Obama set to deliver speech on race, Wright

Yeah that's right.

I'm not a Hillary supporter mainly because I don't wish to keep the same two families in the white house. We've had Bush-Clinton-Bush so far in my life-time--and Reagan when I was little.

I'll have to admit that my values and beliefs are more conservative. But I'm kind of an inbetweener. I'm not going to vote for a Rep. if I don't like him/her, just the same as I'm not going to vote for a Dem. if I don't like him/her. My original candidate already lost. Huckabee (not because he was a hardcore christian, but because I agreed with some of his policies.)

I think the nation is ready for a woman/black president. My only problem with this situation (this moment in time), is that many people are casting votes strictly because "it is time for a black president" or "it's time for a woman president." I just can't seem to grasp the logic in that concept. I realize that you don't follow that agenda, because you're smarter than that. But probably the majority of voters (average joe) do.

I understand the objection to the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton thing, but for now, I can justify it saying no one complained about that when it was going to be Bush-Clinton-Bush, and stuck us with junior. Thing about her is she's the toughest woman I've ever seen in my life. And, as much as I try not to get lost in the whole "it's time for... " thing, I have to tell you, there's a bit of pride at the thought that a woman could run this country, same as I'm sure for blacks Obama is a huge source of pride. People speak about that disparagingly, and I understand why, but I also know what a big deal it was in the Jewish community to have someone running for the vice presidency. There's a sense of acceptance, a sense of "finally" being judged on the merits and not on one's color, sex or religion.

I vote across party lines locally all the time. But after the past 7 years, I don't think I could ever vote for a republican for either governor (b/c they choose the secretary of state) or any federal office.

I've never voted for a democratic mayor, though. ;o)

What about conservativism would appeal to someone young?
I think there's a different kind of republican emerging in young america. Particularly in the south. Republicans that will vote across party lines. Of course, there is still a degree of parents dictating what their kids believe.

I teach at a school where have the population come from mixed parents(mostly white/hispanic--but also quite a few white/black kids.

Minorities typically (not always) vote democrat and most of your southern whites vote republican. So their getting a little bit of both worlds from their parents.

Young (conditioned-trained) conservatives are starting to learn to look for the person and not for the party. (I'm sure this isn't large scale, but I see it happening here in south Texas to a degree).
I talk to kids everyday who are most surely christian conservative, but who talk about their parents voting democrat or vice-verca. It's kind of weird. I mean...my parents are hard-core republicans, but they voted for Mr. Clinton during that go around.

Then there's a even larger number of kids who could really care less about politics and they don't even know who's running for what. :cool:
This is just a guess. Obama, "I want to first start by saying I denounce the inflamatory statements made by my former pastor, Racist, I mean Rev. Wright. But I want to explain why some older generation blacks feel that way, Liberation........Just a guess

Yep, just as I thought.:rofl:
Awwwwwwwwwww... a little racist convention, how cute.

Just cause someone questions another's racist statements doesn't in fact make them a racist. Plus, he's going to say he has never heard him make those type of comments. He doesn't seem to have a problem lying.


Rezko helped bankroll Obama in five election runs — for the state Senate, U.S. House and U.S. Senate. The savvy businessman with the North Shore mansion could bring in as much as $70,000 from political donors in one night. In the heat of a campaign, Obama said he sometimes talked strategy with Rezko daily.

The senator disclosed that Rezko had raised far more campaign cash for him than previously known. He said he was “saddened” by his friend’s troubles but would be “disappointed” if Rezko ends up convicted. For the first time, Obama said he was disturbed that Rezko had allowed low-income housing Rezko developed to fall apart. And he said that, although he had made a mistake in buying a piece of property from Rezko, “Does it speak to a trend of mine? No.”

Is Rezko still a friend?

“Yes,” Obama said, “with the caveat that, obviously, if it turns out the allegations are true, then he’s not who I thought he was. And I’d be very disappointed with that.”

Obama acknowledged that Rezko had raised $250,000 for him — about $100,000 more than had previously been disclosed and about five times more than Obama conveyed during a November 2006 question-and-answer exchange with the Sun-Times.

Obama also defended signing a 1998 letter urging the state to fund a low-income housing project developed by Rezko and Obama’s former boss, Allison Davis — both of whom were clients of Obama’s law firm as well as campaign contributors. Obama said he didn’t remember writing the “form letter” until the Sun-Times asked about it last June. This was not one of the Rezko developments that fell into disrepair.
It was a great and unambiguous speech. Only an imbecile would misunderstand it. If you want to read for yourself here it is:


Does it need more explanation for the otherwise bigotted and uninformed?

Again I will restate, questioning one's 20 year associated with a racist doesn't make them bigotted. It is only reasonable to a uniformed person that a person wouldn't have heard some racially charged or anti-amercian sermons in 20 years of attending this guy's church.
Again I will restate, questioning one's 20 year associated with a racist doesn't make them bigotted. It is only reasonable to a uniformed person that a person wouldn't have heard some racially charged or anti-amercian sermons in 20 years of attending this guy's church.

Do you agree with everything you read on US message boards?


Then kindly disassociate yourself. Because after all if someone else says it near you, you must belief it, right?
Do you agree with everything you read on US message boards?


Then kindly disassociate yourself. Because after all if someone else says it near you, you must belief it, right?

The message board has married me and my wife, baptized my kids or etc....
Inherantily you choose a church and continue to attend a church based on how that church conforms with your beliefs. A message board is hardly an accurate comparison.
The message board has married me and my wife, baptized my kids or etc....
Inherantily you choose a church and continue to attend a church based on how that church conforms with your beliefs. A message board is hardly an accurate comparison.

Err I generally thought you chose a Church based on your religious beliefs, not your political beliefs.

I find it curious that you think its ok to scream that he is Anti-American when he served in the US Marine Corps. Why isn't that mentioned anywhere? Why isn't it mentioned that he went to Libya to get a peace deal to free a US soldier? Do those things not fit your world view?
Evangelical churches tend to get loud and sometimes out of line, don't you know? I think they all ought to be paying taxes and assisting the society in which they are allowed to exist.
Err I generally thought you chose a Church based on your religious beliefs, not your political beliefs.

I find it curious that you think its ok to scream that he is Anti-American when he served in the US Marine Corps. Why isn't that mentioned anywhere? Why isn't it mentioned that he went to Libya to get a peace deal to free a US soldier? Do those things not fit your world view?

Uh..."God damn Amercia" doesn't mean anything to you that would seem to be anti-american. Oh your talking about his trip to Tripoli to free Robert Goodman? Yes him and Fahrakan went there. I never said a racist couldn't do good things. I mean look at Farhrakan he was there with him trying to free the solider, and he said white people should be squashed like cockroaches. Are you saying because Fahrakan committed a good act we shouldn't hold him responsible for that comment?
Uh..."God damn Amercia" doesn't mean anything to you that would seem to be anti-american. Oh your talking about his trip to Tripoli to free Robert Goodman? Yes him and Fahrakan went there. I never said a racist couldn't do good things. I mean look at Farhrakan he was there with him trying to free the solider, and he said white people should be squashed like cockroaches. Are you saying because Fahrakan committed a good act we shouldn't hold him responsible for that comment?

Feel free to hold him responsible, not the people who happen to be around him.

And no, I don't think if you say God damn America you are anti-American. He said it once, in the pulpit, while speaking in the heat of the moment.

God Damn America.

Wow...I just said it. Oh noes! The world might fall down now. Or something.
Feel free to hold him responsible, not the people who happen to be around him.

And no, I don't think if you say God damn America you are anti-American. He said it once, in the pulpit, while speaking in the heat of the moment.

God Damn America.

Wow...I just said it. Oh noes! The world might fall down now. Or something.

If it was just one stupid comment, yes maybe but there were several comments.....his comments after 9/11, United Whites of America...come get real:cuckoo:
If it was just one stupid comment, yes maybe but there were several comments.....his comments after 9/11, United Whites of America...come get real:cuckoo:

Wait you mean a Black pastor might make a comment about how white America is? Gee, the wonder of it all. :rolleyes:

But yes the 9/11 comments were stupid, but apparently a lot of people believe the government was behind it.
Wait you mean a Black pastor might make a comment about how white America is? Gee, the wonder of it all. :rolleyes:

But yes the 9/11 comments were stupid, but apparently a lot of people believe the government was behind it.

Well if you are for equal rights and equal justice what does a majority of Americans being white have to do with those prinicples. They were only used to incite hate toward whites. Why can't we be American people instead of whites and blacks.
I can certainly see how the exceptionally ignorant can find the speech insulting.

Good luck in your afterlife?

No to assume all priests, pastors and rabbi's make those type of inflammatory comments is assinine at best.
Are you assuming that I meant anything about "all" clergymen? I didn't say that.

No to assume all priests, pastors and rabbi's make those type of inflammatory comments is assinine at best.

Are you assuming that all statements made by the Reverend Wright fall into your description of inflammatory comment? It looks that way. Are you trying to be asinine, as you describe?

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