Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continue

of course because 2004 was not an election after an economic crisis as terrible as what Obama inherited.

in 2008 the economy was collapsing. in 2000 teh economy was marching along just fine thank you

You ever hear of Global Crossing?

string these together: economic crisis -- over-the-counter derivatives -- Wall Street -- subprime lending -- AIG -- JP Morgan -- Bear Stearns -- mortgage-backed securities

You said something about the 2000 economy was doing "just fine thank you"

Did you leave out the DotCom crash?
unemployment today is the fall out of the 2007/2008 economic crisis. to suggest otherwise is to spin reality. Women and African Americans as well as others are always hit hardest when we get the type of unemployment we've experienced since the 2007/2008 economic collapse.

it took decades to get us here, it will take more than 4 years to get back to where we want to be

The real unemployment rate is over 11% Obama's record is a joke. People dropping out of the workforce is not progress

In 2008 ...

That's why we say that Obama inherited a rapidly-increasing unemployment rate. Why did it continue to rise after Obama took office? It takes a while for any government policy to take effect. Both TARP, the bank bailout signed by Bush in late 2008, and ARRA, the stimulus signed by Obama in February 2009, needed time to take effect, and that simply did not happen immediately. How long does it take to turn around the proverbial aircraft carrier vs. a speed boat? However, even though it took 9 months for the unemployment rate to max out (see the graph above) and start decreasing, the rate of increase slowed down by June 2009.

We can also think of the analogy of a fire: If a building is burning down, the fire department is called. It takes time for the fire department to put out the fire; it takes time for the fire to cool; it takes times for the debris to be hauled away. Only then can rebuilding start. And you certainly don't blame the fire department or the people who clean up the debris for the fire, do you?

The question, "What Caused the Rise in the Unemployment Rate After Obama Took Office?" really makes no sense... The unemployment rate was rising rapidly before Obama took office, and it took a few months for policies to kick in and stem the job bloodbath. A better question would be "What Caused the Rise in the Unemployment Rate Starting in 2007?" The answer to that would be the housing crisis and the resulting crisis in banks and lending institutions. But that is outside the scope of this article.

Molly's Middle America: What Was the Unemployment Rate When Obama Took Office Compared to Now? (October 2012 update)

Well...as just mentioned, the unemployment rate was on its way up with a bullet starting in early 2008. The unemployment rate was 4.4% in mid 2007 before the full impact of the housing crash hit the labor market. Employment in construction hit a max in mid 2006 and had already started down by mid 2007, but most other employment sectors were not impacted. But by late 2007, the entire economy was starting to feel the impact of the housing crash. In a year and a half, from June 2007 until January 2009, the unemployment rate went from 4.4% to the 7.8% discussed above.

wow! Unemployment rose very fast and high under Bush?

The recession was over in 09 we've been stuck in a rut since Obama
Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues

I just love the headline. :eusa_clap:

Conservatives would have us think with Obama in office this is bad news, but we all know if Romney/Ryan had won they'd be celebrating this.

Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues | National Monitor

and all the GOP has to sell is doom and gloom as the skies brighten? :eusa_shhh:

Who knew that "falls" and "unchanged" were synonymous when speaking about unemployment?
George Orwell's 1984 has arrived (albeit a few years later) and Dante is proof.

Fool :lol: one was a headline. :lol: nothing Orwellian there, just your reading and comprehension skills lacking

Dante even spelled it out for imbeciles like you "I just love the headline." true story. check it out. :lmao:

You believed the words enough to type them yourself.
That says more about you than it does about me. You posted it, you wrote it and you own it.
You ever hear of Global Crossing?

string these together: economic crisis -- over-the-counter derivatives -- Wall Street -- subprime lending -- AIG -- JP Morgan -- Bear Stearns -- mortgage-backed securities

You said something about the 2000 economy was doing "just fine thank you"

Did you leave out the DotCom crash?

The government and Bill Clinton had very little to do with the dot com crash. I think it was partly because of so little government regulation that there was such an idiotic bubble as the dot com one.

Housing and economic crisis in 2007/2008 can be attributed to government intervention in fighting regulation and pushing the bubble
How many people were removed from the rank of unemployed because they had exhausted their benefits? How many new recipients are now on food stamps and assisted housing? Once you can answer this question then you will have something to dance about.
Who knew that "falls" and "unchanged" were synonymous when speaking about unemployment?
George Orwell's 1984 has arrived (albeit a few years later) and Dante is proof.

Fool :lol: one was a headline. :lol: nothing Orwellian there, just your reading and comprehension skills lacking

Dante even spelled it out for imbeciles like you "I just love the headline." true story. check it out. :lmao:

You believed the words enough to type them yourself.
That says more about you than it does about me. You posted it, you wrote it and you own it.

I posted a hyperbolic headline and even commented on it... :lol: gawd, you're fucking stupid sometimes
The real unemployment rate is over 11% Obama's record is a joke. People dropping out of the workforce is not progress

In 2008 ...

Well...as just mentioned, the unemployment rate was on its way up with a bullet starting in early 2008. The unemployment rate was 4.4% in mid 2007 before the full impact of the housing crash hit the labor market. Employment in construction hit a max in mid 2006 and had already started down by mid 2007, but most other employment sectors were not impacted. But by late 2007, the entire economy was starting to feel the impact of the housing crash. In a year and a half, from June 2007 until January 2009, the unemployment rate went from 4.4% to the 7.8% discussed above.

wow! Unemployment rose very fast and high under Bush?

The recession was over in 09 we've been stuck in a rut since Obama

Yep, the recession was over then and the financial sector and Wall Street have been doing just fine. Unemployment is not tied to it all. Sorry if housing starts and other crap is not coming back to start another bubble.

The overall economy is doing well, while parts of it are struggling along. Unemployment is struggling because of a new normal.

sucks to be you
How many people were removed from the rank of unemployed because they had exhausted their benefits? How many new recipients are now on food stamps and assisted housing? Once you can answer this question then you will have something to dance about.

those programs are there for times like these. remember the fire analogy:

If a building is burning down, the fire department is called. It takes time for the fire department to put out the fire; it takes time for the fire to cool; it takes times for the debris to be hauled away. Only then can rebuilding start. And you certainly don't blame the fire department or the people who clean up the debris for the fire, do you?

The question, "What Caused the Rise in the Unemployment Rate After Obama Took Office?" really makes no sense... The unemployment rate was rising rapidly before Obama took office, and it took a few months for policies to kick in and stem the job bloodbath. A better question would be "What Caused the Rise in the Unemployment Rate Starting in 2007?" The answer to that would be the housing crisis and the resulting crisis in banks and lending institutions. But that is outside the scope of this article.
Forget the doom and gloom of conservatism, It's getting better...


Romney/Ryan lost. Conservative economic theories will not get the credit for the rebound we see in 2014 and 2016.
Last edited:

unemployment today is the fall out of the 2007/2008 economic crisis. to suggest otherwise is to spin reality. Women and African Americans as well as others are always hit hardest when we get the type of unemployment we've experienced since the 2007/2008 economic collapse.

it took decades to get us here, it will take more than 4 years to get back to where we want to be

The real unemployment rate is over 11% Obama's record is a joke. People dropping out of the workforce is not progress
Yeah, thats it. Blame the dems who had the house for 2 years. That must have been it. Not only that, they took the veto pen away from W.
leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 7.8 percent.

You, because you are in the Obama cult call this a victory.
Those of us that live in reality world call this stagnation.
WE call this failure...
Fool :lol: one was a headline. :lol: nothing Orwellian there, just your reading and comprehension skills lacking

Dante even spelled it out for imbeciles like you "I just love the headline." true story. check it out. :lmao:

You believed the words enough to type them yourself.
That says more about you than it does about me. You posted it, you wrote it and you own it.

I posted a hyperbolic headline and even commented on it... :lol: gawd, you're fucking stupid sometimes

You are the one that fell for "falls" and "unchanged" being synonymous, not me.
You are the one that typed it and expressed support (dare I say belief?) for such a foolish statement. It wasn't until I pointed it out that you started suddenly back-peddling.
Too late, you own it.
unemployment today is the fall out of the 2007/2008 economic crisis. to suggest otherwise is to spin reality. Women and African Americans as well as others are always hit hardest when we get the type of unemployment we've experienced since the 2007/2008 economic collapse.

it took decades to get us here, it will take more than 4 years to get back to where we want to be

The real unemployment rate is over 11% Obama's record is a joke. People dropping out of the workforce is not progress
Yeah, thats it. Blame the dems who had the house for 2 years. That must have been it. Not only that, they took the veto pen away from W.

I blame them all for our situation and Obama is doing nothing to help fix anything:eusa_eh:
Forget the doom and gloom of conservatism, It's getting better...


Romney/Ryan lost. Conservative economic theories will not get the credit for the rebound we see in 2014 and 2016.

Oh I see, expanding payrolls by 155,000 is something to celebrate. You do recall the November number of unemployed was adjusted upward, that 257,000 Americans left the work force, 192,000 joined, and labor participation rate remained at 63.6%, same as 1981?
I guess mediocrity is now the new norm. It demonstrates what the true meaning of hope and change really means.
leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 7.8 percent.

You, because you are in the Obama cult call this a victory.
Those of us that live in reality world call this stagnation.
WE call this failure...
Yes, and you call the great republican recession of 2008 a great republican success story. Because you are stupid.
The real unemployment rate is over 11% Obama's record is a joke. People dropping out of the workforce is not progress
Yeah, thats it. Blame the dems who had the house for 2 years. That must have been it. Not only that, they took the veto pen away from W.

I blame them all for our situation and Obama is doing nothing to help fix anything:eusa_eh:
Right. And do you have ANY idea of how legislation is passed??? Can you tell me how anything is going to change if the house does not bring legislation forward to help. Do you believe that record filibusters are a good thing? Do you suspect that additional stimulus spending may actually help, as it always has?? Or do you just not think???

Any suggestions?? If so, can you show how that has helped in the past in this country? If not, can you provide theory that makes sense?? Can you explain why it may not have worked in the past???

Do you have any clue at all???
Forget the doom and gloom of conservatism, It's getting better...


Romney/Ryan lost. Conservative economic theories will not get the credit for the rebound we see in 2014 and 2016.

Oh I see, expanding payrolls by 155,000 is something to celebrate. You do recall the November number of unemployed was adjusted upward, that 257,000 Americans left the work force, 192,000 joined, and labor participation rate remained at 63.6%, same as 1981?
I guess mediocrity is now the new norm. It demonstrates what the true meaning of hope and change really means.
Man, it really pisses off the repubs when their plans to tube the economy don't work. And they just hate it when the repub attempt to dive over the fiscal cliff did not scare the economy quite badly enough to make the numbers bad. Right. What i do remember is the job losses in 2008:
A sobering U.S. Labor Department jobs report Friday showed the economy lost 524,000 jobs in December and 1.9 million in the year's final four months
Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

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