Obama shifts, says he may back offshore drilling

Go figure.:badgrin:

I can't find the post, but about 3 weeks ago I predicted this! TO bad Nancy Sent congress home for a 6 week break with out allowing a vote on this. My guess is she was protecting Obama from having to vote on the issue.
The leases in question are almost all Use or Lose leases. Meaning either they use them with in 10 years or lose them. The idea that they are sitting on Oil and not drilling is a fabrication of the democrats. If a lease is not being drilled, it is because it was found to either not have any oil, or not enough to make it cost effective!
I can't find the post, but about 3 weeks ago I predicted this! TO bad Nancy Sent congress home for a 6 week break with out allowing a vote on this. My guess is she was protecting Obama from having to vote on the issue.

Well that and the legislative ban on offshore drilling expires 9/30/08 anyway. So she just plays dumb and keeps a vote from happening while they can still be the champions to the enviromental groups.
The leases in question are almost all Use or Lose leases. Meaning either they use them with in 10 years or lose them. The idea that they are sitting on Oil and not drilling is a fabrication of the democrats. If a lease is not being drilled, it is because it was found to either not have any oil, or not enough to make it cost effective!

Funny how gas was .99 a gallon when the Democrats were in the White House.

The Law on Land Exploration Time Limits: According to Title 30, Subsection 226(e) of the United States Code, “Competitive and noncompetitive leases issued under this section shall be for a primary term of 10 years. … Any lease issued under this section for land on which, or for which under an approved cooperative or unit plan development or operation, actual drilling operations were commenced prior to the end of its primary term and are being diligently prosecuted at that time shall be extended for two years and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities.”
The Law on Deep-Water Exploration Time Limits: According to Title 43, Sec. 1337 (b) of the United States Code, “An oil and gas lease issued pursuant to this section shall (2) be for an initial period of (A) five years; or (B) not to exceed ten years where the Secretary finds that such longer period is necessary to encourage exploration and development in areas because of unusually deep water or other unusually adverse conditions, and as long after such initial period as oil or gas is produced from the area in paying quantities, or drilling or well reworking operations as approved by the Secretary are conducted thereon.”
GOP.gov - House Republican Conference - Article

"In recent days I have set before the American people an energy plan, the Lexington Project -- named for the town where Americans asserted their independence once before. And let it begin today with this commitment: In a world of hostile and unstable suppliers of oil, this nation will achieve strategic independence by 2025."
John McCain, June 25, 2008

Read the entire speech...

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

I like John McCain, but he won't make it through one term. I don't want Mitt Romney to be president.

i'm glad to hear you like mccain, kirk... :)

i'm wondering, since mccain has yet to announce who his VP candidate will be, why do you keep bringing mitt romney up?
Maybe we should all be saying if Obama wins and some red neck racist kills him that Hillary will end up being president??? LOL
Maybe we should all be saying if Obama wins and some red neck racist kills him that Hillary will end up being president??? LOL

naaah they'd just blame it on hillary!!

besides, i doubt he's going to pick her for VP.

just as i don't think mccain will choose romney.
i'm glad to hear you like mccain, kirk... :)

i'm wondering, since mccain has yet to announce who his VP candidate will be, why do you keep bringing mitt romney up?

Because it's obvious that is who he will choose.
He will not pick Romney. Simply because McCain already has issues with conservatives, and Romney does too. McCain will pick a conservative person who has not alienated Conservatives as Romney has.
He will not pick Romney. Simply because McCain already has issues with conservatives, and Romney does too. McCain will pick a conservative person who has not alienated Conservatives as Romney has.

Not to mention, the Christian right would probably boycott the election, so to speak. Besides the LDS, of course. But that would be a huge blow, for a candidate already on shaky ground with conservative America to begin with.
Here you go,

Facts about Non-Producing Leases

Now feel free to squeal like a pig about how it is a government/Oil Co. link and therefore we should ignore it

Here is more on the subject:
68 Million Acres and Oil Companies Do Not Drill KEN MOYES’ Weblog

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