Obama shows how totally inept he is & a compulsive LIAR who can't remember without a teleprompter!

"It may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive. And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get to vote. And that in and of itself could make a difference." -- Trump on background check for voting. I like it!

I have no problem showing my driver's license when I board a plane. So why should it be a problem to show my driver's license when I vote?
Is that complicated?
"It may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive. And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get to vote. And that in and of itself could make a difference." -- Trump on background check for voting. I like it!

I have no problem showing my driver's license when I board a plane. So why should it be a problem to show my driver's license when I vote?
Is that complicated?
Not everyone has a driver's license.
I am going to repeat exactly what Obama said word for word...
DUH!!!! I suppose the best way is to penalize those of us law abiding citizens MORE.. rather then enforce the laws that already exists Obama!!!

The challenge we have is that in many instances you don't know ahead of time who's going to be the criminal. It's not -- it's not as if criminals walk around with a label saying, "I'm a criminal."
And, one of the most frustrating things that I hear is when people say -- who are opposed to any further laws, why don't you just enforce the laws that are on the books, and those very same members of Congress then cut a ATF budgets to make it impossible to enforce the law.
Guns in America town hall with Obama transcript (full text) - CNNPolitics.com

From http://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/crim/409/ gun convictions down 34%
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.
He also said kids could buy a gun cheaper than buying a book. I wish he would tell me where to go to buy a $5.00 gun.
"It may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive. And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get to vote. And that in and of itself could make a difference." -- Trump on background check for voting. I like it!

I have no problem showing my driver's license when I board a plane. So why should it be a problem to show my driver's license when I vote?
Is that complicated?
Not everyone has a driver's license.
But even people on welfare needs at least an id to cash that check or to get a bank account. You were saying?
Like I keep telling you.
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.

They doing a lot of background checks and paperwork on illegal guns?

Here's the sceneario:

Criminal Bob goes to gun dealer . Can't buy a gun cause of background check .

Bob goes to private seller, gets gun!

Law takes our scenario #2 . Bob is out of luck .
Under laws in place Bob buys a gun illegally gets caught. He gets five years in prison.
"It may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive. And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get to vote. And that in and of itself could make a difference." -- Trump on background check for voting. I like it!

I have no problem showing my driver's license when I board a plane. So why should it be a problem to show my driver's license when I vote?
Is that complicated?
Not everyone has a driver's license.
But once again FACTS should trump idiotic comments like yours:
A total of 36 states have passed laws requiring voters to show some form of identification at the polls. 33 of these voter identification laws are in force in 2016. Laws in Arkansas, Missouri and Pennsylvania laws have been struck down in their states. Scroll over the map below for state-by state details.

The remaining 17 states use other methods to verify the identity of voters. Most frequently, other identifying information provided at the polling place, such as a signature, is checked against information on file. See NCSL’s Voter Verification Without ID Documents.
Voter Identification Requirements | Voter ID Laws
And here are jknowgood and shootsspeeders.

I will let you guys know when you get it right; for now keep following your tails.
Which is it? Are you slow ?

He's talking about how it will be harder to buy ILLEGAL guns because it will be tougher to get an illegal gun.

They doing a lot of background checks and paperwork on illegal guns?

Here's the sceneario:

Criminal Bob goes to gun dealer . Can't buy a gun cause of background check .

Bob goes to private seller, gets gun!

Law takes our scenario #2 . Bob is out of luck .
Under laws in place Bob buys a gun illegally gets caught. He gets five years in prison.

Again that assumes Obama's administration will enforce the laws.
But with Obama's inept administration convicting 34% LESS then 10 years ago we would assume Bob won't be going to prison.


Case in point this guy that shot the police officer in Philadelphia...

Action News has learned that 30-year-old Edward Archer traveled twice in recent years to the Middle East, but was not on any terror watch lists.

Law enforcement sources say Archer's first trip was to Saudi Arabia in 2011 for Hajj. He then traveled to Egypt in 2012. Both trips departed from New York-area airports.

The FBI says it is investigating to see whether those travels were merely for the Muslim pilgrimage or if they played a role in Friday's shooting.
His criminal history shows that in 2013 Archer was arrested by Philadelphia police for terroristic threats and gun charges. He pleaded guilty to carrying a firearm without a license and assault, which carried a 9 to 23 month sentence.

Archer was immediately paroled for time served. In his sentencing reports he states he had never seen a doctor or been hospitalized for mental illness, and that he was not under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

He was also arrested by police in Media, Delaware County at the end of 2012 and was found guilty on six counts, including forgery, altering a document, careless driving and driving on a suspended or revoked license.

Archer was set to be sentenced for that crime this coming Monday.
Suspect in shooting of Philadelphia police officer had traveled to Middle East twice in recent years
healthmyths, you lie with all the stats you post, so don't think anyone is going to bother to go through that with you.

You have no credibility.
Now, we can't guarantee that criminals are not going to have ways of getting guns.
But, for example, it may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive.
And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder
to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get them.

And that in and of itself could make a difference.

that muslime in Philthydelphia had no problem, and.., according to O'Husseinbama's, E.O.that cop who had his gun stolen should be prosecuted for attempted murder..., RIGHT ??
"It may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive. And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get to vote. And that in and of itself could make a difference." -- Trump on background check for voting. I like it!

I have no problem showing my driver's license when I board a plane. So why should it be a problem to show my driver's license when I vote?
Is that complicated?
Not everyone has a driver's license.

No ID, no vote

There's no right to vote in the Constitution
healthmyths, you lie with all the stats you post, so don't think anyone is going to bother to go through that with you.

You have no credibility.

My goodness your inability to be embarrassed is only surpassed by your totally juvenile comments!

The source for the FACTS I post comes from Syracuse University which I guess you'd consider not credible?

I am always amazed at how when idiots have NOTHING to stand on they attack the messenger! Once again you prove that statement!

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) - Comprehensive, independent, and nonpartisan information on federal enforcement, staffing and funding
TRAC FY 2015 Bulletins by Topic, September 2015
This is a partial listing of monthly bulletins available from TRAC. A smaller group of reports can be found in our free bulletins listing.
Using TRAC's Data Interpreter, you can also generate combination reports — for example, combining an agency selection with district, or district with program, etc. — and drill all the way down to specific details of the individual court cases. In addition to prosecutions and convictions, the Data Interpreter lets you create bulletins on prison sentences of 1 year or more. Also, in addition to the current month, you can generate fiscal year 2015 reports.
Bulletin quick links by category

Overall Bulletins
Agency Bulletins
District Bulletins
Program Bulletins
Program (detailed) Bulletins
Lead Charge Bulletins

  • Overall Bulletins
    National Summary: prosecutions, convictions
  • Agency Bulletins
    Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Agriculture: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Commerce: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Defense: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Education: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Energy: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Health and Human Services: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Housing and Urban Development: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Labor: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of the Interior: prosecutions, convictions
    Department of Transportation: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Columbia: prosecutions, convictions
    Drug Enforcement Administration: prosecutions, convictions
    Environmental Protection Agency: prosecutions, convictions
    Federal Bureau of Investigation: prosecutions, convictions
    Homeland Security - Citizen and Immigration Services: prosecutions, convictions
    Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection: prosecutions, convictions
    Homeland Security - Customs (former Treasury Customs Service): convictions
    Homeland Security - Federal Emergency Management Agency: prosecutions
    Homeland Security - Immigration (former Justice - Immigration and Naturalization): prosecutions, convictions
    Homeland Security - Immigration and Customs Enforcement: prosecutions, convictions
    Homeland Security - Other: prosecutions, convictions
    Homeland Security - Transportation Security Admin: prosecutions, convictions
    Internal Revenue Service: prosecutions, convictions
    Justice Other: prosecutions, convictions
    Other: prosecutions, convictions
    Other - USAO District Transfer: prosecutions, convictions
    Secret Service: prosecutions, convictions
    Small Business Administration: prosecutions, convictions
    Social Security Administration: prosecutions, convictions
    State Department: prosecutions, convictions
    State/Local Authorities: prosecutions, convictions
    Treasury - Other: prosecutions, convictions
    United States Postal Service: prosecutions, convictions
    US Bureau of Prisons: prosecutions, convictions
    US Marshal Service: prosecutions, convictions
    Veterans Administration: prosecutions, convictions
  • District Bulletins
    District of Alaska: prosecutions, convictions
    Middle District of Alabama: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Alabama: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Alabama: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Arkansas: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Arkansas: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Arizona: prosecutions, convictions
    Central District of California: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of California: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of California: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of California: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Colorado: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Connecticut: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Columbia: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Delaware: prosecutions, convictions
    Middle District of Florida: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Florida: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Florida: prosecutions, convictions
    Middle District of Georgia: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Georgia: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Georgia: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Guam: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Hawaii: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Iowa: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Iowa: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Idaho: prosecutions, convictions
    Central District of Illinois: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Illinois: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Illinois: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Indiana: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Indiana: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Kansas: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Kentucky: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Kentucky: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Louisiana: prosecutions, convictions
    Middle District of Louisiana: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Louisiana: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Massachusetts: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Maryland: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Maine: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Michigan: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Michigan: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Minnesota: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Missouri: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Missouri: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Mississippi: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Mississippi: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Montana: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of North Carolina: prosecutions, convictions
    Middle District of North Carolina: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of North Carolina: prosecutions, convictions
    District of North Dakota: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Nebraska: prosecutions, convictions
    District of New Hampshire: prosecutions, convictions
    District of New Jersey: prosecutions, convictions
    District of New Mexico: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Northern Mariana Islands: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Nevada: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of New York: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of New York: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of New York: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of New York: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Ohio: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Ohio: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Oklahoma: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Oklahoma: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Oklahoma: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Oregon: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Pennsylvania: prosecutions, convictions
    Middle District of Pennsylvania: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Pennsylvania: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Puerto Rico: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Rhode Island: prosecutions, convictions
    District of South Carolina: prosecutions, convictions
    District of South Dakota: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Tennessee: prosecutions, convictions
    Middle District of Tennessee: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Tennessee: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Texas: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of Texas: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of Texas: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Texas: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Utah: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Virginia: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Virginia: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Virgin Islands: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Vermont: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Washington: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Washington: prosecutions, convictions
    Eastern District of Wisconsin: prosecutions, convictions
    Western District of Wisconsin: prosecutions, convictions
    Northern District of West Virginia: prosecutions, convictions
    Southern District of West Virginia: prosecutions, convictions
    District of Wyoming: prosecutions, convictions
"It may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive. And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get to vote. And that in and of itself could make a difference." -- Trump on background check for voting. I like it!

I have no problem showing my driver's license when I board a plane. So why should it be a problem to show my driver's license when I vote?
Is that complicated?
Not everyone has a driver's license.

No ID, no vote

There's no right to vote in the Constitution

You might try to read the constitution . There is other stuff after the 2nd !
Folks like hm, who information and misinterprets like above, think they are the living constitution. Silly goofs. :lol:
Total word for word from Obama at the CNN Town Hall meeting 1/7/16...
Guns in America town hall with Obama transcript (full text) - CNNPolitics.com

COOPER: She testified for three hours in the trial against him. Her attacker was sentenced to 24 years to life in prison, and I know that attack, Kimberly, changed your view of handguns.
What's your question for the president?

QUESTION: Absolutely.

As a survivor of rape, and now a mother to two small children -- you know, it seems like being able to purchase a firearm of my choosing, and being able to carry that wherever my -- me and my family are -- it seems like my basic responsibility as a parent at this point.

I have been unspeakably victimized once already, and I refuse to let that happen again to myself or my kids. So why can't your administration see that these restrictions that you're putting to make it harder for me to own a gun, or harder for me to take that where I need to be is actually just making my kids and I less safe?


I -- I just want to repeat that there's nothing that we've proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm.
And -- now, you may be referring to issues like concealed carry, but those tend to be state-by-state decisions, and we're not making any proposals with respect to what states are doing. They can make their own decisions there.

So there really is no -- nothing we're proposing that prevents you or makes it harder for you to purchase a firearm if you need one.

OK so Obama tells her there is nothing that would make it harder to buy a gun! GREAT!!!

But the next questioner Cleo Pendleton, her daughter, Hadiya, he states:
Now, we can't guarantee that criminals are not going to have ways of getting guns.
But, for example, it may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive.
And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder
to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get them.

And that in and of itself could make a difference.

WHICH IS it???
He told Kimberly "that we've proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm. "
Yet the very next questioner he states: it may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive.
And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get!

WHICH IS it???
One person he says it won't be harder... the next person he says it will be harder to get!

What a totally inane President!
Here is what he is doing!

Oh brother, it will be harder for a criminal to get a gun, not a law abidng citizen gezzzzz
Total word for word from Obama at the CNN Town Hall meeting 1/7/16...
Guns in America town hall with Obama transcript (full text) - CNNPolitics.com

COOPER: She testified for three hours in the trial against him. Her attacker was sentenced to 24 years to life in prison, and I know that attack, Kimberly, changed your view of handguns.
What's your question for the president?

QUESTION: Absolutely.

As a survivor of rape, and now a mother to two small children -- you know, it seems like being able to purchase a firearm of my choosing, and being able to carry that wherever my -- me and my family are -- it seems like my basic responsibility as a parent at this point.

I have been unspeakably victimized once already, and I refuse to let that happen again to myself or my kids. So why can't your administration see that these restrictions that you're putting to make it harder for me to own a gun, or harder for me to take that where I need to be is actually just making my kids and I less safe?


I -- I just want to repeat that there's nothing that we've proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm.
And -- now, you may be referring to issues like concealed carry, but those tend to be state-by-state decisions, and we're not making any proposals with respect to what states are doing. They can make their own decisions there.

So there really is no -- nothing we're proposing that prevents you or makes it harder for you to purchase a firearm if you need one.

OK so Obama tells her there is nothing that would make it harder to buy a gun! GREAT!!!

But the next questioner Cleo Pendleton, her daughter, Hadiya, he states:
Now, we can't guarantee that criminals are not going to have ways of getting guns.
But, for example, it may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive.
And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder
to get and it's a little more expensive to get, then fewer people get them.

And that in and of itself could make a difference.

WHICH IS it???
He told Kimberly "that we've proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm. "
Yet the very next questioner he states: it may be a little more difficult and a little more expensive.
And, you know, the laws of supply and demand mean that if something's harder to get!

WHICH IS it???
One person he says it won't be harder... the next person he says it will be harder to get!

What a totally inane President!
Here is what he is doing!

Nit picking horseshit. She will able to get the gun . Criminals and nut cases will not

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