Obama Serves Up Israel

When you're doing that, you have to ask whether we still have Israel as an ally.

Israel is not an ally. They are a welfare whore who relies upon the American taxpayer to support them. They need to stop feeding on the teet and grow up. Israel can take care of themselves. They have one of the world's most modern military and over 200 nukes.

Let them grow up, already and let them handle their own responsibilities.

Israeli GDP: $217B
US Aid: 2B, most of that military, as well as for re-settlement as well as joint research like the Arrow missile.

The US is not supporting Israel. Arguably it's the other way around.

Resettlement is code name for theft and the US has no business in subsidizing thievery. In addition, the US taxpayer has doled out more than two trillion to Israel over the years, yet you claim that Israel is subsidizing the US....bwahahahahahahaha.

Try harder.
Israel is not an ally. They are a welfare whore who relies upon the American taxpayer to support them. They need to stop feeding on the teet and grow up. Israel can take care of themselves. They have one of the world's most modern military and over 200 nukes.

Let them grow up, already and let them handle their own responsibilities.

Israeli GDP: $217B
US Aid: 2B, most of that military, as well as for re-settlement as well as joint research like the Arrow missile.

The US is not supporting Israel. Arguably it's the other way around.

Resettlement is code name for theft and the US has no business in subsidizing thievery. In addition, the US taxpayer has doled out more than two trillion to Israel over the years, yet you claim that Israel is subsidizing the US....bwahahahahahahaha.

Try harder.

How much info has Israel given the US? How has US weapon development been helped by Israel's experiences with it? Virtually all the humint in the area comes from Israeli sources.

You are clearly an anti-semite hoping no one will notice. And a boob. No one could miss that.
[/QUOTE] Hoboken NJ is not its own country. Yet. What a doofus you are. You get your ass handed to you every time and come back for more.

The avatar is Obama made to look like Bozo, which is more realistic than his blackface. Wrong again, bucko.[/QUOTE]

My my, for a Rabbi you certainly have a hostile attitude toward people. Is this a personal problem or characteristic of most Rabbis? Did calling me a doofus contribute anything to our understanding of the issues being discussed here? Do you revel in being right or are you a Rabbi who is true to this honorific who seeks to teach and educate? Also, how can I be wrong as concluded in the last part of your quote for asking a question? In your book is there such a thing as wrong questions and am I a doofus for asking them?

So you were refering to 'countries only' when you said all their citizens want to murder Jews. Now this doofus understands. Okay then, how about Uganda or Zimbabwe? Have they murdered Jews there. Or better yet, how about Germany prior to World War I. Did the German people hate and murder Jews prior to that conflict? If not, then they went through one hell of a transformation in a very short period of time. Why did this happen?

Hopefully, when you respond this time you will not be a discredit to your religion by resorting to name calling and disparagement. :clap2:
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Boy you sure do like to split hairs.....so I'll split a few. Your wrong again because this the first time I've been wrong in my exchanges with you. Okay, I'll try one more time just to prove you wrong. How about Hoboken, New Jersey. Now let's see you pull some isolated incident out of that place.

By the way, your first Rabbi that I have ever run into that looks like Ronald McDonald. Is that really you?

I think he's supposed to be Obama... but Rabbid looks like a clown every time he posts.
How much info has Israel given the US? How has US weapon development been helped by Israel's experiences with it? Virtually all the humint in the area comes from Israeli sources.

You are clearly an anti-semite hoping no one will notice. And a boob. No one could miss that.

That would be the "humint" that didnt' warn us 9/11 was coming but was absolutely certain that Saddam was on the verge of getting a nuke (which he didn't have)?

You are kind of defeating your own argument. On the basis of that, I would think that we have a bunch of people who are manipulating us into doing their bidding.

Of course, if there was no Zionist Entity, we wouldn't have a problem with the Arabs.
How much info has Israel given the US? How has US weapon development been helped by Israel's experiences with it? Virtually all the humint in the area comes from Israeli sources.

You are clearly an anti-semite hoping no one will notice. And a boob. No one could miss that.

That would be the "humint" that didnt' warn us 9/11 was coming but was absolutely certain that Saddam was on the verge of getting a nuke (which he didn't have)?

You are kind of defeating your own argument. On the basis of that, I would think that we have a bunch of people who are manipulating us into doing their bidding.

Of course, if there was no Zionist Entity, we wouldn't have a problem with the Arabs.

STFU. You can't answer a single question and run your keyboard about shit you don't know.
How much info has Israel given the US? How has US weapon development been helped by Israel's experiences with it? Virtually all the humint in the area comes from Israeli sources.

You are clearly an anti-semite hoping no one will notice. And a boob. No one could miss that.

That would be the "humint" that didnt' warn us 9/11 was coming but was absolutely certain that Saddam was on the verge of getting a nuke (which he didn't have)?

You are kind of defeating your own argument. On the basis of that, I would think that we have a bunch of people who are manipulating us into doing their bidding.

Of course, if there was no Zionist Entity, we wouldn't have a problem with the Arabs.

STFU. You can't answer a single question and run your keyboard about shit you don't know.

Guy, I answered all the questions.

Your statement is that Israel is sooooo valueable because they provide "human intelligence".

But they missed 9/11. They missed that Saddam didn't have WMD's. Both of those "mistakes" (which oddly, provoked us into action that benefited Israel, at least in the short term) had a huge cost to America in Blood and Treasure.

You can't give Israel credit for the good stuff and then ignore the bad stuff.
That would be the "humint" that didnt' warn us 9/11 was coming but was absolutely certain that Saddam was on the verge of getting a nuke (which he didn't have)?

You are kind of defeating your own argument. On the basis of that, I would think that we have a bunch of people who are manipulating us into doing their bidding.

Of course, if there was no Zionist Entity, we wouldn't have a problem with the Arabs.

STFU. You can't answer a single question and run your keyboard about shit you don't know.

Guy, I answered all the questions.

Your statement is that Israel is sooooo valueable because they provide "human intelligence".

But they missed 9/11. They missed that Saddam didn't have WMD's. Both of those "mistakes" (which oddly, provoked us into action that benefited Israel, at least in the short term) had a huge cost to America in Blood and Treasure.

You can't give Israel credit for the good stuff and then ignore the bad stuff.

No you ran away from the question of why the US is not an apartheid state.
How do you know Saddam didnt have WMDs? Virtually every intelligence agency thought so.
STFU. You can't answer a single question and run your keyboard about shit you don't know.

Guy, I answered all the questions.

Your statement is that Israel is sooooo valueable because they provide "human intelligence".

But they missed 9/11. They missed that Saddam didn't have WMD's. Both of those "mistakes" (which oddly, provoked us into action that benefited Israel, at least in the short term) had a huge cost to America in Blood and Treasure.

You can't give Israel credit for the good stuff and then ignore the bad stuff.

No you ran away from the question of why the US is not an apartheid state.
How do you know Saddam didnt have WMDs? Virtually every intelligence agency thought so.

Again, since you don't actually understand Apartheid as a concept, and couldn't give me a definition of it despite being asked several times, explaining to you why America isn't Apartheid is like explaining to you why a giraffe isn't an elephant, when you've never seen either.

As to the WMD question, Because we invaded his country and didn't find any, you mope. And incidently, a lot of people said he didn't have them. We invaded anyway because the Mossad insisted he had. (Not that I put all the blame on the Mossad, the NeoCons in the Pentagon were all to willing to say "how high" when the Zionists said "jump".

But your point was that Israel is soooo important because it gives us intelligence. But the intel they give us is wrong or manipulated, it isn't a useful metric, is it?
Dear Rabbi:

I am still respectfully waiting for a response to my previous post and I am really interested in hearing your explanation as to why the German people, who were the sophiscated and advant guard in all the world and where Jews were accepted and fully integrated into all levels of their society, in a few short years, changed into Anti-Semites who allowed a madman like Adolph Hitler to come to power.
["If you wait until after the election, Dmitri, I'll have them on a silver platter, just like John The Baptist's head, for you. Trust me! Tell that to Vlad and Mahmoud"
Dmitri was apparently relaying Mahmoud's frustrations over having spent all those millions developing a deliverable atomic bomb and being prevented from doing so by the American Missile Defense System. "Barry, you know his religion absolutely demands that he kill a couple hundred million Americans and your missile defense has Mahmoud feeling like he's stymied outside the closed doors at Cheyenne Mountain just flailing away to no avail. He feels he absolutely needs to bring about his end of times scenario, Barry, just give him a chance, please"]

"You have to ask for the motivation behind the leak. I mean, if the Israelis can do this operation, it's to our benefit! From a diplomatic standpoint, if you wanted to tell the Iranians that the Israelis did this, it's without our permission. And then try to butter up the Iranians after the strike, so they don't close the Strait of Hormuz, that's one thing.

But giving away all of the secrets of an ally? When you're doing that, you have to ask whether we still have Israel as an ally. We are not acting like an ally. In fact, if you ask me, based on the amount of time I expect the Israelis put in this relationship with Azerbaijan, I would start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel.

This administration is not going to do anything to stop the Iranian terror state from acquiring nuclear weapons. They are actively working against America's closest allies to prevent a strike against Iran. They are, under Obama's orders, leaking highly classified information to America's enemies through the media.

Who leaked this information? And when are we going to prosecute them?"

RED ALERT: Former Marine Strike Planner on Obama's Azerbaijan Leak: "Start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel"

Started a thread on this last month.

One of the reasons we're out of Iraq is because it removes any possible airfield Israel might use to stage aircraft. The Iraqis would be better served to allow them to do so because they've been enemies for decades. Azerbaijan was another option. Personally I think we should let Israel launch off of our carriers but Obama won't allow that. I think he likes Iran more than Israel.
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Guy, I answered all the questions.

Your statement is that Israel is sooooo valueable because they provide "human intelligence".

But they missed 9/11. They missed that Saddam didn't have WMD's. Both of those "mistakes" (which oddly, provoked us into action that benefited Israel, at least in the short term) had a huge cost to America in Blood and Treasure.

You can't give Israel credit for the good stuff and then ignore the bad stuff.

No you ran away from the question of why the US is not an apartheid state.
How do you know Saddam didnt have WMDs? Virtually every intelligence agency thought so.

Again, since you don't actually understand Apartheid as a concept, and couldn't give me a definition of it despite being asked several times, explaining to you why America isn't Apartheid is like explaining to you why a giraffe isn't an elephant, when you've never seen either.

As to the WMD question, Because we invaded his country and didn't find any, you mope. And incidently, a lot of people said he didn't have them. We invaded anyway because the Mossad insisted he had. (Not that I put all the blame on the Mossad, the NeoCons in the Pentagon were all to willing to say "how high" when the Zionists said "jump".

But your point was that Israel is soooo important because it gives us intelligence. But the intel they give us is wrong or manipulated, it isn't a useful metric, is it?

IOW you can't answer the question. Got it.

So just because we didnt find any means they never had them? And if Mossad lied, so did every other intelligence service. Why are you not hammering the Cezh service, which to this day swears Iraq had a meeting with al Qaeda?
Dear Rabbi:

I am still respectfully waiting for a response to my previous post and I am really interested in hearing your explanation as to why the German people, who were the sophiscated and advant guard in all the world and where Jews were accepted and fully integrated into all levels of their society, in a few short years, changed into Anti-Semites who allowed a madman like Adolph Hitler to come to power.

Because an economic crisis caused by liberals made people trust a charismatic outsider who demonized others for his own failures.
Dear Rabbi:

I am still respectfully waiting for a response to my previous post and I am really interested in hearing your explanation as to why the German people, who were the sophiscated and advant guard in all the world and where Jews were accepted and fully integrated into all levels of their society, in a few short years, changed into Anti-Semites who allowed a madman like Adolph Hitler to come to power.

Because an economic crisis caused by liberals made people trust a charismatic outsider who demonized others for his own failures.

I don't think Obama is going to completely pull the rug from under Israel because he still needs votes from liberal Jews in America.
Dear Rabbi:

I am still respectfully waiting for a response to my previous post and I am really interested in hearing your explanation as to why the German people, who were the sophiscated and advant guard in all the world and where Jews were accepted and fully integrated into all levels of their society, in a few short years, changed into Anti-Semites who allowed a madman like Adolph Hitler to come to power.

Because an economic crisis caused by liberals made people trust a charismatic outsider who demonized others for his own failures.

I don't think Obama is going to completely pull the rug from under Israel because he still needs votes from liberal Jews in America.

Only until after the election. Then either way he'll toss them overboard.
If the muslims win and puts and end to Israel what it means is that they can then put their full attention on Europe and the United States.
Israel will never get pushed into the sea, if anything they will use their nukes on the Arabs, which won't be an ideal situation for anyone.

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