Do you understand why your thought trains don't ride on the rails properly?
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