Obama sends form letter to fallen Marine's father

I know it won't make any difference to the OMG! OBAMA! Brigade, but while a President sending personal letters to the families of our KIA or WIA soldiers would be a nice touch, it just isn't practical in the long run and y'all should know it. Maybe we've become too accustomed to wars with limited casualties or, more likely, y'all are just feigning outrage because you can and because Obama's name is attached to it. It's a Pavlov's Dog reaction.

In any case, a President might have the time to write personal letters when the casualties run to a few dozen a month, but what would you expect him to do if they were 200 or 300 a day, or more? Would you then fault him for spending to much time writing letters and letting the nations business languish? And, what would you say if he started out writing personal letter and then had to quit when the casualties became so heavy that writing those letters consumed too much time? Would you then accuse him of showing favoritism to Democrat families?

Either y'all are playing cheap, political games with the lives of our troops and their families, or you're totally devoid of any sense at all. Nobody expected Abraham Lincoln or FDR to personally contact the families of those hundreds of thousands of dead. Nobody got outraged during my war when neither Johnson or Nixon did it. In fact, this never became an "issue" until Barack Obama entered the White House.

The right has no shame. There is no end to the depths of their hypocrisy, no limit to how low they'll go when it comes to that scary black guy in the White House, is there?
obama has no heart or original thought. It would have been best and less insulting if he had done nothing at all.
George W. Bush wrote more personal, individualized, sometimes hand-written notes to the families of soldiers.

Baa-rock Obama write forms letters signed by auto-pen to fallen soldiers but wrote a personal letter of condolence when rapper Heavy D passed away.

He. Is. Thee. Most. Assholiess. President. Everrrr.

What else did Bush have to do? Cheney and others were running the country for him.

Obama is busy ending the war that asshole started. They took all they could get from taxpayers to fund the fraudulent occupation then they allowed it to continue. If McCain had won, it would be going on indefinately.
George W. Bush wrote more personal, individualized, sometimes hand-written notes to the families of soldiers.

Baa-rock Obama write forms letters signed by auto-pen to fallen soldiers but wrote a personal letter of condolence when rapper Heavy D passed away.

He. Is. Thee. Most. Assholiess. President. Everrrr.

What else did Bush have to do? Cheney and others were running the country for him.

Obama is busy ending the war that asshole started. They took all they could get from taxpayers to fund the fraudulent occupation then they allowed it to continue. If McCain had won, it would be going on indefinately.

You're one of the braindead Zombies that will make excuses for this man no matter what he does which is DANGEROUS in a free society. Party affiliation doesn't trump everything. Our fallen and their families deserve better. If the Commander-N-Chief doesn't have the time to write a personal letter of sympathy and support being HE is the one who sent them to fight for this country, then he needs to resign his office because THAT is the most important part of being Commander.. LOYALTY, HONOR, GRACE to your men.. The saying, "We leave no one behind," MEANS something to those who sacrifice the most. Unfortunately this spoiled rotten community organizer hasn't had to do anything in his miserable life other than raise money for his pet causes.
George W. Bush wrote more personal, individualized, sometimes hand-written notes to the families of soldiers.

Baa-rock Obama write forms letters signed by auto-pen to fallen soldiers but wrote a personal letter of condolence when rapper Heavy D passed away.

He. Is. Thee. Most. Assholiess. President. Everrrr.

What else did Bush have to do? Cheney and others were running the country for him.

Obama is busy ending the war that asshole started. They took all they could get from taxpayers to fund the fraudulent occupation then they allowed it to continue. If McCain had won, it would be going on indefinately.

You're one of the braindead Zombies that will make excuses for this man no matter what he does which is DANGEROUS in a free society. Party affiliation doesn't trump everything. Our fallen and their families deserve better. If the Commander-N-Chief doesn't have the time to write a personal letter of sympathy and support being HE is the one who sent them to fight for this country, then he needs to resign his office because THAT is the most important part of being Commander.. LOYALTY, HONOR, GRACE to your men.. The saying, "We leave no one behind," MEANS something to those who sacrifice the most. Unfortunately this spoiled rotten community organizer hasn't had to do anything in his miserable life other than raise money for his pet causes.

I wonder how long it would have taken Roosevelt to write personal letters to the families of those 1696 American's killed during the 3 day battle at Tarawa? Would you have demanded he resign too? Would you accuse him of being insensitive and being unworthy of command?
What else did Bush have to do? Cheney and others were running the country for him.

Obama is busy ending the war that asshole started. They took all they could get from taxpayers to fund the fraudulent occupation then they allowed it to continue. If McCain had won, it would be going on indefinately.

You're one of the braindead Zombies that will make excuses for this man no matter what he does which is DANGEROUS in a free society. Party affiliation doesn't trump everything. Our fallen and their families deserve better. If the Commander-N-Chief doesn't have the time to write a personal letter of sympathy and support being HE is the one who sent them to fight for this country, then he needs to resign his office because THAT is the most important part of being Commander.. LOYALTY, HONOR, GRACE to your men.. The saying, "We leave no one behind," MEANS something to those who sacrifice the most. Unfortunately this spoiled rotten community organizer hasn't had to do anything in his miserable life other than raise money for his pet causes.

I wonder how long it would have taken Roosevelt to write personal letters to the families of those 1696 American's killed during the 3 day battle at Tarawa? Would you have demanded he resign too? Would you accuse him of being insensitive and being unworthy of command?

Get back to us with some COMMON SENSE when we have 3,000 casualties in ONE battle!

Give me a break Oldguy.... you really are not that biased are ya?
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You're one of the braindead Zombies that will make excuses for this man no matter what he does which is DANGEROUS in a free society. Party affiliation doesn't trump everything. Our fallen and their families deserve better. If the Commander-N-Chief doesn't have the time to write a personal letter of sympathy and support being HE is the one who sent them to fight for this country, then he needs to resign his office because THAT is the most important part of being Commander.. LOYALTY, HONOR, GRACE to your men.. The saying, "We leave no one behind," MEANS something to those who sacrifice the most. Unfortunately this spoiled rotten community organizer hasn't had to do anything in his miserable life other than raise money for his pet causes.

I wonder how long it would have taken Roosevelt to write personal letters to the families of those 1696 American's killed during the 3 day battle at Tarawa? Would you have demanded he resign too? Would you accuse him of being insensitive and being unworthy of command?

Get back to us with COMMON SENSE when we have 3,000 casualties in ONE battle!

Give me a break Oldguy.... you really are not that biased are ya?

No, I'm not that biased, but I am rational enough not to expect the President of the United States to sit down and pen a series of personal letters just to please the sensibilities of folks who should know better.

And, by the way, just what IS your cut-off point for the expectation of a personal letter? No, we're not likely to have 3000 casualties from a single battle any time soon, but our troops in Afghanistan could easily become involved in one with multiple hundreds of casualties at any moment. So..how many casualties are too many to respond to and should a President, any President, begin writing letters when he doesn't know at what point he might have to quit, thereby seeming to dis later families?

Question: If Mitt Romney does take us to war with Iran (he will) and the Iranian's get lucky and sink a carrier in the Gulf, would you expect him to write personal letters to all the 4 or 5000 families affected? Why or why not?
Protocol? Seriously? How about, what is common decency?

If your son was killed in Afghanistan, would you want a form letter? That would be a knife to the gut to me.


I think it would be interesting to know what previous CIC's have done. I would expect that there is precedent for this.

I've found some info to support this hunch...but nothing that I would use as evidence. Anyone else?

Lincoln hand wrote letters. Very moving ones. He was a master. And he frequented the front lines, even going so far as to demean himself for the amusement of the troops.

WWII, we had thousands killed on some days, and so families got nothing more than a telegram.

This was a helicopter crash which killed five men. Five. Skip a basketball game and take the time!


You think Abe Lincoln personally wrote well over a hundred thousand letters during the Civil War?
Look... I am a conservative and a vet.. and I would not expect any letter to my family directly from the president's hand if I would have went down in battle... I would think that if anything came it would be a form letter signed by a secretary... now.. my commanding officer or First Sgt, yeah, I would expect a heart felt hand written correspondence.. Maybe even my battalion or brigade commander, since I was such an exceptional soldier (LOL).. but I really do think that this is not anything to throw up a stink about
Mr. Bush, for instance, has sent personal letters to the families of every one of the more than 4,000 troops who have died in the two wars, an enormous personal effort that consumed hours of his time and escaped public notice.

George Bush Contacts ALL Families of Fallen Soldiers; Obama Contacts Woman Wanting "Worry-Free" Sex // Current TV

On August 6, 2011, 30 US service members were killed when a CH-47 Chinook helicopter they were being transported in crashed in Wardak province, Afghanistan. It was the deadliest single loss for U.S. forces in the decade-long war in Afghanistan. 17 members of the elite Navy SEALs were killed in the crash.

Yesterday, Karen and Billy Vaughn, parents of Aaron Carson Vaughn, spoke at the Defending the Defenders forum sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots outside the RNC Convention in Tampa. Karen brought a copy of the form letter they were sent following their son’s death.

That’s not all.
Karen Vaughn reached out to the parents of the other SEALs killed in that crash.
Their letters were all the same.
Form letters – signed by an electric pen.

WH denies the auto pen part. Natch.

I wonder how long it would have taken Roosevelt to write personal letters to the families of those 1696 American's killed during the 3 day battle at Tarawa? Would you have demanded he resign too? Would you accuse him of being insensitive and being unworthy of command?

Get back to us with COMMON SENSE when we have 3,000 casualties in ONE battle!

Give me a break Oldguy.... you really are not that biased are ya?

No, I'm not that biased, but I am rational enough not to expect the President of the United States to sit down and pen a series of personal letters just to please the sensibilities of folks who should know better.

Several other Presidents HAVE sat down and done just that.... from A. Lincholn to G. W. Bush. :eusa_hand:

And, by the way, just what IS your cut-off point for the expectation of a personal letter? No, we're not likely to have 3000 casualties from a single battle any time soon, but our troops in Afghanistan could easily become involved in one with multiple hundreds of casualties at any moment. So..how many casualties are too many to respond to and should a President, any President, begin writing letters when he doesn't know at what point he might have to quit, thereby seeming to dis later families?

I would say that a helicopter with 17 of our heroes on it... some being Navy Seals DOES DESERVE his attention. Just like Heavy D did...

Question: If Mitt Romney does take us to war with Iran (he will) and the Iranian's get lucky and sink a carrier in the Gulf, would you expect him to write personal letters to all the 4 or 5000 families affected? Why or why not?

A carrier going down would require a presidential address to us.... ALL OF US. Give me a break.. your bias is showing Bro.
I think it would be interesting to know what previous CIC's have done. I would expect that there is precedent for this.

I've found some info to support this hunch...but nothing that I would use as evidence. Anyone else?

Lincoln hand wrote letters. Very moving ones. He was a master. And he frequented the front lines, even going so far as to demean himself for the amusement of the troops.

WWII, we had thousands killed on some days, and so families got nothing more than a telegram.

This was a helicopter crash which killed five men. Five. Skip a basketball game and take the time!


You think Abe Lincoln personally wrote well over a hundred thousand letters during the Civil War?

As a matter of fact Abe did write letters to family members... they are out there, do a "google" search and see for yourself.

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