Obama says there needs to be justice for Michael Brown

You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and you are spot on.

Today, when a white person here's a black use the word "justice" immediately in their mind they hear "no justice no peace !"

So in our minds we immediately think that Obama being black, is saying there has to be justice for the black victim.

You nailed it dude ! :clap2:

No. Not all white people. Just some. Guess which ones.

The ones who pay attention.

BZZZZZZZZZZZ! Wrong answer!

Wanna try again?
From the transcript
...he’s going to be able to communicate his desire to make sure that justice is done ....

Where specifically does he say justice for Michael Brown? How do you know he isn't speaking in general terms no matter how the investigation goes?

There is only one victim in this situation. Who the hell else would we be seeking justice for?

Some of you are so pathetically dense it is beyond belief

Grampa, do you hear "code" words in this speech? Because the President did not say anything that is inappropriate or bias. There is really something pathetic when someone hears what is not said.
If these idiots would wait a few months they'd probably get their fucking justice. Instead, what do they do? They riot, loot and destroy peoples property.

Dumb is the key word here.

No retard. You dont wait a few months. The cops name should have been released and the police have been proven to be incompetent in their handling of the situation. No violence last night. People have a right to protest what they want to now not in a few months.
You know, I was thinking about this earlier, and you are spot on.

Today, when a white person here's a black use the word "justice" immediately in their mind they hear "no justice no peace !"

So in our minds we immediately think that Obama being black, is saying there has to be justice for the black victim.

You nailed it dude ! :clap2:

No. Not all white people. Just some. Guess which ones.

The ones who pay attention.

The crave chimps ones.
He was shot and killed for WHAT? Raising his hands above his head?

Apparently he was involved in a strong armed robbery just moments before the shooting

^lying. Big surprise!

Negged you stupid bitch.

I've seen the photos of him ROBBING THE QUICK TRIP. The photos were released to the press this morning. If you didn't see them that doesn't make me a liar. Just makes YOU another leftwing uninformed idiot
Apparently he was involved in a strong armed robbery just moments before the shooting

^lying. Big surprise!

Negged you stupid bitch.

I've seen the photos of him ROBBING THE QUICK TRIP. The photos were released to the press this morning. If you didn't see them that doesn't make me a liar. Just makes YOU another leftwing uninformed idiot
I apologize. He was suspected to be involved in a robbery.

None of that excuses what happened to him.
^lying. Big surprise!

Negged you stupid bitch.

I've seen the photos of him ROBBING THE QUICK TRIP. The photos were released to the press this morning. If you didn't see them that doesn't make me a liar. Just makes YOU another leftwing uninformed idiot
I apologize. He was suspected to be involved in a robbery.

None of that excuses what happened to him.

Apology accepted. And I agree that alone does not justify being shot by police. But if we didn't know this till today, what other details are we missing?
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Negged you stupid bitch.

I've seen the photos of him ROBBING THE QUICK TRIP. The photos were released to the press this morning. If you didn't see them that doesn't make me a liar. Just makes YOU another leftwing uninformed idiot
I apologize. He was suspected to be involved in a robbery.

None of that excuses what happened to him.

Apology accepted. And I agree that alone does not justify being shot by police. But if we didn't know this till today, what other details are we missing?
If this is even true, why didn't the cops say it to begin with and avoid the riots?
Negged you stupid bitch.

I've seen the photos of him ROBBING THE QUICK TRIP. The photos were released to the press this morning. If you didn't see them that doesn't make me a liar. Just makes YOU another leftwing uninformed idiot
I apologize. He was suspected to be involved in a robbery.

None of that excuses what happened to him.

Apology accepted. And I agree that alone does not justify being shot by police. But if we didn't know this till today, what other details are we missing?

He got shot in the commision of a felony against a uniformed police officer. The robbery stuff doesn't enter into it.
I apologize. He was suspected to be involved in a robbery.

None of that excuses what happened to him.

Apology accepted. And I agree that alone does not justify being shot by police. But if we didn't know this till today, what other details are we missing?

He got shot in the commision of a felony against a uniformed police officer. The robbery stuff doesn't enter into it.

Sure it does. It tells us why the officer was interacting with him to begin with.

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