Obama Slips Up: "We're Training ISIL"

Here is what Obama actual said:

"Meanwhile, we continue to ramp up our training and support of local forces that are fighting ISIL on the ground. As I’ve said before, this aspect of our strategy was moving too slowly. But the fall of Ramadi has galvanized the Iraqi government. So, with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL [Iraqi] forces, including volunteers from Sunni tribes in Anbar Province. "

Remarks by the President on Progress in the Fight Against ISIL whitehouse.gov

If after all he said in the entire speech you think Obama is secretly speeding up training of ISIL forces you are very very stupid. It's corrected in the text version.

It was a slip of the tongue error that makes no sense within the context of the entire speech.

He must have mentioned ISIL fifty times. You found no video where he says we will destroy ISIS floating around on the RW hate America circuit.

I hit the send button accidentally Galt / you are hard up for reasons to hate America.

There's nothing "serect" about Obama's support for his brothers in Jihad. He's turned entire countries over to them! He armed them through the Consulate at Benghazi. He meet them in the White House
. I know what the SOB says and I know what's in his evil heart.

You don't know what Obsma says - you know what the RW hater filth puts out in versions of what they think he says. You actually believe Obama is speeding up trainining of ISIL forces from four seconds of a six minute press briefing.

You loathe the RW version of Obama and their version is contrived and false,
. I know what the SOB says and I know what's in his evil heart.

You don't know what Obsma says - you know what the RW hater filth puts out in versions of what they think he says. You actually believe Obama is speeding up trainining of ISIL forces from four seconds of a six minute press briefing.

You loathe the RW version of Obama and their version is contrived and false,
You should listen to what BHO says, see what he does and what the results are. Then maybe you could put 2 and 2 together and see how this skidmark is causing, aiding and abetting the chaos in the world. But you have you have your nose so far up his ass you can't see. You are to be pitied, Heide.
Hiss 11786992
You should listen to what BHO says, see what he does and what the results are.

It's not about what BHO said, it's about what you say over and over that is a lie.

The results that I know if is that ISIS has lost
10,000 fighters over the past year as well as losing 25% of the populated areas they controlled a year ago and not one American soldier had been killed in this battle.

It must be those results that disturb you, that is why you are an America hater. Those results, no American troop deaths, certainly annoy you doesn't it?
Hiss 11786992
You should listen to what BHO says, see what he does and what the results are.

It's not about what BHO said, it's about what you say over and over that is a lie.

The results that I know if is that ISIS has lost
10,000 fighters over the past year as well as losing 25% of the populated areas they controlled a year ago and not one American soldier had been killed in this battle.

It must be those results that disturb you, that is why you are an America hater. Those results, no American troop deaths, certainly annoy you doesn't it?
Are you really as dense as you seem?
i thought he was training corpse men and those dead heroes that show up at his speeches.

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