Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continue

And the repubs have filibustered every single jobs bill or part thereof.

Thats because they have the IQ to know that government does not invent things and so can't create real jobs. They do create mal-investment make-work bubble jobs that disappear when the bubble bursts thus causing another recession.

Now you understand why the Great Depression lasted so long and why this depression is lasting so long!!
No, dipshit. 22 n unemployed and the repubs block all legislation out of the houise and filibuster anything that gets to the senate. And please, dipshit, what should a pres do at that point. McConnell was happy, until the pres go reelected. And cons are like pigs in shit. They love the bad numbers.

what a child

reps control one branch of government.

the dems have fucked the country for fun.

but hey, 22 million people on UE, but obama created 200 million jobs.

Yes, they have a majority in one house, the senate. The Repubs own the house.

However, the dems do not have a FILIBUSTER PROOF MAJORITY IN THE SENATE. And the repubs have filibustered every single jobs bill or part thereof. All of them. Record number of filibusters in a four year period. Higher than any 8 year period by a long, long ways. And, of course, the house brings NO jobs bill to the senate.

Get it yet? The us population does. Which is why a pres with a high UE rate was reelected.

And perhaps you would like to show us where you got the 22 million on unemployment? Didn't think so. Tool.

get your facts straight.
House Has Passed 22 Bipartisan Jobs Bills, & Counting
House Has Passed 22 Bipartisan Jobs Bills, & Counting | Speaker.gov
And, of course, the house brings NO jobs bill to the senate.

Get it yet?

And, of course, the house brings NO jobs bill to the senate.

Get it yet? [/QUOTE]

Sure we get it:

"On ABC's This Week, Speaker Boehner highlighted the 22 bipartisan House-passed jobs bills that would remove government barriers to job growth (by stopping unnecessary regulations, preventing tax hikes on small businesses, and more) but remain stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Instead of more of the same failed 'stimulus' spending, these bills - all part of the Republican Plan for America's Job Creators - free job creators from government obstacles that prevent them from hiring new workers. Watch Speaker Boehner's interview and learn more about the House-passed jobs bills below:"
If obama could shift everyone who is unemployed to some type of public benefit, he could reach an unemployment rate of zero.

That is the reductio ad absurdum of driving down the UE rate by eliminating people from the workforce.

We could have 100% full employment by having one person make $T coins to support government debt...and have everyone live on entitlement benefits.

That would work until inventories ran out. The upside being, we'd have plenty of obese people as the first victims in our return to cannibalism.

Long pig...that's "good eatin".
No, dipshit. 22 n unemployed and the repubs block all legislation out of the houise and filibuster anything that gets to the senate. And please, dipshit, what should a pres do at that point. McConnell was happy, until the pres go reelected. And cons are like pigs in shit. They love the bad numbers.

what a child

reps control one branch of government.

the dems have fucked the country for fun.

but hey, 22 million people on UE, but obama created 200 million jobs.

Yes, they have a majority in one house, the senate. The Repubs own the house.

However, the dems do not have a FILIBUSTER PROOF MAJORITY IN THE SENATE. And the repubs have filibustered every single jobs bill or part thereof. All of them. Record number of filibusters in a four year period. Higher than any 8 year period by a long, long ways. And, of course, the house brings NO jobs bill to the senate.

Get it yet? The us population does. Which is why a pres with a high UE rate was reelected.

And perhaps you would like to show us where you got the 22 million on unemployment? Didn't think so. Tool.

And the dems have refused to pass a budget

and by refuse, I mean they won't vote on any proposed budget.

and every "jobs bill" has sucked balls, and the one that got through made it worse.

here's the link to prove you didn't think;

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

obama got re-elected b/c sheep were convinced that birth control was more important than the economy.
October 2012 -- 143,328
November 2012 -- 143,277
December 2012 -- 143,305

Dropping Out Of Labor Force
October 2012 -- 88,407
November 2012 -- 88,855
December 2012 -- 88,839


Doesn't speak all that well for Obama's economy, when you include ALL the important details.

What that does not speak well of is your honesty.

Here's your link from the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is anything but made up and dishonest. If you are going to call me dishonest, better have the facts to back that up.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

Again, people shouldn't post things they don't understand.
The numbers you posted for "dropping out of Labor Force" are NOT people dropping out, just total people not in the Labor Force. And about 92% of them say they don't want to work. (Table A-1 subtract "persons who currently want a job" from not in the labor force and take that as a percent of the labor force)Over half of those Not in the Labor Force are over 65 or disabled (or both). (Table A-6)
Then we have 16.4% of not in the labor force are students age 16-24 (derived from Table A-16)and 27.6 are married women living with their spouse (some overlap there with disabled, over 65 and students derived from Data retriever).

And even of those who "dropped out" (which includes retirees and people going back to school etc) who stopped looking...most were for personal reasons, not labor market...child care issues, school, family emergencies etc.

Oh contrayer. The numbers reflect those who choose another path, as a result of what they discovered as a poor producing economy. Instead they pursue other interests: to further their education to attain some form of degree towards work, or just accept plans of an early retirement. Still others have simply given up altogether, becoming discouraged over a lack of quality skilled employment. As there becomes less of a demand to collect unemployment, or their benefits simply ran out, naturally it gives a inaccurate misconception of the TRUE state of the economy. Show me a report from a vigorous strong and healthy economy that has over 80,000 dropping out of the labor force each month.
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what a child

reps control one branch of government.

the dems have fucked the country for fun.

but hey, 22 million people on UE, but obama created 200 million jobs.

Yes, they have a majority in one house, the senate. The Repubs own the house.

However, the dems do not have a FILIBUSTER PROOF MAJORITY IN THE SENATE. And the repubs have filibustered every single jobs bill or part thereof. All of them. Record number of filibusters in a four year period. Higher than any 8 year period by a long, long ways. And, of course, the house brings NO jobs bill to the senate.

Get it yet? The us population does. Which is why a pres with a high UE rate was reelected.

And perhaps you would like to show us where you got the 22 million on unemployment? Didn't think so. Tool.

And the dems have refused to pass a budget

and by refuse, I mean they won't vote on any proposed budget.

and every "jobs bill" has sucked balls, and the one that got through made it worse.

here's the link to prove you didn't think;

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

obama got re-elected b/c sheep were convinced that birth control was more important than the economy.
wellm me boy, you may want to go to the cbo site, and see if they agree with you. I can tell you, they do not. And, if you know how a budget is done, you will find it gets submitted finally by congress after starting with the pres. Interesting that you blame the pres, eh. I bet you normally are quite non partial.
October 2012 -- 143,328
November 2012 -- 143,277
December 2012 -- 143,305

Dropping Out Of Labor Force
October 2012 -- 88,407
November 2012 -- 88,855
December 2012 -- 88,839


Doesn't speak all that well for Obama's economy, when you include ALL the important details.

What that does not speak well of is your honesty.

Here's your link from the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is anything but made up and dishonest. If you are going to call me dishonest, better have the facts to back that up.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

Again, people shouldn't post things they don't understand.
The numbers you posted for "dropping out of Labor Force" are NOT people dropping out, just total people not in the Labor Force. And about 92% of them say they don't want to work. (Table A-1 subtract "persons who currently want a job" from not in the labor force and take that as a percent of the labor force)Over half of those Not in the Labor Force are over 65 or disabled (or both). (Table A-6)
Then we have 16.4% of not in the labor force are students age 16-24 (derived from Table A-16)and 27.6 are married women living with their spouse (some overlap there with disabled, over 65 and students derived from Data retriever).

And even of those who "dropped out" (which includes retirees and people going back to school etc) who stopped looking...most were for personal reasons, not labor market...child care issues, school, family emergencies etc.

Oh contrayer. The numbers reflect those who choose another path, as a result of what they discovered as a poor producing economy.
I'd like to see your evidence that that's the reason why a growing number of people say they do not want to work.

Instead they pursue other interests: to further their education to attain some form of degree towards work, or just accept plans of an early retirement.
All choices as to what's best for the individual. NOT the same as giving up out of despair which you're claiming.

Still others have simply given up altogether, becoming discouraged over a lack of quality skilled employment.
True. There's about 1 million of those.

s there becomes less of a demand to collect unemployment, or their benefits simply ran out, naturally it gives a inaccurate misconception of the TRUE state of the economy.
Except eligibility or receipt of Unemployment Insurance Benefits has NEVER been part of the Unemployment calculations.

Show me a report from a vigorous strong and healthy economy that has over 80,000 dropping out of the labor force each month.
Ok. From November 1998 to May 2001 the UE rate averaged 4.1%. On average during that time period, 5.2 million people left the labor force every month. (retrieved from Labor Force Flows Tool adding together monthly change of Employed to Not in the Labor Force and Unemployed to Not in the Labor Force). More joined, of course, for a positive net gain, but that's not what you asked.

And of course Percentage of people not in the labor force was higher than currently in every month before Dec 1978.

And there is not and never has been a NET change of anywhere near 80,000 leaving the labor force every month. 88,000 is the LEVEL of people not in the labor force, NOT a monthly change.

Again....Not in the Labor Force does NOT mean "gave up" (especially as many in that category have never been in the Labor Force) nor does it necessarily mean bad times.

There are legitimate arguments to make about how the drop in Labor Force participation is bad (and I agree with them) but you're not making legitimate arguments.
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If we were at 7.8 unemployment in 2004, you and the rest of the liberoidal howler monkeys would've been howling like the monkeys that you are.

of course because 2004 was not an election after an economic crisis as terrible as what Obama inherited.

in 2008 the economy was collapsing. in 2000 teh economy was marching along just fine thank you
Still the fault of BOOOOOOOOSH!

What an asshole.

You brought him up. Don't like the fact that BOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH left Obama an economy in free fall to bottom don't say dumb shit like...."If we were at 7.8 unemployment in 2004, you and the rest of the liberoidal howler monkeys would've been howling like the monkeys that you are."

Context matters.
Don't like the fact that BOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH left Obama an economy in free fall to bottom

of course Bush was not the government and certainly not the part of the governemnt that caused the housing crisis!!

Only a liberal could be so slow as to not know that.
Poor ed. Can not explain why unemployment is getting better. And he just hates it. Being a mental case, it really screws up his sense of order. And one of his heroes, Mitch McConnell, promised to make Obama a one term president. And spent three years trying to crash the economy. Ed is so confused.
Poor ed. Can not explain why unemployment is getting better. And he just hates it. Being a mental case, it really screws up his sense of order. And one of his heroes, Mitch McConnell, promised to make Obama a one term president. And spent three years trying to crash the economy. Ed is so confused.

unemployed Jan 2009 11,616,000
unemployed Dec 2012 12,206,000
Poor ed. Can not explain why unemployment is getting better. And he just hates it. Being a mental case, it really screws up his sense of order. And one of his heroes, Mitch McConnell, promised to make Obama a one term president. And spent three years trying to crash the economy. Ed is so confused.

unemployed Jan 2009 11,616,000
unemployed Dec 2012 12,206,000
hmmm Rshermr says that unemployment is getting better, and you reply with the levels for Jan 2009 and Dec 2012, Are you trying to claim that the level has only gone up?

oh, and your numbers are off. The Jan 2009 number has been revised up to 12,079,000
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Poor ed. Can not explain why unemployment is getting better

Too stupid but perfectly liberal

Better??? U1,U5,U6 are almost double their historical averages.

U6 Unemployment Rate | MacroTrends

See why we say slow????????

The link shows U3, U5, and U6, not U1 (though that's actually a very important one to look at right now). And yes, Better. He didn't say "better than historical average," just better. And looking at the chart, Unemployment is better than it was 3 months ago and the trend is clearly downward. No, not fast enough. No, not better than pre-recession yet. But better than the worst of the recession and continuing that trend.
Poor ed. Can not explain why unemployment is getting better. And he just hates it. Being a mental case, it really screws up his sense of order. And one of his heroes, Mitch McConnell, promised to make Obama a one term president. And spent three years trying to crash the economy. Ed is so confused.

unemployed Jan 2009 11,616,000
unemployed Dec 2012 12,206,000
hmmm Rshermr says that unemployment is getting better, and you reply with the levels for Jan 2009 and Dec 2012, Are you trying to claim that the level has only gone up?

oh, and your numbers are off. The Jan 2009 number has been revised up to 12,079,000
not according to this
or this
more are unemployed today than when Obama took office.

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