'Obama screwed us!'

'Obama screwed me.'
- Isaac Amanios, 60, one of 12 murdered by terrorist in Ca
'Obama screwed me.'
- Robert Adams, 40, On of 12 killed in Ca by a terrorist Obama gave a visa to after a 'thorough vetting'

He gave a visa to a citizen.????

Save you thanks for the NRA . They did more to help than anyone .
'Obama screwed us.'
- victims of illegals: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama screwed us.

Hard working Americans who got the shaft over Obunglescare so dindu nuffins are covered

You're so ignorant about Obamacare. Pretty much everything else.
The only thing you need to know about Obamacare is that it will no longer exist in 8 days....

Lol. You fool. You believe the republicans and their "repeal /replace " lies . They'll change the name of the thing and you rubes will think you've accomplished somthing .

Timmy is about to become uninsured is my bet
'Obama screwed me.'
- Bennetta Betbadal, 46, one of 12 killed by a terrorist 'refugee' in Ca
'Obama screwed me.'
- Harry Bowman, 46, one of the 12 killed
'Obama screwed me.'
- Sierra Clayborn, 27, one of the 12 murdered
'Obama screwed us.'
- victims of illegals: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama screwed us.

Hard working Americans who got the shaft over Obunglescare so dindu nuffins are covered

You're so ignorant about Obamacare. Pretty much everything else.
The only thing you need to know about Obamacare is that it will no longer exist in 8 days....

Lol. You fool. You believe the republicans and their "repeal /replace " lies . They'll change the name of the thing and you rubes will think you've accomplished somthing .

Timmy is about to become uninsured is my bet
and possibly is going to lose foodstamps as well.
'Obama screwed us.'
- victims of illegals: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama screwed us.

Hard working Americans who got the shaft over Obunglescare so dindu nuffins are covered

You're so ignorant about Obamacare. Pretty much everything else.

Listen up you little partisan shill, you really need to get informed and maybe you wouldn't get "Timmy fell in the well again"....have you noticed that tidbit keeps coming up. Now pound sand you ignorant little twit
I think he is one of the ones that gets his healthcare totally free. He isn't waiting on the $2500 dollars in savings most are still waiting for.
'Obama screwed me.'
- Juan Espinoza, t0, one of the 12 murdered by Obama's terrorist visa recipient
'Obama screwed us.'
- victims of illegals: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama screwed us.

Hard working Americans who got the shaft over Obunglescare so dindu nuffins are covered

You're so ignorant about Obamacare. Pretty much everything else.

Listen up you little partisan shill, you really need to get informed and maybe you wouldn't get "Timmy fell in the well again"....have you noticed that tidbit keeps coming up. Now pound sand you ignorant little twit
You've got balls calling anyone a partisan shill, you hypocritical partisan hack.

Like I said before, you are such a partisan hack, when you vote you don't even bother to take the time to see who is running, or what offices they are running for. You just vote the straight republican ticket just like you were brainwashed to do.
I just heard a guy whining about how Idaho cut off his foodstamps because he wouldn't work or participate in their job skills program....then required him to contact another state to verify his snap benefit status there before he could be considered for eligibility in Idaho.


Build those mental institutions because when those loons stop getting their snap benefits, they are going to end up being scooped off the streets and lodged permanently.
'Obama screwed me.'
-Aurora Gudoy, 26...one of the 12
'Obama screwed me.'
- Shannon Johnson, 45, murdered by 'Obama's' terrorist
'Obama screwed us.'
- victims of illegals: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama screwed us.

Hard working Americans who got the shaft over Obunglescare so dindu nuffins are covered

You're so ignorant about Obamacare. Pretty much everything else.

Listen up you little partisan shill, you really need to get informed and maybe you wouldn't get "Timmy fell in the well again"....have you noticed that tidbit keeps coming up. Now pound sand you ignorant little twit
I think he is one of the ones that gets his healthcare totally free. He isn't waiting on the $2500 dollars in savings most are still waiting for.
And the only people who are going to be really hurt by the obamacare repeal are able bodied, single men with no kids in their households.

Get a job, you fucking losers. Or get committed as someone who is incompetent.
'Obama screwed me.'
- Larry Kauphman, one of the 12 murdered
'Obama screwed us.'
- victims of illegals: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama screwed us.

Hard working Americans who got the shaft over Obunglescare so dindu nuffins are covered

You're so ignorant about Obamacare. Pretty much everything else.

Listen up you little partisan shill, you really need to get informed and maybe you wouldn't get "Timmy fell in the well again"....have you noticed that tidbit keeps coming up. Now pound sand you ignorant little twit
You've got balls calling anyone a partisan shill, you hypocritical partisan hack.

Like I said before, you are such a partisan hack, when you vote you don't even bother to take the time to see who is running, or what offices they are running for. You just vote the straight republican ticket just like you were brainwashed to do.
Where do you get that out of what he said? I admit after liberals picking Obama then wanting Hillary, after how liberals stuck up for Bill for committing purgury. It will be hard to vote for a Democrat. The way you stand behind each other is dangerous.
'Obama screwed me.'
- Damien Meins, 58, anothet American murdeted by a successful terrorist attack on US soil, thanks to the Obama administration
'Obama screwed us.'
- victims of illegals: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama screwed us.

Hard working Americans who got the shaft over Obunglescare so dindu nuffins are covered

You're so ignorant about Obamacare. Pretty much everything else.

Listen up you little partisan shill, you really need to get informed and maybe you wouldn't get "Timmy fell in the well again"....have you noticed that tidbit keeps coming up. Now pound sand you ignorant little twit
You've got balls calling anyone a partisan shill, you hypocritical partisan hack.

Like I said before, you are such a partisan hack, when you vote you don't even bother to take the time to see who is running, or what offices they are running for. You just vote the straight republican ticket just like you were brainwashed to do.
Where do you get that out of what he said? I admit after liberals picking Obama then wanting Hillary, after how liberals stuck up for Bill for committing purgury. It will be hard to vote for a Democrat. The way you stand behind each other is dangerous.
What the fuck are you even rambling about you nitwit.
'Obama screwed me.'
- Tin Nguyen, 31yo, Ca terrorist attack victim

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