Obama Serves Up Israel

Joe: Don't you think if we detached ourselves from the conflict, Israel will use thier nukes....I'm sure you believe they have nukes, right?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying 12 dollars at the pump....you?

I don't think the Israelis will use their nukes, nor will the Iranians, for that matter.

In fact, the only country guilty of using Nukes on people.... American, unfortunately.

So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.
Joe: Don't you think if we detached ourselves from the conflict, Israel will use thier nukes....I'm sure you believe they have nukes, right?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying 12 dollars at the pump....you?

I don't think the Israelis will use their nukes, nor will the Iranians, for that matter.

In fact, the only country guilty of using Nukes on people.... American, unfortunately.

So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.

And Iran's Goal.
So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.

I think Israel will die with a whimper, not a bang. Let's not forget, the other Apartheid Regime, South Africa, had nukes, too... which they thankfully dismantled before giving up power.

The Demagraphics bomb is Israel's problem. Not only that a lot of the recent arrivals from Eastern Europe don't want to hang around, but that overall, birth rates are dropping.

Ideally, what I'd like to see is a multi-cultural state where Muslims, Jews and Christians (yes, there are Christians in Palestine) live together peacefully and don't get stupid over religion.

I'm just too cynical to see that ever happen.
I don't think the Israelis will use their nukes, nor will the Iranians, for that matter.

In fact, the only country guilty of using Nukes on people.... American, unfortunately.

So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.

And Iran's Goal.

People like Joe says don't worry. He thinks we're the only ones mean enough to use nukes. :lol:
I don't think the Israelis will use their nukes, nor will the Iranians, for that matter.

In fact, the only country guilty of using Nukes on people.... American, unfortunately.

So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.

And Iran's Goal.

Not really. In fact, quite the contrary, IRan's leaders have shown themselves to be quite pragmatic. For instance, they agreed to the brokered agreement to end their war with Saddam's Iraq, even though they initially lost territory.

But this doesn't fit into your notion of an Iran that's willing to destroy itself... so I can totally see your problem.
Best piece on Obama and Israel
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YK7UGytvs8&feature=related]Gene Simmons tells Obama he has no F_cking Idea. - YouTube[/ame]
So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.

And Iran's Goal.

Not really. In fact, quite the contrary, IRan's leaders have shown themselves to be quite pragmatic. For instance, they agreed to the brokered agreement to end their war with Saddam's Iraq, even though they initially lost territory.

But this doesn't fit into your notion of an Iran that's willing to destroy itself... so I can totally see your problem.

So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.

And Iran's Goal.

People like Joe says don't worry. He thinks we're the only ones mean enough to use nukes. :lol:

Again, we used them on civilian targets against a defeated enemy that was already looking for a way to surrender... but that doesn't fit in well with some people's "America, Fuck yeah" beliefs....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhnUgAaea4M]America fuck yeah-team america - YouTube[/ame]
So you think Israel will allow itself to pushed into the sea, before using it's full arsenal in defense. You are wrong.

Iran would use them, if given the chance.

And Iran's Goal.

Not really. In fact, quite the contrary, IRan's leaders have shown themselves to be quite pragmatic. For instance, they agreed to the brokered agreement to end their war with Saddam's Iraq, even though they initially lost territory.

But this doesn't fit into your notion of an Iran that's willing to destroy itself... so I can totally see your problem.
But YET YOU applaud them as THEY have been at WAR with us for over 30 years and are responsible for thousands of American deaths...

Spare US your apologies for them Joey...:eusa_hand:

*Fucking POSEUR*
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And Iran's Goal.

Not really. In fact, quite the contrary, IRan's leaders have shown themselves to be quite pragmatic. For instance, they agreed to the brokered agreement to end their war with Saddam's Iraq, even though they initially lost territory.

But this doesn't fit into your notion of an Iran that's willing to destroy itself... so I can totally see your problem.


Okay, quick, give me a list of things Iran has done that I should really worry about.

Let's limit ourselves to just the Islamic Republic, okay?

They fought back against Iraq when invaded, and agreed to a peace treaty.

They helped us get hostages out of Lebanon.

They've never invaded one of their neighbors.

They do fund terrorist groups, but so do George Bush's good buddies the Saudis.

I mean, I'm sorry, you're like the guy who points to a chihuahau and tries to convince me it's a rabid pit bull....
Not really. In fact, quite the contrary, IRan's leaders have shown themselves to be quite pragmatic. For instance, they agreed to the brokered agreement to end their war with Saddam's Iraq, even though they initially lost territory.

But this doesn't fit into your notion of an Iran that's willing to destroy itself... so I can totally see your problem.


Okay, quick, give me a list of things Iran has done that I should really worry about.

Let's limit ourselves to just the Islamic Republic, okay?

They fought back against Iraq when invaded, and agreed to a peace treaty.

They helped us get hostages out of Lebanon.

They've never invaded one of their neighbors.

They do fund terrorist groups, but so do George Bush's good buddies the Saudis.

I mean, I'm sorry, you're like the guy who points to a chihuahau and tries to convince me it's a rabid pit bull....
Keep making excuses for them JOEY...YOU go boy!

They are responsible for terrorism that has cost thousands of lives ASSHOLE.:eusa_hand:
But YET YOU applaud them as THEY have been at WAR with us for over 30 years and are responsible for thousands of American deaths...

Spare US your apologies for them Joey...:eusa_hand:

Which "thousands" are you talking about?

9-11. Nope. Those guys were Saudis. Not even the same sect of Islam. (Al Qaeda are Whabbi Sunnis, the Iranians are Twelver Shi'ites. Pretty much like me blaming the Catholics for what the Mormons do.)

Maybe you need to educate yourself on history a bit... We are the ones who deposed their democratically elected government and restored the Shah to power, a brutal dictator who slaughtered thousands. We are the ones who secretly supported Saddam's invasion (until Saddam, one of the "good hornets" turned around and stung us.)

I think maybe you need to educate yourself on the Middle East a bit.

Okay, quick, give me a list of things Iran has done that I should really worry about.

Let's limit ourselves to just the Islamic Republic, okay?

They fought back against Iraq when invaded, and agreed to a peace treaty.

They helped us get hostages out of Lebanon.

They've never invaded one of their neighbors.

They do fund terrorist groups, but so do George Bush's good buddies the Saudis.

I mean, I'm sorry, you're like the guy who points to a chihuahau and tries to convince me it's a rabid pit bull....
Keep making excuses for them JOEY...YOU go boy!

They are responsible for terrorism that has cost thousands of lives ASSHOLE.:eusa_hand:

Again, can you come up with a list of things IRAN specifically has been responsible for.

Not Muslims in general. Just Iran.

Thanks. I'll be going out to dinner now, so you'll have hours to research it. Should be amusing..
But YET YOU applaud them as THEY have been at WAR with us for over 30 years and are responsible for thousands of American deaths...

Spare US your apologies for them Joey...:eusa_hand:

Which "thousands" are you talking about?

9-11. Nope. Those guys were Saudis. Not even the same sect of Islam. (Al Qaeda are Whabbi Sunnis, the Iranians are Twelver Shi'ites. Pretty much like me blaming the Catholics for what the Mormons do.)

Maybe you need to educate yourself on history a bit... We are the ones who deposed their democratically elected government and restored the Shah to power, a brutal dictator who slaughtered thousands. We are the ones who secretly supported Saddam's invasion (until Saddam, one of the "good hornets" turned around and stung us.)

I think maybe you need to educate yourself on the Middle East a bit.

Surrogates sent into whatever threatre WE were in asswipe...Iraq for one, and Afghanistan for another.

Face it? YOU are a Jew-Hating America-Basher. Anti-Semite.

*Admit IT*
What I dont understand is why Jews vote democratic? Is it because they are pro-gay? back the ACLU? It has to be social issues, because it cant be economic and foreign policy.
So if Israel got pushed into the sea, why is that my problem again?

'Cause you're a human being?

If I am a human being, shouldn't I also care about Israel pushing the Palestinians off their land. Now let me ask you a question. Approximately how many Americans have died so Israel can exist. If you don't know the answer then ask the Rabbi and he will make one up for you.

Seems evident that all those folks want is for the other side to stop sending rockets into their country.

Stop the attacks, end of problem.

You see that don't you? Or is there some other agenda on your mind?

I kinda liked this.....see what you think:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFbkbTqT2j0]Israeli beach dancers/flash mob - YouTube[/ame]

Happy Easter.
Demographics over time will lead to the eventual failure and dismantling of the apartheid state of Israel.

Not so fast, Sunni....

1. In 2001, a Knesset report stated that in the 'whole area west of Jordan,' Jews represented 50.5% of the population to 49.5% for Arabs.

2. Projecting the higher birthrate of the Arabs, Haifa University stated that Arabs would be 58% of the area by 2020, and Jews 42%.

3. This was the accepted truth and the reason for much of Israeli policy and the imploring for peace.

a. "Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said failure to negotiate a two-state solution with the Palestinians would spell the end of the State of Israel....Mr Olmert said it was not the first time he had articulated his fears about the demographic threat to Israel as a Jewish state from a faster growing Palestinian population."
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Olmert warns of 'end of Israel'

4. But the opposite was occurring! The Jewish birth rate was rising steadily, and the Arab birthrate was falling. ...the fertility rate of Jews and Arabs had nearly converged by 2009, to 0.7 births per woman from six more per Arab woman.

a. Most remarkable is that today's "secular" Israeli women show a rate of 2.6, far and away the highest in the industrial world. Their own mothers had a rate of 2.1!

b. Between 1994 and 2009, Arab births in Israel remained steady at 39,000, while Jewish births rose from 80,000 to 120,000. The ultr-religious Jews (8% of the population) have a fertility rate of 8.5, which brings Israeli fertility to 2.9 per woman.

c. At this rate, Israel will have a larger population than Poland by 2085.
“How Civilizations Die,” by David P. Goldman

5. While world fertility has fallen by about two children per woman in the past half century (from 4.5 to about 2.5), fertility in the Muslim world has fallen two to three times faster. [Arab, Persian, Turkish, Malay, and South Asian Muslims.]

a. Iranian, six children per woman; Turkish by five; Pakistan’s by more than three; Egypt and Indonesia by four. The single largest factor in birth rates in Muslim countries is literacy.
Joe: Don't you think if we detached ourselves from the conflict, Israel will use thier nukes....I'm sure you believe they have nukes, right?

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of paying 12 dollars at the pump....you?

I don't think the Israelis will use their nukes, nor will the Iranians, for that matter.

In fact, the only country guilty of using Nukes on people.... American, unfortunately.

Joe: How right you are.

I guess that like most other people, you do not know that during the 6-Days War the US actually had planes airborne armed with nuclear weapons with orders to nuke Cairo and the only reason they were called back by President Johnson is that the USS liberty failed to sink as planned.

Doubt that this is true, then watch the following YouTube video entitle "Dead in the Water" put out by the BBC. Its one hour eight minutes long, but a real spell binder.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va0sHuZyJwU]Documentary on the USS Liberty: Dead in the Water - YouTube[/ame]
Until Israel starts paying taxes, instead of milking the American taxpayer, then why do I care?

Why is Israel so special in determining a President? I am a Jew and could care less about Israel. I am an American first and don't see Israel as an ally.
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