Obama: Screw the crises. Wish me happy birthday


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
The world is going to Hell in a hand basket. Record numbers on welfare and food stamps. The nation is divided as never before but what's on top of Boy Blunder's mind is first and foremost: You guys need to adore me.

This level of narcissism is beyond belief and in need of treatment. Internet and Twitter responses as expected.

How presidential. I can just imagine Lincoln putting aside the crisis of Civil War to admonish the press corps for not asking about his birthday.

"Obama, There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday," another person tweeted. "That time is age 11."

'Narcissist-in-chief' Obama upset press didn't ask about his birthday - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

?Narcissist in chief': Obama wonders when press corps will ask about his birthday | Twitchy
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You guys are going off script!

Lap dogs finally waking up and getting tired of being played?

“I thought that you guys were going to ask me how I was going to spend my birthday,” he said in exasperation as the conference broke into non-birthday questions. “What happened to the birthday thing?”

President Obama to Press Corps: Where?s My Birthday Question? | Mediaite

Great work...uncovering this latest outrage...even though it was cleverly disguised as a throwaway line at the end of a 44 minute press conference.
Thank goodness there are folks out there with your vigilance ready to expose what's really going on.

Great work...uncovering this latest outrage...even though it was cleverly disguised as a throwaway line at the end of a 44 minute press conference.
Thank goodness there are folks out there with your vigilance ready to expose what's really going on.


I'm sure it's front and center on Drudge.

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