Obama shoots Rule of Law again. Wants to give clemency to THOUSANDS of drug criminals

sigh -- You don't understand the issue. It's not the president's place to rewrite laws passed by congress and that's what a blanket clemency does. Pardons on an individual bases are ok.

Like all liberals your motto is - "To hell with the law. We're gonna do what's right".

The president has the legal authority to do this.


Yes he does, but this is not how clemency is meant to be used. THINK
sigh -- You don't understand the issue. It's not the president's place to rewrite laws passed by congress and that's what a blanket clemency does. Pardons on an individual bases are ok.

Like all liberals your motto is - "To hell with the law. We're gonna do what's right".

The president has the legal authority to do this.


Yes he does, but this is not how clemency is meant to be used. THINK

How is it supposed to be used?
Oh Brother.

Lets be FAIR about drug users??

What a load of horseshit. I could care what color they are.

As for "ineffecive and expensive way to address crime. .

Lets just slap em on the wrist, tell em not to do drugs or sell drugs and let em go.

Better yet lets let em all kill themselves with drugs. and stop wasting millions trying to rehabilitate em. Sounds good to me.


You think jail "rehabilitates" drug users.



Seriously there S. There are loads of rehabilitation programs out there that are payed for with tax dollars.

As far as prison goes?? These folks get dried out and off drugs. Of course the minute they are free they had back down that road again.

Yes seriously. Catch a clue.

Jail seldom rehabilitates anyone.

In fact in many cases, it does the exact opposite, it makes people angry. It also makes them unemployable.

The worst possible outcome for some experimenting with drugs is to be sent to prison.

You think jail "rehabilitates" drug users.



Seriously there S. There are loads of rehabilitation programs out there that are payed for with tax dollars.

As far as prison goes?? These folks get dried out and off drugs. Of course the minute they are free they had back down that road again.

Yes seriously. Catch a clue.

Jail seldom rehabilitates anyone.

In fact in many cases, it does the exact opposite, it makes people angry. It also makes them unemployable.

The worst possible outcome for some experimenting with drugs is to be sent to prison.

Jail is something to be avoided but I've seen people who have been in jail twenty or thirty times. They have records as long as your arm and I could care less about rehabilitating these pukes because no one is going to rehabilitate someone who doesn't want to be rehabilitated. Crime is a way of life for these people.

And your right. Jail isn't there to rehabilitate anyone. Nor should it be. Its there to keep them away from law abiding folks.

As for the druggies?? Once they go into jail they are off drugs when they come out. Its entirely up to them to stay off drugs, or not. I have no sympathy for anyone on drugs. Anyone who takes a chance of fucking up their lives with drugs for a high is a moron and not deserving of one ounce of compassion. They made the decision to use drugs, let them live with the consequences.
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