Obama Shows His Repect For The Military

So the right thinks Oblama has no respect and honor, yet the rwer posters on here show their callous disrespect and dishonor every day the way they communicate..about the CIC..
As long as he's been President, you would think that he would know how to return a salute by now... That is if he actually respected the people he was saluting.

By the end of the third week in basic, even most thick-headed of recruits know better than to salute with something in your hand.

Evidently Obama either doesn't know better or, more likely, doesn't care..

So the right thinks Oblama has no respect and honor, yet the rwer posters on here show their callous disrespect and dishonor every day the way they communicate..about the CIC..
Respect must be continually re-earned. obie began pissing his away 5 years ago and will never earn it back.
he is a fucking liberscum illegal alien muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch who HATES America, our military, Republicans, Conservatives, bible toting gun loving Constitutionalists...., did i miss anything ? if so please add your assessment of this purebred :asshole:
Dude is a civvy, saluting is not mandatoy. Neither is respect or class
he also the CIC, no, it is not "mandatory" or required to return a salute, but common courtesy and respect for the armed forces would be decent reply.

BUT !! he is NOT a decent person, he is more like a scab on the ass of decent humanity. :lmao:
Obama doesn't respect the military. He salutes as an afterthought. He's oblivious.

i don't think he treats them as "hired help" either He's more cynical. He views them as inanimate objects, props for the cameras. The uniform, like the flag, is nothing but a backdrop for his political theater.....

Actually, I think Obama respects the military a great deal. He has shown that he supports keeping them out of harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary. He is a bit of a numbskull at times when it comes to etiquette, but attempting to translate that into him having disdain for the military is stupid beyond belief. What is cynical is the constant bashing of Obama by the far right for being un-patriotic and un-American, even calling him a Communist and a "hater of America". That is cynical.
Obama doesn't respect the military. He salutes as an afterthought. He's oblivious.

i don't think he treats them as "hired help" either He's more cynical. He views them as inanimate objects, props for the cameras. The uniform, like the flag, is nothing but a backdrop for his political theater.....

Actually, I think Obama respects the military a great deal. He has shown that he supports keeping them out of harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary. He is a bit of a numbskull at times when it comes to etiquette, but attempting to translate that into him having disdain for the military is stupid beyond belief. What is cynical is the constant bashing of Obama by the far right for being un-patriotic and un-American, even calling him a Communist and a "hater of America". That is cynical.

The men and women of the military do not approve....He's a weak suck

War vets miss commander in chief George W. Bush - The Washington Post
Civilians aren't required to salute.
So that excuses it not knowing how if they want to?

IN the scale of things, who cares? OTOH, if it were Bush the Dems would be calling for his impeachment over it.
Carry on.


Then why didn't they, dumbass?

Bush always showed immense respect for the military. At least he is holding the dog with his left arm and doing his best to show respect, though it looks difficult. Bush did a better job holding a dog than Obama did holding a cup.
its amazing you know how to breath on your own
Well it's fitting for someone who is the most embarrassing CIC ever, who doesn't know jack about our military, has not a shred of class and doesn't care about American traditions.

hey you posted this....again.....party
Civilians aren't required to salute.

Still the comander in chief. Marines have died while he's been President. hmmm yeah your right, civilians arnt required. So the great example is just do whats required.
He's a disrespectful piece of shit and an embarrassment to our nation. It'll take years to regain respect from the rest of the world after this dickwad is out of office.
Because it so disrespectful to our military that it may cause outrage faints at any moment. It's an outrage I tell you! An outrage!

Funny, I don't recall saying anything about outrage in the OP, did I miss it?

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