Obama should be 15 points down to Romney


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
1 point for each per centage of 15% real unemployment.

Why he will probably coast to a re-election is befuddling.
Lots of people are pretty disgruntled out there and Romney looks too much like the guy who laid them off, foreclosed on their home, sold them that stock that tanked, in other words, the living embodiment of the elite jack-off that golden parachuted his way back to the Hamptons while they had to go sign up for pubic assistance for the first time just hear this fat-cat call them losers and mooches.
Sorry bout that,

1. Try to understand who controls the polls, its the *piss boy libnut media*.
2. Its a wonder they have it so close, really!
3. When they could easily have it, 85 - O and 15 - R.

1 point for each per centage of 15% real unemployment.

Why he will probably coast to a re-election is befuddling.

You're watching the national polling data which has been proven to be over polling democrats to republicans. They did the same thing during the Carter/Reagan race--showing Carter ahead clear up to the election. And they do it for a reason--if they came out and showed Romney ahead by mega points--no one--and I mean no one would donate another dime to Obama's reelection campaign. So they have lots of tricks--including using the turn-out in 2008 which is going to be flawed from the onset. In fact--Gallop was sued by the Obama reelection campaign for trying to use the turn-out in 2010--which as we know resulted in a 75 year historic butt kicking of democrats across this country.


CNN is grabbing political headlines tonight with the release of its latest poll. It shows Obama surging to a 6-point lead over Romney, 52-46, among likely. Before the start of the Democrat convention, the candidates had been tied in the poll. Since it purportedly confirms a narrative the media is trying to build, i.e. that Obama is starting to pull away with the race, it is getting wide coverage. However, there are a couple of strange things within the poll that cast doubt on its veracity. And, at least one concern warrants a response from CNN.

First, this being a media poll, it has an obvious skew towards Democrats. The partisan breakdown is (D/R/I) 50/45/5. It perhaps isn’t surprising that Obama is leading a D+5 poll by 6 points. Throughout the campaign season, Obama’s margin usually is very close to the partisan skew in the sample. It is surprising, though, that Independents make up only 5% of the sample. Tellingly, Romney leads this group by 14 points.
CNN manipulated their polling | Education News

So you have to look at what the campaigns look at --The internal polling data

Romney leads independents by 14 points.
Romney extends lead among Independents to 14 percent | RedState
Women are moving to the Romney column
Poll: Mitt Romney Making Headway With Women Voters - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)
Romney winning the youth vote
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com
Blacks--Hispanics and Jewish will not be supporting Obama like they did in 2008.
Can Obama still count on African-American and Jewish voters? | Harry J Enten | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Obama has huge crack in former white support.
Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

These are the internal numbers which is why Romney is looking confident and Obama depressed.

There isn't a President in recent history that has won reelection with this high of unemployment and the University of Colorado through historic data has already called this race for Mitt Romney--and they have been right since 1980.
University of Colorado forecasters predict a Mitt Romney presidency | Deseret News

So after all national polls told us Carter was ahead of Reagan up until 3 days prior to the election let's remember the results of that one.


Carter/Reagan 1980
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You guys expecting a Romney victory that somehow contradicts practically all the polls are going to be hurt the worst, oh well, at least you will be the first to jump on the next "Obama Cheated.....somehow" bandwagon. Denial of this level is just too sad to witness.
1 point for each per centage of 15% real unemployment.

Why he will probably coast to a re-election is befuddling.

You're watching the national polling data which has been proven to be over polling democrats to republicans. They did the same thing during the Carter/Reagan race--showing Carter ahead clear up to the election. And they do it for a reason--if they came out and showed Romney ahead by mega points--no one--and I mean no one would donate another dime to Obama's reelection campaign. So they have lots of tricks--including using the turn-out in 2008 which is going to be flawed from the onset. In fact--Gallop was sued by the Obama reelection campaign for trying to use the turn-out in 2010--which as we know resulted in a 75 year historic butt kicking of democrats across this country.


CNN is grabbing political headlines tonight with the release of its latest poll. It shows Obama surging to a 6-point lead over Romney, 52-46, among likely. Before the start of the Democrat convention, the candidates had been tied in the poll. Since it purportedly confirms a narrative the media is trying to build, i.e. that Obama is starting to pull away with the race, it is getting wide coverage. However, there are a couple of strange things within the poll that cast doubt on its veracity. And, at least one concern warrants a response from CNN.

First, this being a media poll, it has an obvious skew towards Democrats. The partisan breakdown is (D/R/I) 50/45/5. It perhaps isn’t surprising that Obama is leading a D+5 poll by 6 points. Throughout the campaign season, Obama’s margin usually is very close to the partisan skew in the sample. It is surprising, though, that Independents make up only 5% of the sample. Tellingly, Romney leads this group by 14 points.
CNN manipulated their polling | Education News

So you have to look at what the campaigns look at and why Obama looks so depressed right now. The internal polling data.

Romney leads independents by 14 points.
Romney extends lead among Independents to 14 percent | RedState
Women are moving to the Romney column
Poll: Mitt Romney Making Headway With Women Voters - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)
Romney winning the youth vote
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com
Blacks--Hispanics and Jewish will not be supporting him like they did in 2008.
Can Obama still count on African-American and Jewish voters? | Harry J Enten | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Obama has huge crack in former white support.
Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

These are the internal numbers which is why Romney is looking confident and Obama depressed. Furthermore all of the national polls are basing their polls on the turn-out in 2008 that is not going to be there in 2012.

There isn't a President in recent history that has won reelection with this high unemployment and the University of Colorado through historic data has already called this race for Mitt Romney--and they have been right since 1980.
University of Colorado forecasters predict a Mitt Romney presidency | Deseret News

So after all national polls told us Carter was ahead of Reagan up until 2 days prior to the election let's remember the results of that one.


Carter/Reagan 1980

Romney looks confident and Obama looks depressed? What have you been watching? I also don't understand what the pollsters have to gain ny showing Obama in the lead. These pollsters do surveys on more than elections. What better way to gain more clients and to charge higher rates? Be the best pollster when everyone is watching you during national elections.

The University of Colorado model actually hasn't predicted anything, the model was put together just 4 years ago. They will also be updating their results sometime this month.

The Reagan-Carter comparisons need to end. They are completely different candidates and the narrative that Carter was leading all of the polls just isn't correct. Exploding The Reagan 1980 Comeback Myth | The New Republic
1 point for each per centage of 15% real unemployment.

Why he will probably coast to a re-election is befuddling.

The first sign you were "befuddl[ed]" was creating your own measure of unemployment.
1 point for each per centage of 15% real unemployment.

Why he will probably coast to a re-election is befuddling.

You're watching the national polling data which has been proven to be over polling democrats to republicans. They did the same thing during the Carter/Reagan race--showing Carter ahead clear up to the election. And they do it for a reason--if they came out and showed Romney ahead by mega points--no one--and I mean no one would donate another dime to Obama's reelection campaign. So they have lots of tricks--including using the turn-out in 2008 which is going to be flawed from the onset. In fact--Gallop was sued by the Obama reelection campaign for trying to use the turn-out in 2010--which as we know resulted in a 75 year historic butt kicking of democrats across this country.


CNN is grabbing political headlines tonight with the release of its latest poll. It shows Obama surging to a 6-point lead over Romney, 52-46, among likely. Before the start of the Democrat convention, the candidates had been tied in the poll. Since it purportedly confirms a narrative the media is trying to build, i.e. that Obama is starting to pull away with the race, it is getting wide coverage. However, there are a couple of strange things within the poll that cast doubt on its veracity. And, at least one concern warrants a response from CNN.

First, this being a media poll, it has an obvious skew towards Democrats. The partisan breakdown is (D/R/I) 50/45/5. It perhaps isn’t surprising that Obama is leading a D+5 poll by 6 points. Throughout the campaign season, Obama’s margin usually is very close to the partisan skew in the sample. It is surprising, though, that Independents make up only 5% of the sample. Tellingly, Romney leads this group by 14 points.
CNN manipulated their polling | Education News

So you have to look at what the campaigns look at --The internal polling data

Romney leads independents by 14 points.
Romney extends lead among Independents to 14 percent | RedState
Women are moving to the Romney column
Poll: Mitt Romney Making Headway With Women Voters - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)
Romney winning the youth vote
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com
Blacks--Hispanics and Jewish will not be supporting Obama like they did in 2008.
Can Obama still count on African-American and Jewish voters? | Harry J Enten | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Obama has huge crack in former white support.
Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

These are the internal numbers which is why Romney is looking confident and Obama depressed.

There isn't a President in recent history that has won reelection with this high of unemployment and the University of Colorado through historic data has already called this race for Mitt Romney--and they have been right since 1980.
University of Colorado forecasters predict a Mitt Romney presidency | Deseret News

So after all national polls told us Carter was ahead of Reagan up until 3 days prior to the election let's remember the results of that one.


Carter/Reagan 1980

I'm glad you feel so confident about Romney leading among independents in July.
You guys expecting a Romney victory that somehow contradicts practically all the polls are going to be hurt the worst, oh well, at least you will be the first to jump on the next "Obama Cheated.....somehow" bandwagon. Denial of this level is just too sad to witness.

I imagine November 6th 2012 is going to be reminiscent of Custer's Last Stand for Democrats--and the internal polling data is indicating that right now.

Here's just one of them--the other's I listed above.

President Obama does not currently have enough white support to win re-election even if he retains his minority base from 2008.

Today, fewer whites back Obama than any Democratic candidate since Walter Mondale. Romney does not need to emulate Ronald Reagan to win. Should he match Reagan’s share of the white vote in 1984 -- presuming all else remains constant since 2008 -- Romney would rout Obama.

Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics
So after all national polls told us Carter was ahead of Reagan up until 3 days prior to the election let's remember the results of that one.

"All national polls" did not have Carter up. Reagan led the polling aggregate from late May 1980 onwards.


If you have to make up an alternate history to substantiate your fantasies, you're probably not in great shape.
You guys expecting a Romney victory that somehow contradicts practically all the polls are going to be hurt the worst, oh well, at least you will be the first to jump on the next "Obama Cheated.....somehow" bandwagon. Denial of this level is just too sad to witness.

I imagine November 6th 2012 is going to be reminiscent of Custer's Last Stand for Democrats--and the internal polling data is indicating that right now.

Here's just one of them--the other's I listed above.

President Obama does not currently have enough white support to win re-election even if he retains his minority base from 2008.

Today, fewer whites back Obama than any Democratic candidate since Walter Mondale. Romney does not need to emulate Ronald Reagan to win. Should he match Reagan’s share of the white vote in 1984 -- presuming all else remains constant since 2008 -- Romney would rout Obama.

Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

You guys must be glad they had the election back in June.
1 point for each per centage of 15% real unemployment.

Why he will probably coast to a re-election is befuddling.

You're watching the national polling data which has been proven to be over polling democrats to republicans. They did the same thing during the Carter/Reagan race--showing Carter ahead clear up to the election. And they do it for a reason--if they came out and showed Romney ahead by mega points--no one--and I mean no one would donate another dime to Obama's reelection campaign. So they have lots of tricks--including using the turn-out in 2008 which is going to be flawed from the onset. In fact--Gallop was sued by the Obama reelection campaign for trying to use the turn-out in 2010--which as we know resulted in a 75 year historic butt kicking of democrats across this country.


CNN is grabbing political headlines tonight with the release of its latest poll. It shows Obama surging to a 6-point lead over Romney, 52-46, among likely. Before the start of the Democrat convention, the candidates had been tied in the poll. Since it purportedly confirms a narrative the media is trying to build, i.e. that Obama is starting to pull away with the race, it is getting wide coverage. However, there are a couple of strange things within the poll that cast doubt on its veracity. And, at least one concern warrants a response from CNN.

First, this being a media poll, it has an obvious skew towards Democrats. The partisan breakdown is (D/R/I) 50/45/5. It perhaps isn’t surprising that Obama is leading a D+5 poll by 6 points. Throughout the campaign season, Obama’s margin usually is very close to the partisan skew in the sample. It is surprising, though, that Independents make up only 5% of the sample. Tellingly, Romney leads this group by 14 points.
CNN manipulated their polling | Education News

So you have to look at what the campaigns look at --The internal polling data

Romney leads independents by 14 points.
Romney extends lead among Independents to 14 percent | RedState
Women are moving to the Romney column
Poll: Mitt Romney Making Headway With Women Voters - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)
Romney winning the youth vote
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com
Blacks--Hispanics and Jewish will not be supporting Obama like they did in 2008.
Can Obama still count on African-American and Jewish voters? | Harry J Enten | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Obama has huge crack in former white support.
Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

These are the internal numbers which is why Romney is looking confident and Obama depressed.

There isn't a President in recent history that has won reelection with this high of unemployment and the University of Colorado through historic data has already called this race for Mitt Romney--and they have been right since 1980.
University of Colorado forecasters predict a Mitt Romney presidency | Deseret News

So after all national polls told us Carter was ahead of Reagan up until 3 days prior to the election let's remember the results of that one.


Carter/Reagan 1980

I'm glad you feel so confident about Romney leading among independents in July.

You're right--Romney is now leading independents by 15 points not 14.

James Carville Poll Panics Dems: Romney Leads By 15 Points Among Independents « Pat Dollard
You guys expecting a Romney victory that somehow contradicts practically all the polls are going to be hurt the worst, oh well, at least you will be the first to jump on the next "Obama Cheated.....somehow" bandwagon. Denial of this level is just too sad to witness.

I imagine November 6th 2012 is going to be reminiscent of Custer's Last Stand for Democrats--and the internal polling data is indicating that right now.

Here's just one of them--the other's I listed above.

President Obama does not currently have enough white support to win re-election even if he retains his minority base from 2008.

Today, fewer whites back Obama than any Democratic candidate since Walter Mondale. Romney does not need to emulate Ronald Reagan to win. Should he match Reagan’s share of the white vote in 1984 -- presuming all else remains constant since 2008 -- Romney would rout Obama.

Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

An article from June? Polling and approval ratings for Obama have improved since then.
You're watching the national polling data which has been proven to be over polling democrats to republicans. They did the same thing during the Carter/Reagan race--showing Carter ahead clear up to the election. And they do it for a reason--if they came out and showed Romney ahead by mega points--no one--and I mean no one would donate another dime to Obama's reelection campaign. So they have lots of tricks--including using the turn-out in 2008 which is going to be flawed from the onset. In fact--Gallop was sued by the Obama reelection campaign for trying to use the turn-out in 2010--which as we know resulted in a 75 year historic butt kicking of democrats across this country.


CNN manipulated their polling | Education News

So you have to look at what the campaigns look at --The internal polling data

Romney leads independents by 14 points.
Romney extends lead among Independents to 14 percent | RedState
Women are moving to the Romney column
Poll: Mitt Romney Making Headway With Women Voters - The Ballot 2012 (usnews.com)
Romney winning the youth vote
New York Times: Obama Losing the Youth Vote to Mitt Romney | Growing Up in a Recession | TheBlaze.com
Blacks--Hispanics and Jewish will not be supporting Obama like they did in 2008.
Can Obama still count on African-American and Jewish voters? | Harry J Enten | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Obama has huge crack in former white support.
Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

These are the internal numbers which is why Romney is looking confident and Obama depressed.

There isn't a President in recent history that has won reelection with this high of unemployment and the University of Colorado through historic data has already called this race for Mitt Romney--and they have been right since 1980.
University of Colorado forecasters predict a Mitt Romney presidency | Deseret News

So after all national polls told us Carter was ahead of Reagan up until 3 days prior to the election let's remember the results of that one.


Carter/Reagan 1980

I'm glad you feel so confident about Romney leading among independents in July.

You're right--Romney is now leading independents by 15 points not 14.

James Carville Poll Panics Dems: Romney Leads By 15 Points Among Independents « Pat Dollard

A poll from a month ago, and it wasn't a head-to-head. It was an approval rating poll which Rush claimed showed Romney was ahead.
You guys expecting a Romney victory that somehow contradicts practically all the polls are going to be hurt the worst, oh well, at least you will be the first to jump on the next "Obama Cheated.....somehow" bandwagon. Denial of this level is just too sad to witness.

I imagine November 6th 2012 is going to be reminiscent of Custer's Last Stand for Democrats--and the internal polling data is indicating that right now.

Here's just one of them--the other's I listed above.

President Obama does not currently have enough white support to win re-election even if he retains his minority base from 2008.

Today, fewer whites back Obama than any Democratic candidate since Walter Mondale. Romney does not need to emulate Ronald Reagan to win. Should he match Reagan’s share of the white vote in 1984 -- presuming all else remains constant since 2008 -- Romney would rout Obama.

Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

You guys must be glad they had the election back in June.

I am just a little curious as to why you think that whites would suddenly go back into Obama's column since June?

We just had a horrible AUGUST 2012 jobs report. Employment in this country hits a 30 year LOW.
August jobs report: hiring down, unemployment falls - Sep. 7, 2012

Medium household incomes have dropped over $4000.00 since Obama took office.
Obama's Accelerating Downward Spiral For America - Forbes

46 million Americans are receiving food stamps.
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center

August consumer confidence is in the tank.
August consumer confidence falls to 60.6 - Business Insider

One in six families now live beneath the poverty level.
Almost 1 in 6 Americans living below poverty line - Americas - World - The Independent

We are at 16 trillion in red ink with another 5 trillion to be added to this tab just in interest over the next decade.
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

23 million Americans in this country are either unemployed or underemployed.

Now anyone voting to reelect a President with this kind of RECORD--has an I.Q of less than 50 or they simply plan to vote in a high school popularity context for "prom king."

What does our "community organizer" have to say about his RECORD?


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
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