Obama Signals to MoveOn: Full Speed Ahead on Liberal Agenda


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Breitbart.tv Obama Signals to MoveOn: Full Speed Ahead on Liberal Agenda

Video at above url.

So much for compromise! In your face to the idiots like Lindsey Grahmnesty that believed such BS. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Rush Limbaugh told everyone weeks ago that Obama wouldn't compromise. He wasn't going to move toward the middle like Bill Clinton did.

He's gonig to go full steam ahead, full tilt liberalism.

Obama is a narcissist, but he's not also a pragmatist like Bill Clinton. Obama will never admit to himself that he was EVER wrong.

He'll talk outwardly of compromise, but to his own audience he is going to continue full tilt liberalism and working to get around the Republican House any way he can.

I knew this was going to happen.
He's an arrogant Megalomaniac. Did you really expect anything different from him? He's by far the most partisan & petty President i've ever seen. Hopefully he will be a One & Doner.
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Why would you link anything by Breitbart?
You are a moron!
Why would you link anything by Breitbart?
You are a moron!

Did Breitbard create the conversation? Did he fake the recording?
No, I don't think so.

Sometimes politicians just need to shore up the base by making comforting noises to them. This isn't one of those times. Obama truly believes 1) the Progressive Agenda is more important than any other political consideration, and 2) He is a world historical individual uniquely situated to deliver that agenda.
The GOP might as well negotiate with Palestinians.
Thanks Rabbi!
Hi, you have received -45 reputation points from The Rabbi.
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YOU are the moron.

The Rabbi

But if you believe anything a proven liar says, that makes YOU the moron. Just sayin!
Thanks Rabbi!
Hi, you have received -45 reputation points from The Rabbi.
Reputation was given for this post.

YOU are the moron.

The Rabbi

But if you believe anything a proven liar says, that makes YOU the moron. Just sayin!
No problem.
Obama is a proven liar. Do you still believe anything he says?
Do you have proof that Obama never said what Breitbart posted?
Why would you link anything by Breitbart?
You are a moron!

Did Breitbard create the conversation? Did he fake the recording?
No, I don't think so.

Sometimes politicians just need to shore up the base by making comforting noises to them. This isn't one of those times. Obama truly believes 1) the Progressive Agenda is more important than any other political consideration, and 2) He is a world historical individual uniquely situated to deliver that agenda.
The GOP might as well negotiate with Palestinians.

I wonder if he edited it? He is good at that.
Do you have proof that Obama never said what Breitbart posted?

This one made me fall out of my chair :rofl:

Rabbi, do you have proof that you never said you were going to drive to the white house and shoot the windows out? Think about how you would prove "never saying" something. Yeah...

I listened to the recording and didn't hear him say "I'm going to continue my liberal agenda." I don't see what problem conservatives have with MoveOn. There are conservative organizations that do the exact things, (but at least MoveOn has the advantage of being right on more issues :lol:).
Why would you link anything by Breitbart?
You are a moron!

Did Breitbard create the conversation? Did he fake the recording?
No, I don't think so.

Sometimes politicians just need to shore up the base by making comforting noises to them. This isn't one of those times. Obama truly believes 1) the Progressive Agenda is more important than any other political consideration, and 2) He is a world historical individual uniquely situated to deliver that agenda.
The GOP might as well negotiate with Palestinians.

I wonder if he edited it? He is good at that.

I wonder if Obama was elected by fraud. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi is really a shaved Wookie.
Is this what you're reduced to now? Your posts have no credibility.
Do you have proof that Obama never said what Breitbart posted?

This one made me fall out of my chair :rofl:

Rabbi, do you have proof that you never said you were going to drive to the white house and shoot the windows out? Think about how you would prove "never saying" something. Yeah...

I listened to the recording and didn't hear him say "I'm going to continue my liberal agenda." I don't see what problem conservatives have with MoveOn. There are conservative organizations that do the exact things, (but at least MoveOn has the advantage of being right on more issues :lol:).

Are you deaf as well as stupid? Did he not imply that he was continuing with his agenda of "change"? Did you hear anything that suggested he would change course or alter anything he was doing?
Do you have proof that Obama never said what Breitbart posted?

This one made me fall out of my chair :rofl:

Rabbi, do you have proof that you never said you were going to drive to the white house and shoot the windows out? Think about how you would prove "never saying" something. Yeah...

I listened to the recording and didn't hear him say "I'm going to continue my liberal agenda." I don't see what problem conservatives have with MoveOn. There are conservative organizations that do the exact things, (but at least MoveOn has the advantage of being right on more issues :lol:).

You're right he didn't say that. But from back in the campaign days he's been harping on change and since elected has pursued a liberal agenda. They're one in the same IMO, or you could say change is a euphemism for liberal agenda, or even vice versa.

Here's what he said:

"The message I take away from these elections is very simple. The American people are still frustrated and they still want change. And we just got to work harder to deliver the change the American people want."

I find his words to be truly astounding. How could anyone with a functioning brain misunderstand the message the voters just sent? Someone ought to clue this pumpkin head in that the change they clearly voted for is to change ObamaCare, change the massive stimulus spending, change budgets with trillion-plus dollar deficits, etc., etc., etc.

It's really gonna be interesting to see how Dim senators and surviving representatives react to this rhetoric going forward now. Twenty-three Dim Senate seats are on the line in '12 vs. 9 Republican, and all the House folks have to face the voters again. Can't imagine they're going to walk the plank with this bozo.
If Obama is truly the Marxist/Socialist/Communist that the political knuckle draggers paint him as, why is the Left Wing so pissed at him?
If Obama is truly the Marxist/Socialist/Communist that the political knuckle draggers paint him as, why is the Left Wing so pissed at him?

Toilet inspections slow today?

They are pissed because he can't deliver.
Do you have proof that Obama never said what Breitbart posted?

This one made me fall out of my chair :rofl:

Rabbi, do you have proof that you never said you were going to drive to the white house and shoot the windows out? Think about how you would prove "never saying" something. Yeah...

I listened to the recording and didn't hear him say "I'm going to continue my liberal agenda." I don't see what problem conservatives have with MoveOn. There are conservative organizations that do the exact things, (but at least MoveOn has the advantage of being right on more issues :lol:).

Are you deaf as well as stupid? Did he not imply that he was continuing with his agenda of "change"? Did you hear anything that suggested he would change course or alter anything he was doing?

You manage to read those other things I wrote? Obama reassuring MoveOn and Breitbart's ebul lebrul agenda aren't one and the same.

In fact, MoveOn has a history of being antiwar. I think McCain would have done the same thing Obama did which is decrease troops in Iraq and refocus on Afghanistan, especially in light of the subtle anti-war shift that Republicans have made in the last couple of years.

I doubt MoveOn was very happy hearing that Obama was "continuing" whatever it is.

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