Obama Serves Up Israel

Dear Rabbi:

I am still respectfully waiting for a response to my previous post and I am really interested in hearing your explanation as to why the German people, who were the sophiscated and advant guard in all the world and where Jews were accepted and fully integrated into all levels of their society, in a few short years, changed into Anti-Semites who allowed a madman like Adolph Hitler to come to power.

Because an economic crisis caused by liberals made people trust a charismatic outsider who demonized others for his own failures.

From your answer it is clear that you do not know the answer to my question.

Have a nice day.
So if Israel got pushed into the sea, why is that my problem again?

'Cause you're a human being?

If I am a human being, shouldn't I also care about Israel pushing the Palestinians off their land. Now let me ask you a question. Approximately how many Americans have died so Israel can exist. If you don't know the answer then ask the Rabbi and he will make one up for you.
["If you wait until after the election, Dmitri, I'll have them on a silver platter, just like John The Baptist's head, for you. Trust me! Tell that to Vlad and Mahmoud"
Dmitri was apparently relaying Mahmoud's frustrations over having spent all those millions developing a deliverable atomic bomb and being prevented from doing so by the American Missile Defense System. "Barry, you know his religion absolutely demands that he kill a couple hundred million Americans and your missile defense has Mahmoud feeling like he's stymied outside the closed doors at Cheyenne Mountain just flailing away to no avail. He feels he absolutely needs to bring about his end of times scenario, Barry, just give him a chance, please"]

"You have to ask for the motivation behind the leak. I mean, if the Israelis can do this operation, it's to our benefit! From a diplomatic standpoint, if you wanted to tell the Iranians that the Israelis did this, it's without our permission. And then try to butter up the Iranians after the strike, so they don't close the Strait of Hormuz, that's one thing.

But giving away all of the secrets of an ally? When you're doing that, you have to ask whether we still have Israel as an ally. We are not acting like an ally. In fact, if you ask me, based on the amount of time I expect the Israelis put in this relationship with Azerbaijan, I would start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel.

This administration is not going to do anything to stop the Iranian terror state from acquiring nuclear weapons. They are actively working against America's closest allies to prevent a strike against Iran. They are, under Obama's orders, leaking highly classified information to America's enemies through the media.

Who leaked this information? And when are we going to prosecute them?"

RED ALERT: Former Marine Strike Planner on Obama's Azerbaijan Leak: "Start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel"

F'n your war mongering ass Like the Iranians would even have a chance to close the Straight of Hormuz. You must be some Goldman Sachs' commodities trading greed mongering broker.
IOW you can't answer the question. Got it.

So just because we didnt find any means they never had them? And if Mossad lied, so did every other intelligence service. Why are you not hammering the Cezh service, which to this day swears Iraq had a meeting with al Qaeda?

First, because if we were listening to the Czech service, we had some serious problems. They claimed Mohammed Atta (the 9/11 Ringleader) had a meeting with Iraqi officials when in fact we knew he was somewhere else at the time.

We didn't find any because they didn't have them. Period. Incidently, I think the primary cause was that Saddam tried to have Bush's father whacked. Everything else was just an excuse.

(So for the record, you can't spell "Czech" and you can't provide a definition of Apartheid, but you really expect to be taken seriously here. got it.)
So if Israel got pushed into the sea, why is that my problem again?

'Cause you're a human being?

Why, yes, I am.

But why is Israel betting pushed in the sea any less important that Kosovans getting slaughtered (which Conservatives opposed clinton putting a stop to) or Bonsians getting slaughters or Hutus getting slaughtered? The fact is, we don't get involved in every alley fight in the world, nor should we.

Let's review. The world let the Zionist steal Arab land because they felt really, really bad about what Hitler did. And for the last 65 years, they've been at non-stop war with their neighbors.

Now, frankly, if I lived in a place where my neighbors were strapping bombs onto their own kids in an attempt to get rid of me, and had been trying to do this for years, I would find somewhere else to live.

The Zionists are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat on someone else.
Dear Rabbi:

I am still respectfully waiting for a response to my previous post and I am really interested in hearing your explanation as to why the German people, who were the sophiscated and advant guard in all the world and where Jews were accepted and fully integrated into all levels of their society, in a few short years, changed into Anti-Semites who allowed a madman like Adolph Hitler to come to power.

Because an economic crisis caused by liberals made people trust a charismatic outsider who demonized others for his own failures.

I don't think Obama is going to completely pull the rug from under Israel because he still needs votes from liberal Jews in America.

You work on the assumption that liberal Jews in America are basing their vote on supporting Bibi...

Fact is, Obama got 78% of the Jewish vote in 2008 and he'll get the same this time, because most decent American Jews are as embarrased by Israel's behavior as the rest of the world is.

Which is why the Zionists have changed their pitch to Funditarded Christians that we need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.
They are also the only democracy in the region.
If Israel is a democracy, why is the Knesset enacting laws that are basically outlawing dissent. Why are they practicing apartheid? Why are they trying to overthrow the democratically elected government in Gaza?

The Likud Party is more facsist, than democratic.
If the United States of America is a Christian nation by virtue of the fact that the fundamental Christian attribute of the separation of church and state is enshrined within our Constitution, then what business did our government have assisting in the establishment of a religious state (Israel) and of all things, doing this in the midst of other hostile religious states? From a Christian's perspective and also from the perspective of any intelligent human being, not only does this not make sense, but it is the most stupid blunder that mankind has made in its history.

And in response, please don't tell me that because Americans stole America from the indians this makes it okay for Jews to steal Palestine from the Palestinians.
If the United States of America is a Christian nation by virtue of the fact that the fundamental Christian attribute of the separation of church and state is enshrined within our Constitution, then what business did our government have assisting in the establishment of a religious state (Israel) and of all things, doing this in the midst of other hostile religious states? From a Christian's perspective and also from the perspective of any intelligent human being, not only does this not make sense, but it is the most stupid blunder that mankind has made in its history.

And in response, please don't tell me that because Americans stole America from the indians this makes it okay for Jews to steal Palestine from the Palestinians.

Shhhhh... that was Rabbid's next argument.

Not that anyone but him thinks that was an okay thing to do.
And in response, please don't tell me that because Americans stole America from the indians this makes it okay for Jews to steal Palestine from the Palestinians.[/quote]

Shhhhh... that was Rabbid's next argument.

Not that anyone but him thinks that was an okay thing to do.[/QUOTE]

To set the record straight so there are no misunderstandings, I think the Jewish people, for the most part, are no different from other people, although admittedly on the average, they do seem to be more intelligent than most other people and I also believe, with the exception of Christianity, that the Jewish Religion is not much different that other mainstream religions..........but and this is a very big but, as a people, they seem to be cursed with some very amoral and evil leaders. Like most of us, I am appalled by what happend to the Jews in Germany and I am also appalled that the actions of a few adversely affects the lives of so many.

If we turn the clock back to the turn of the century. Zionism, or the return of the Jews to thier original homeland, was a minority and radical movement among Judiasm. What Jew in their right mind wants to go and live in desert? However, the creation of the State of Israel was and is one of mankinds greatest blunders. But now that Israel has been created the situation is far more complicated. First of all the concept of Zionism, because the Zionists were successful, is now mainstream Jewish thinking and secondly, Most Israelis have been born in Israel and know of no other life. What is the anwer? Obviously, get the Jews and Palestians to accept each other. This will never happen, because the Palestinians are victims and the Jews, for some reason, refuse to stop adding to their woes. A stupid blunder has given mankind an unsolvable problem. And the biggest loser in all of this is us because as a result Western Civilization is being tossed into the shitter.
Joe: Don't you think if we detached ourselves from the conflict, Israel will use thier nukes....I'm sure you believe they have nukes, right?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying 12 dollars at the pump....you?
Joe: Don't you think if we detached ourselves from the conflict, Israel will use thier nukes....I'm sure you believe they have nukes, right?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying 12 dollars at the pump....you?

Joey doesn't care as long as he's right and doesn't suffer for his folley...or Obama's. (But HE will IF Obama gets his way).
Joe: Don't you think if we detached ourselves from the conflict, Israel will use thier nukes....I'm sure you believe they have nukes, right?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying 12 dollars at the pump....you?

Barry: You soon are going to be paying $12.00 at the pump irrespective if Israel uses its nukes or not. In any case, if things being what they are, they won't have to use theirs because they will simply find a way to get us to use ours. Why should they waste their nukes when the don't have to?
Dear The T:

I just notice the statement which is at the bottom of your post: "Have we as a nation come so far away from honor in exchange for political expediency that we have to choose which side of truth we are on?"

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the history of the United States for the past 100 years , in truth, is one of shame and dishonor. Stay tuned to find out why!
Joe: Don't you think if we detached ourselves from the conflict, Israel will use thier nukes....I'm sure you believe they have nukes, right?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying 12 dollars at the pump....you?

I don't think the Israelis will use their nukes, nor will the Iranians, for that matter.

In fact, the only country guilty of using Nukes on people.... American, unfortunately.
Here's the problem. The Iranians don't need to use their nukes.

They already know time is on their side.

The Arab Birth Rate is lapping the Israeli birth rate, and lots of young Israelis are looking to immigrate out of the country.

The real question is, how will Israeli adapt when they ain't the majority anymore.
Hopefully, there will be a peaceful transition from the Zionist ruled government to an all inclusive one.

Much like the old apartheid S. Africa when the racist government finally surrendered power.

But I doubt that is ever going to happen.

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