Obama shooting a gun.....

Here's how you correctly handle a rifle, Barry.
Someone please forward to the Selectee In Chief.
Next time he pulls a photo op/publicity stunt with a weapon, perhaps he will hold the weapon correctly.

If you look closely, any idiot can see that Palins cheek is incorrectly centered on the stock and her third finger on her left hand is too far back.

Her eyes are obviously not engaging the target correctly (she is looking at the ground) and her tension seems unnatural

Right wingers are so gullible
If you look closely, any idiot can see that Palins cheek is incorrectly centered on the stock and her third finger on her left hand is too far back.

Her eyes are obviously not engaging the target correctly (she is looking at the ground) and her tension seems unnatural

Right wingers are so gullible

You wouldn't know which end of the tube the fucking round came out of if handed a weapon.
If you look closely, any idiot can see that Palins cheek is incorrectly centered on the stock and her third finger on her left hand is too far back.

Her eyes are obviously not engaging the target correctly (she is looking at the ground) and her tension seems unnatural

Right wingers are so gullible

You wouldn't know which end of the tube the fucking round came out of if handed a weapon.

The only type of tube you know about has semen shooting out of it
Presidents shooting at Camp David. Obama's gun angle is similar to Kennedy's.






About Camp David
"Vice President Bush with son Jeb(now Governor of Florida) and marines,John Anna and Mike Miller. The VP seldomed missed the clay birds. Later Jeb narrowly escaped injury when the barrel of a Remmington shotgun exploded."

"Reminds me of the story my buddy told me that happened while he was a Marine stationed at Camp David during the Reagan years. One day VP Bush and his sons showed up and wanted to go out to the range to shoot. My buddy was charged with assembling the presidential shotguns and ammo and they proceeded to shoot. Well, one of the sons (I can’t remember which one but IT WAS NOT our latest President), placed a different gauge shot shell into the 12 gauge and squeezed off. According to Mike, he could have been killed but apparently got dusted up a bit. Well, the CO wanted to throw the book at Mike for somehow getting different shells mixed with the guns but Old man Bush stepped in and said to forget the whole matter."

"The story of "the shotgun incident" with V.P. Bush and sons is absolutely true. I was a Marine guard at Camp David at that time. I was coming on duty at the same time the SOG came into the guardhouse with the shotgun and told us what had just happened. I actually held the shotgun in question, it was a 12 gauge custom made European skeet gun. One of the "Bush Boys" had put a 20 gauge shell in by mistake, it peeled the barrel from the chamber about 5 to 6 inches up the barrel. We all had a good laugh about that. I believe it was Jeb but I don't remember for sure. Jeb and George W. were the ones at the range that day,but no one was hurt just shaken up. As far as the Marines at the range, it wasn't the ones mentioned in the message board. John Anna was a "boot" and Mike "Miller Lite" was a L/Cpl at the time. Unless they policed the range afterwards. The SOG was the Rangemaster at the Skeet range that day. This is one of the stories I tell friends about my Camp David days."
NOte that only the upper barrel, the one that fires second, has a choke tube. People who understand will know what I mean.
NOte that only the upper barrel, the one that fires second, has a choke tube. People who understand will know what I mean.

Actually you can choose which barrel fires first. I generally fire the bottom first because your bird/clay is closer and easier to hit. I go with the top on longer shots for the accuracy. It does appear that he only has one choke tube in. I would guess because he cant hit with the bottom barrel so it's not even loaded.
Or he only needed to fire once for the photo op.
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NOte that only the upper barrel, the one that fires second, has a choke tube. People who understand will know what I mean.

Actually you can choose which barrel fires first. I generally fire the bottom first because your bird/clay is closer and easier to hit. I go with the top on longer shots for the accuracy. It does appear that he only has one choke tube in. I would guess because he cant hit with the bottom barrel so it's not even loaded.
Or he only needed to fire once for the photo op.

No. On the Browning you cannot select the barrel to fire first.

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