Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continue

Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues

I just love the headline. :eusa_clap:

Conservatives would have us think with Obama in office this is bad news, but we all know if Romney/Ryan had won they'd be celebrating this.

Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues | National Monitor
National Monitor, Staff | January 05, 2013

The latest unemployment report is out and the Obama administration can chalk up another victory in the fight against rising unemployment in the U.S.

According to the latest unemployment report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfarm payroll employment rose by 155,000 in December, leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 7.8 percent. Employment increased in health care, food services and drinking places, construction, and manufacturing, according to the agency, and will likely be welcomed by congressional Democrats and the White House.


and all the GOP has to sell is doom and gloom as the skies brighten? :eusa_shhh:

took him 4 years to get it BACK DOWN to 7.8


It wasn't that high when he took ofc

fucken morons need anything
Yeah, thats it. Blame the dems who had the house for 2 years. That must have been it. Not only that, they took the veto pen away from W.

I blame them all for our situation and Obama is doing nothing to help fix anything:eusa_eh:
Right. And do you have ANY idea of how legislation is passed??? Can you tell me how anything is going to change if the house does not bring legislation forward to help. Do you believe that record filibusters are a good thing? Do you suspect that additional stimulus spending may actually help, as it always has?? Or do you just not think???

Any suggestions?? If so, can you show how that has helped in the past in this country? If not, can you provide theory that makes sense?? Can you explain why it may not have worked in the past???

Do you have any clue at all???

You idiot the house passed many bills to help bring this economy back, the Senate wouldn't even allow a vote on most of them, and they also haven't passed a budget in 3 1/2 years
Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues

I just love the headline. :eusa_clap:

Conservatives would have us think with Obama in office this is bad news, but we all know if Romney/Ryan had won they'd be celebrating this.

Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues | National Monitor
National Monitor, Staff | January 05, 2013

The latest unemployment report is out and the Obama administration can chalk up another victory in the fight against rising unemployment in the U.S.

According to the latest unemployment report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfarm payroll employment rose by 155,000 in December, leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 7.8 percent. Employment increased in health care, food services and drinking places, construction, and manufacturing, according to the agency, and will likely be welcomed by congressional Democrats and the White House.


and all the GOP has to sell is doom and gloom as the skies brighten? :eusa_shhh:

took him 4 years to get it BACK DOWN to 7.8


It wasn't that high when he took ofc

fucken morons need anything
Yes, indeed, and the repubs have faught anything that could have lowered unemployment with lack of legislation from the house and all time records in filibusters from the senate. And then, cons say that it is all the dems fault that the UE rate is going down slowly. When, of course, what they want to do is what the house senate majority leader, mr. Jowels, said. To make Obama a one term pres. Now, that is being a criminal. Can you imagine a dem saying that about a repub pres?.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

22.3 million jobless Americans.

and the left cheers
No, dipshit. 22 n unemployed and the repubs block all legislation out of the houise and filibuster anything that gets to the senate. And please, dipshit, what should a pres do at that point. McConnell was happy, until the pres go reelected. And cons are like pigs in shit. They love the bad numbers.
I blame them all for our situation and Obama is doing nothing to help fix anything:eusa_eh:
Right. And do you have ANY idea of how legislation is passed??? Can you tell me how anything is going to change if the house does not bring legislation forward to help. Do you believe that record filibusters are a good thing? Do you suspect that additional stimulus spending may actually help, as it always has?? Or do you just not think???

Any suggestions?? If so, can you show how that has helped in the past in this country? If not, can you provide theory that makes sense?? Can you explain why it may not have worked in the past???

Do you have any clue at all???

You idiot the house passed many bills to help bring this economy back, the Senate wouldn't even allow a vote on most of them, and they also haven't passed a budget in 3 1/2 years

And the GOP led House voted how many times 33/34? to repeal Obamacare? What a waste. They should all be horsewhipped
Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues

I just love the headline. :eusa_clap:

Conservatives would have us think with Obama in office this is bad news, but we all know if Romney/Ryan had won they'd be celebrating this.

Obama scores another victory: Unemployment rate falls to 7.8 percent, hiring continues | National Monitor
National Monitor, Staff | January 05, 2013

The latest unemployment report is out and the Obama administration can chalk up another victory in the fight against rising unemployment in the U.S.

According to the latest unemployment report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfarm payroll employment rose by 155,000 in December, leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 7.8 percent. Employment increased in health care, food services and drinking places, construction, and manufacturing, according to the agency, and will likely be welcomed by congressional Democrats and the White House.


and all the GOP has to sell is doom and gloom as the skies brighten? :eusa_shhh:

took him 4 years to get it BACK DOWN to 7.8


It wasn't that high when he took ofc

fucken morons need anything

And when was the last time a President took office with an economy in as bad a shape as Obama inherited from Bush?

Please, the right really does expect Obama to work miracles, don't you? :lmao:
I blame them all for our situation and Obama is doing nothing to help fix anything:eusa_eh:
Right. And do you have ANY idea of how legislation is passed??? Can you tell me how anything is going to change if the house does not bring legislation forward to help. Do you believe that record filibusters are a good thing? Do you suspect that additional stimulus spending may actually help, as it always has?? Or do you just not think???

Any suggestions?? If so, can you show how that has helped in the past in this country? If not, can you provide theory that makes sense?? Can you explain why it may not have worked in the past???

Do you have any clue at all???

You idiot the house passed many bills to help bring this economy back, the Senate wouldn't even allow a vote on most of them, and they also haven't passed a budget in 3 1/2 years
And as a con tool, you lie of course. There have been 3 budgets passed in the past 3.5 years. you could go to the CBO site and see them. Or you could just do what cons do, which is believe anything that comes out of the bat shit crazy con tool sites.
And nothing has come out of the House for the past two years. Period. And what did come out of the senate before was UNIVERSALLY filibustered by the Senate. You remember, the minority leader of the house said that his most important job was to stop the pres from reelection. Did not work, but he did manage to set a new record for an 8 year term in Filibusters. In Four Years.

But as a con, you would not know that, now, would you. Because you have your head, when not up your ass, in bat shit crazy con tool web sites.
You believed the words enough to type them yourself.
That says more about you than it does about me. You posted it, you wrote it and you own it.

I posted a hyperbolic headline and even commented on it... :lol: gawd, you're fucking stupid sometimes

You are the one that fell for "falls" and "unchanged" being synonymous, not me.
You are the one that typed it and expressed support (dare I say belief?) for such a foolish statement. It wasn't until I pointed it out that you started suddenly back-peddling.
Too late, you own it.

Back peddling? :lol: Get over yourself and lighten up Francis. It was a headline and Dante stated such.

Why can't Randian libertarians and wing nuts ever see language as more than a strict logic formula? Why always so unclear on the most basic concepts? Do they all have jobs as typists typing in data or code? Friggin bots is what they are

gawd, friends and families must run the minute they all open their mouths...
Obamabots are desperate little people
And cons who have run out of things to say just try personal attacks. That is just how the rules work for cons. Bat shit crazy con tool web sites and personal attacks.

LOL, didn't know you were a ObamaBot..sorry it hit a nerve
that would be your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion. I just like a little truth in my information. You are a con tool. You do not care about truth. You just like agenda. And con dogma. And attacking. And lying bothers you not at all. Which is why you never ever use non partisan sources to back anything you say. Because it is difficult to back lies, if you have to use impartial sources.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

22.3 million jobless Americans.

and the left cheers

Please at least attempt to know what you're talking about before posting numbers.
That 22.3 million is the numerator for the U6 measure of underutilization (not unemployment). 12.26 unemployed, 2.6 million Marginally Attached who looked for work in the last year but are not looking now (mostly stopped for personal reasons), and 7.9 million people working part time (mostly due to cut hours) when they prefer full time.

So you're calling almost 8 million people who have jobs "jobless."
And cons who have run out of things to say just try personal attacks. That is just how the rules work for cons. Bat shit crazy con tool web sites and personal attacks.

LOL, didn't know you were a ObamaBot..sorry it hit a nerve
that would be your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion. I just like a little truth in my information. You are a con tool. You do not care about truth. You just like agenda. And con dogma. And attacking. And lying bothers you not at all. Which is why you never ever use non partisan sources to back anything you say. Because it is difficult to back lies, if you have to use impartial sources.

LOL, :eusa_boohoo:
Forget the doom and gloom of conservatism, It's getting better...


Romney/Ryan lost. Conservative economic theories will not get the credit for the rebound we see in 2014 and 2016.

Poor Steph, she's become the house troll :(

Obama's reelection has unhinged her fragile mind

ah you should look in the mirror..How many threads did you start in the last couple days?
TROLLING trolling trolling is your middle name
poor Steph, still adding nothing and thinking it's useful

about the same as you, poor little Obamabot..

saying Obama won a victory with 7.8% unemployment..that is some sad desperate stuff there
Last edited:
poor Steph, still adding nothing and thinking it's useful

about the same as you, poor little Obamabot..

saying Obama won a victory with 7.8% unemployment..that is some sad desperate stuff there

poor Steph, It's a headline, but America is making a come back from the conservative economic mess of 2007/2008

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