Obama shows how totally inept he is & a compulsive LIAR who can't remember without a teleprompter!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Total word for word from Obama at the CNN Town Hall meeting 1/7/16...
Guns in America town hall with Obama transcript (full text) - CNNPolitics.com

COOPER: She testified for three hours in the trial against him. Her attacker was sentenced to 24 years to life in prison, and I know that attack, Kimberly, changed your view of handguns.
What's your question for the president?

QUESTION: Absolutely.

As a survivor of rape, and now a mother to two small children -- you know, it seems like being able to purchase a firearm of my choosing, and being able to carry that wherever my -- me and my family are -- it seems like my basic responsibility as a parent at this point.

I have been unspeakably victimized once already, and I refuse to let that happen again to myself or my kids. So why can't your administration see that these restrictions that you're putting to make it harder for me to own a gun, or harder for me to take that where I need to be is actually just making my kids and I less safe?


I -- I just want to repeat that there's nothing that we've proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm.
And -- now, you may be referring to issues like concealed carry, but those tend to be state-by-state decisions, and we're not making any proposals with respect to what states are doing. They can make their own decisions there.

So there really is no -- nothing we're proposing that prevents you or makes it harder for you to purchase a firearm if you need one.

OK so Obama tells her there is nothing that would make it harder to buy a gun! GREAT!!!

But the next questioner Cleo Pendleton, her daughter, Hadiya, he states:
Now, we can't guarantee that criminals are not going to have ways of getting guns.
But, for example, it may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive.
And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder
to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get them.

And that in and of itself could make a difference.

WHICH IS it???
He told Kimberly "that we've proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm. "
Yet the very next questioner he states: it may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive.
And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get!

WHICH IS it???
One person he says it won't be harder... the next person he says it will be harder to get!

What a totally inane President!
Here is what he is doing!
Don't re-elect Obama would be my advice.

Of course you'd vote for him again wouldn't YOU?

Obama Announces Plans For A Third Term Presidential Run
A bill to abolish the 22nd Amendment was recently introduced into Congress by New York Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano and is gaining popularity. This is exactly the kind of news that makes an Obama 2016 Presidential run possible.

Obama Announces Plans For A Third Term Presidential Run - News Examiner - Examine Your World
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.

They doing a lot of background checks and paperwork on illegal guns?

Here's the sceneario:

Criminal Bob goes to gun dealer . Can't buy a gun cause of background check .

Bob goes to private seller, gets gun!

Law takes our scenario #2 . Bob is out of luck .
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.

They doing a lot of background checks and paperwork on illegal guns?

Here's the sceneario:

Criminal Bob goes to gun dealer . Can't buy a gun cause of background check .

Bob goes to private seller, gets gun!

Law takes our scenario #2 . Bob is out of luck .
Bob is not going to buy an overpriced firearm. Dumba$$
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.

They doing a lot of background checks and paperwork on illegal guns?

Here's the sceneario:

Criminal Bob goes to gun dealer . Can't buy a gun cause of background check .

Bob goes to private seller, gets gun!

Law takes our scenario #2 . Bob is out of luck .
saveliberty will not understand. Guaranteed.
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.

They doing a lot of background checks and paperwork on illegal guns?

Here's the sceneario:

Criminal Bob goes to gun dealer . Can't buy a gun cause of background check .

Bob goes to private seller, gets gun!

Law takes our scenario #2 . Bob is out of luck .

Criminal Bob goes to criminal private seller, gets gun.

No one knows Criminal Bob has gun.

Criminal Bob holds up bank and kills security guard.

Is security guard any less dead because Obama enhanced his legacy?
"It may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive. And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get to vote. And that in and of itself could make a difference." -- Trump on background check for voting. I like it!
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.

They doing a lot of background checks and paperwork on illegal guns?

Here's the sceneario:

Criminal Bob goes to gun dealer . Can't buy a gun cause of background check .

Bob goes to private seller, gets gun!

Law takes our scenario #2 . Bob is out of luck .

Scenario #3.
Bob takes machete hacks the non-gun dealer regular individual that advertised to sell gun. Steals gun.
Now we have one death and a stolen gun. Kind of like this situation!
Which by the way was done with a "stolen gun"..
Philadelphia police officer shot, injured in car - CNN.com

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