Obama says there needs to be justice for Michael Brown

I apologize. He was suspected to be involved in a robbery.

None of that excuses what happened to him.

Apology accepted. And I agree that alone does not justify being shot by police. But if we didn't know this till today, what other details are we missing?

He got shot in the commision of a felony against a uniformed police officer. The robbery stuff doesn't enter into it.

Execution is not the penalty for maybe being a shoplifter. An UNARMED one at that.
What was he wearing when shot?

I thought he had on pants and a green shirt. Trying to find the photo.

When he was laying in the street he was wearing a white t-shirt....just like the guy in the store.

That is NOT a white t-shirt

What kind of statement is that? How does he know justice wasn't already served? No one knows all the details. If the kid did or didn't attack the cop. Did the cop shoot in self defense? Did the cop shoot out of malice?

Does Obama realize justice doesn't see skin color but rather laws & crime.

Also why is Obama complaining about the way the police are treating reporters when it's his own FAA that restricted news choppers from flying above to cover the story.

He said three times in his speech that he wanted to see justice done.

And you disagree with that? Why, because the kid is black?

Would that also include, identifying and prosecuting the one's that were looting the stores during the riots?
What kind of statement is that? How does he know justice wasn't already served? No one knows all the details. If the kid did or didn't attack the cop. Did the cop shoot in self defense? Did the cop shoot out of malice?

Does Obama realize justice doesn't see skin color but rather laws & crime.

Also why is Obama complaining about the way the police are treating reporters when it's his own FAA that restricted news choppers from flying above to cover the story.

It means he wants to see "social justice"....in other words, violent protests, rampaging "youths", social media stocking, death threats, and maybe a good old fasioned Democrat led lynch mob.

That's "justice" to these progressive shitbags.
What kind of statement is that? How does he know justice wasn't already served? No one knows all the details. If the kid did or didn't attack the cop. Did the cop shoot in self defense? Did the cop shoot out of malice?

Does Obama realize justice doesn't see skin color but rather laws & crime.

Also why is Obama complaining about the way the police are treating reporters when it's his own FAA that restricted news choppers from flying above to cover the story.

It means he wants to see "social justice"....in other words, violent protests, rampaging "youths", social media stocking, death threats, and maybe a good old fasioned Democrat led lynch mob.

That's "justice" to these progressive shitbags.

Another right wing pea brain emoting what she wants to believe with ZERO evidence.
If he is the one that robbed the store, I don't feel the least bit sorry for him now.

The cop may still have acted inappropriately though.
If there is to be justice for Michael Brown, then Dorian Johnson would be arrested for robbing the store as an accomplice, obstruction of justice, giving false information to a police officer and the murder of Michael Brown.

When is that arrest going to happen?
BOBO runs his mouth about the cops "bullying".
Then we get to see the photos of 'Big Mike' the well known local bully since childhood 'bully' a little store clerk half his size while committing strong-arm robbery.
How fucking hilarious is that??????????
Turns out the cop stopped 'Big Mike' and Johnson based in a dispatch call describing the two in detail as the one's who committed the crime.
Then 'Big Mike' tries to 'bully' the cop then 'Big Mike' gets his lights turned out.
I'd send 'Big Mike's' parents a bill for the cost of the rounds the cop used to get rid of a public menace.
Apology accepted. And I agree that alone does not justify being shot by police. But if we didn't know this till today, what other details are we missing?

He got shot in the commision of a felony against a uniformed police officer. The robbery stuff doesn't enter into it.

Execution is not the penalty for maybe being a shoplifter. An UNARMED one at that.
'Big Mike' had just committed a felony. That is very different than "shoplifting".
'Big Mike' it turns out was a very well known bully since childhood. Everyone in the community was shit-scared of him.
He thought he could once again walk into a store and take whatever he wanted......like he had been able to do since he was fourteen.
This time the little store clerk half the size of 'Big Mike' called the cops. The cops were dispatched and saw 'Big Mike' the person fitting the description.
When 'Big Mike' was stopped he started to get into it with the cop thinking he could bully the cop. Not so much this time.
The facts will show that 'Big Mike' was well known to the local cops for committing numerous crimes since childhood.
'Big Mike's' luck ran out and the 'Maker's only have one more expense: The cost of burying the simian.
What we have yet to see however is 'Big Mike's baby pictures on MSNBC.
There is only one victim in this situation. Who the hell else would we be seeking justice for?

Some of you are so pathetically dense it is beyond belief

The cop who shot him who people are calling a murderer?

You don't seek justice for a perp dumbass. You seek justice for victims. And there is only one victim in this situation.
So is being a suspect, or being Black a capital offense? When police shoot perps, there MUST be justice for that perp. Innocent until PROVEN guilty applies to each and every American citizen.

The real problem is an over militarized police force actin with impunity. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. That's an old saying that is true. When all you have is a gun, everyone looks like a criminal. And that goes for the reactionary cops and private citizens packing heat 'for their own protection'.
The cop who shot him who people are calling a murderer?

You don't seek justice for a perp dumbass. You seek justice for victims. And there is only one victim in this situation.
So is being a suspect, or being Black a capital offense? When police shoot perps, there MUST be justice for that perp. Innocent until PROVEN guilty applies to each and every American citizen.

The real problem is an over militarized police force actin with impunity. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. That's an old saying that is true. When all you have is a gun, everyone looks like a criminal. And that goes for the reactionary cops and private citizens packing heat 'for their own protection'.

Another problem is the desperate desire on the part of most on the right to justify the shooting absent any evidence that the killing was warranted.
You don't seek justice for a perp dumbass. You seek justice for victims. And there is only one victim in this situation.
So is being a suspect, or being Black a capital offense? When police shoot perps, there MUST be justice for that perp. Innocent until PROVEN guilty applies to each and every American citizen.

The real problem is an over militarized police force actin with impunity. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. That's an old saying that is true. When all you have is a gun, everyone looks like a criminal. And that goes for the reactionary cops and private citizens packing heat 'for their own protection'.

Another problem is the desperate desire on the part of most on the right to justify the shooting absent any evidence that the killing was warranted.

It's not surprising. It's the same old game that the left and right fight about all the time. Victimhood and responsibility.
There is only one victim in this situation. Who the hell else would we be seeking justice for?

Some of you are so pathetically dense it is beyond belief

The cop who shot him who people are calling a murderer?

You don't seek justice for a perp dumbass. You seek justice for victims. And there is only one victim in this situation.

And that would be Brown if there was no justification for the shooting and no imminent threat to law enforcement or public safely.

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