Obama spends $350,000 of taxpayers' money to unseat Israel's government

"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
If you type it in big bold letters its more believable. Next time use all caps to really nail it.
That's a direct quote from the OP's article. Here... I'll write it super tiny to make you feel more adequate: "The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
You know, other than all of the news articles bragging about it. Other than that it's pretty well debunked.
And another mindless idiot appears who thinks time moves backward, which is what it takes to believe that obvious lie.
Time moves. Evidence doesn't. What's your next excuse?
You have no "evidence" only GOP scripted lies.
Please provide this TIMELINE evidence:

When did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did One Voice's grant end and the last payment made When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.
This is going to sound crazy I know. And probably means you'll have to leave your safe space and mommys hot pockets for a bit but.

Do you have any links to this nutbaggery? I don't need much. Just a timeline and some links to the crazy you're spouting.
If I link to anything, you will reject it because the source is too honest for the Right.
So let me start with a simple TIMELINE question.
How could Obama send Bird to OneVoice in 2013 to interfere in an early election first called for in December of 2014????????
I'm going to first need to know WTF you are talking about. You know like some kind of link to something to begin a conversation. Maybe you could actually describe what you're talking about. That would be a start. Let's do that to begin. No need to interrupt your safe space with actual thought. Just explain what you are talking about. I reserve the right to ask for links as your story continues.

"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
If you type it in big bold letters its more believable. Next time use all caps to really nail it.
That's a direct quote from the OP's article. Here... I'll write it super tiny to make you feel more adequate: "The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
Who is one voice? Who funds them. What do they do?

"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
If you type it in big bold letters its more believable. Next time use all caps to really nail it.
That's a direct quote from the OP's article. Here... I'll write it super tiny to make you feel more adequate: "The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
Who is one voice? Who funds them. What do they do?
I don't know, but the subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections. :thup:

"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
If you type it in big bold letters its more believable. Next time use all caps to really nail it.
That's a direct quote from the OP's article. Here... I'll write it super tiny to make you feel more adequate: "The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
Who is one voice? Who funds them. What do they do?
I don't know, but the subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections. :thup:
Aren't you the gullible retarded fool. You don't know what it is or why but dammit you will use them for a source.

Is this supposed to impress me?
And another mindless idiot appears who thinks time moves backward, which is what it takes to believe that obvious lie.
Time moves. Evidence doesn't. What's your next excuse?
You have no "evidence" only GOP scripted lies.
Please provide this TIMELINE evidence:

When did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did One Voice's grant end and the last payment made When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.
This is going to sound crazy I know. And probably means you'll have to leave your safe space and mommys hot pockets for a bit but.

Do you have any links to this nutbaggery? I don't need much. Just a timeline and some links to the crazy you're spouting.
If I link to anything, you will reject it because the source is too honest for the Right.
So let me start with a simple TIMELINE question.
How could Obama send Bird to OneVoice in 2013 to interfere in an early election first called for in December of 2014????????
I'm going to first need to know WTF you are talking about. You know like some kind of link to something to begin a conversation. Maybe you could actually describe what you're talking about. That would be a start. Let's do that to begin. No need to interrupt your safe space with actual thought. Just explain what you are talking about. I reserve the right to ask for links as your story continues.
When the Right gets caught with their foot in their mouth they play dumb.

The claim was that Obama sent Jeremy Bird to Israel to help NaziYahoo's opponent in the 2015 special election that NaziYahoo called for in Dec 2014 and gave him $350,000 taxpayer dollars to do it.

The TIMELINE shows that Bird left Obama and started his own consulting firm and was hired by One Voice in 2013. One Voice was given a grant, to support the peace negotiations, that ran out in November 2014, BEFORE NaziYahoo called for a special election in December 2014. Weeks AFTER the special early election was called a group call V15 (Victory in 2015) was formed and hired Bird as a consultant, obviously V15 did not exist as an opposition group before NaziYahoo called for an early special election because the regularly scheduled election would have been in 2017 and the opposition group would have called themselves V17.

So Bird who had been in Israel since 2013 joins V15, who did not get a grant from Obama, or anyone, with taxpayer money, somehow was sent by Obama in 2013 to oppose NaziYahoo in an election that no one in 2013 knew would take place in 2015, and Obama funded V15 with money what went to One Voice, not V15, and ran out in November 2014.

That is the TIMELINE your LIE has to work with.
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"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
If you type it in big bold letters its more believable. Next time use all caps to really nail it.
That's a direct quote from the OP's article. Here... I'll write it super tiny to make you feel more adequate: "The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
Who is one voice? Who funds them. What do they do?
I don't know, but the subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections. :thup:
Aren't you the gullible retarded fool. You don't know what it is or why but dammit you will use them for a source.

Is this supposed to impress me?
I used the OP's source. It's readily available. Go ahead and click it.
Did you read the wantingly trite propaganda piece to which you have referred, OP-er?
  • The title of the piece says, "Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election."
  • In the piece is written, "The [U.S. Senate Permanent] Subcommittee [examining the matter] found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds [provided by the State Department] to influence the 2015 Israeli elections." OneVoice is the organization to which the money was given.
Surely you don't expect Americans to take umbrage over Israeli organizations acting to influence their own country's election outcome?

There is also the matter of the sum involved being $350K. Would that not wasting, ostensibly, $350K the height of what needs fixing with the federal government's actual spending habits. Raising that contribution is thematically no different that bemoaning the loss of one's $2K dollar sport jacket in the fire that consumed the house in which the garment hung.


  • Slide1.JPG
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I'm tired of all the BS, I have quit watching the news. I am tired of the daily Trump BS and that is all it is, speculation and doom and gloom. I'm more concerned with getting the economy up and running strong. I worry about the job market, housing and real issues. I am tired of the news sidetracking the real news.
What this Trump collusion is about is all the criminals on the left are throwing up diversion after diversion to;

1. Take the attention away their crimes which they knew would surface once Trump took office.

2. Send a clear message to the American people that they're not going to allow some upstart outside of D.C. have the presidency.

3. Surprise! BOTH sides want Trump to fail hence the reason they aren't going after those on the left and instead allowing them to persecute him and his son.

I mean once Trump's presidency is over, can anyone see an outsider ever running for that office again? Since corruption reigns supreme on both sides with treasonous behavior towards the president, most need to go in the following elections. The people should throw ALL out of office unless they personally know a congressmen that's good, such as this guy;

Build the Wall – Mo Brooks for U.S. Senate

But Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John McCain, and TREY GOWDY all need to go for sure. And anyone else that remains in the shadows not trying to help Trump.

Trey puts on a show throws up a lot of smoke but never lights the fire. In the end he just let's everyone walk....obviously he's been bought and paid for.
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Did you read the wantingly trite propaganda piece to which you have referred, OP-er?
  • The title of the piece says, "Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election."
  • In the piece is written, "The [U.S. Senate Permanent] Subcommittee [examining the matter] found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds [provided by the State Department] to influence the 2015 Israeli elections." OneVoice is the organization to which the money was given.
Surely you don't expect Americans to take umbrage over Israeli organizations acting to influence their own country's election outcome?

There is also the matter of the sum involved being $350K. Would that not wasting, ostensibly, $350K the height of what needs fixing with the federal government's actual spending habits. Raising that contribution is thematically no different that bemoaning the loss of one's $2K dollar sport jacket in the fire that consumed the house in which the garment hung.
Obama reportedly meddled in the Israeli election trying to get Netanyahu ousted which knowing Obama, was most probably true. Especially given the fact he's been traveling the world doing all he can to disrupt governments everywhere possible. Anyone who's been paying attention knows the jerks intention was to destroy America and he's been working on behalf of the Middle East all along.
Did you read the wantingly trite propaganda piece to which you have referred, OP-er?
  • The title of the piece says, "Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election."
  • In the piece is written, "The [U.S. Senate Permanent] Subcommittee [examining the matter] found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds [provided by the State Department] to influence the 2015 Israeli elections." OneVoice is the organization to which the money was given.
Surely you don't expect Americans to take umbrage over Israeli organizations acting to influence their own country's election outcome?

There is also the matter of the sum involved being $350K. Would that not wasting, ostensibly, $350K the height of what needs fixing with the federal government's actual spending habits. Raising that contribution is thematically no different that bemoaning the loss of one's $2K dollar sport jacket in the fire that consumed the house in which the garment hung.
Obama reportedly meddled in the Israeli election trying to get Netanyahu ousted which knowing Obama, was most probably true. Especially given the fact he's been traveling the world doing all he can to disrupt governments everywhere possible. Anyone who's been paying attention knows the jerks intention was to destroy America and he's been working on behalf of the Middle East all along.
Another mindless moron parroting the GOP scripted lie!
Thank you.

"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."

Yeah probably the same "Subcommittee" under Trey Gowdy who didn't see that Hillary did anything wrong when she perjured herself about having one blackberry when in fact she had 13. Obstructed justice by having her aides smash the blackberries and delete 33,000 emails and then had Obama grant those aides immunity. Committed Treason by discussing top secret information over her wide open email server probably for donations to her bogus money laundering foundation. So yeah, Oops wasn't the word for it!
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Did you read the wantingly trite propaganda piece to which you have referred, OP-er?
  • The title of the piece says, "Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election."
  • In the piece is written, "The [U.S. Senate Permanent] Subcommittee [examining the matter] found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds [provided by the State Department] to influence the 2015 Israeli elections." OneVoice is the organization to which the money was given.
Surely you don't expect Americans to take umbrage over Israeli organizations acting to influence their own country's election outcome?

There is also the matter of the sum involved being $350K. Would that not wasting, ostensibly, $350K the height of what needs fixing with the federal government's actual spending habits. Raising that contribution is thematically no different that bemoaning the loss of one's $2K dollar sport jacket in the fire that consumed the house in which the garment hung.
Obama reportedly meddled in the Israeli election trying to get Netanyahu ousted which knowing Obama, was most probably true. Especially given the fact he's been traveling the world doing all he can to disrupt governments everywhere possible. Anyone who's been paying attention knows the jerks intention was to destroy America and he's been working on behalf of the Middle East all along.
Another mindless moron parroting the GOP scripted lie!
Thank you.
Another gullible idiot that can't see all of Obama's corruption which is right in front of his face.
Time moves. Evidence doesn't. What's your next excuse?
You have no "evidence" only GOP scripted lies.
Please provide this TIMELINE evidence:

When did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did One Voice's grant end and the last payment made When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.
This is going to sound crazy I know. And probably means you'll have to leave your safe space and mommys hot pockets for a bit but.

Do you have any links to this nutbaggery? I don't need much. Just a timeline and some links to the crazy you're spouting.
If I link to anything, you will reject it because the source is too honest for the Right.
So let me start with a simple TIMELINE question.
How could Obama send Bird to OneVoice in 2013 to interfere in an early election first called for in December of 2014????????
I'm going to first need to know WTF you are talking about. You know like some kind of link to something to begin a conversation. Maybe you could actually describe what you're talking about. That would be a start. Let's do that to begin. No need to interrupt your safe space with actual thought. Just explain what you are talking about. I reserve the right to ask for links as your story continues.
When the Right gets caught with their foot in their mouth they play dumb.

The claim was that Obama sent Jeremy Bird to Israel to help NaziYahoo's opponent in the 2015 special election that NaziYahoo called for in Dec 2014 and gave him $350,000 taxpayer dollars to do it.

The TIMELINE shows that Bird left Obama and started his own consulting firm and was hired by One Voice in 2013. One Voice was given a grant, to support the peace negotiations, that ran out in November 2014, BEFORE NaziYahoo called for a special election in December 2014. Weeks AFTER the special early election was called a group call V15 (Victory in 2015) was formed and hired Bird as a consultant, obviously V15 did not exist as an opposition group before NaziYahoo called for an early special election because the regularly scheduled election would have been in 2017 and the opposition group would have called themselves V17.

So Bird who had been in Israel since 2013 joins V15, who did not get a grant from Obama, or anyone, with taxpayer money, somehow was sent by Obama in 2013 to oppose NaziYahoo in an election that no one in 2013 knew would take place in 2015, and Obama funded V15 with money what went to One Voice, not V15, and ran out in November 2014.

That is the TIMELINE your LIE has to work with.
I'm going to need a link to this fairy tale. Since we all watched the news about Obie trying to get rid of the Jewish badass.
You have no "evidence" only GOP scripted lies.
Please provide this TIMELINE evidence:

When did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did One Voice's grant end and the last payment made When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.
This is going to sound crazy I know. And probably means you'll have to leave your safe space and mommys hot pockets for a bit but.

Do you have any links to this nutbaggery? I don't need much. Just a timeline and some links to the crazy you're spouting.
If I link to anything, you will reject it because the source is too honest for the Right.
So let me start with a simple TIMELINE question.
How could Obama send Bird to OneVoice in 2013 to interfere in an early election first called for in December of 2014????????
I'm going to first need to know WTF you are talking about. You know like some kind of link to something to begin a conversation. Maybe you could actually describe what you're talking about. That would be a start. Let's do that to begin. No need to interrupt your safe space with actual thought. Just explain what you are talking about. I reserve the right to ask for links as your story continues.
When the Right gets caught with their foot in their mouth they play dumb.

The claim was that Obama sent Jeremy Bird to Israel to help NaziYahoo's opponent in the 2015 special election that NaziYahoo called for in Dec 2014 and gave him $350,000 taxpayer dollars to do it.

The TIMELINE shows that Bird left Obama and started his own consulting firm and was hired by One Voice in 2013. One Voice was given a grant, to support the peace negotiations, that ran out in November 2014, BEFORE NaziYahoo called for a special election in December 2014. Weeks AFTER the special early election was called a group call V15 (Victory in 2015) was formed and hired Bird as a consultant, obviously V15 did not exist as an opposition group before NaziYahoo called for an early special election because the regularly scheduled election would have been in 2017 and the opposition group would have called themselves V17.

So Bird who had been in Israel since 2013 joins V15, who did not get a grant from Obama, or anyone, with taxpayer money, somehow was sent by Obama in 2013 to oppose NaziYahoo in an election that no one in 2013 knew would take place in 2015, and Obama funded V15 with money what went to One Voice, not V15, and ran out in November 2014.

That is the TIMELINE your LIE has to work with.
I'm going to need a link to this fairy tale. Since we all watched the news about Obie trying to get rid of the Jewish badass.
Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

Obama-linked nonprofit filed for new IRS status after accusation of meddling in Israeli election

He's a Muslim who hates whites, Jews, America and all western societies in general because they contain INFIDELS.
Last edited:
You have no "evidence" only GOP scripted lies.
Please provide this TIMELINE evidence:

When did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did One Voice's grant end and the last payment made When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.
This is going to sound crazy I know. And probably means you'll have to leave your safe space and mommys hot pockets for a bit but.

Do you have any links to this nutbaggery? I don't need much. Just a timeline and some links to the crazy you're spouting.
If I link to anything, you will reject it because the source is too honest for the Right.
So let me start with a simple TIMELINE question.
How could Obama send Bird to OneVoice in 2013 to interfere in an early election first called for in December of 2014????????
I'm going to first need to know WTF you are talking about. You know like some kind of link to something to begin a conversation. Maybe you could actually describe what you're talking about. That would be a start. Let's do that to begin. No need to interrupt your safe space with actual thought. Just explain what you are talking about. I reserve the right to ask for links as your story continues.
When the Right gets caught with their foot in their mouth they play dumb.

The claim was that Obama sent Jeremy Bird to Israel to help NaziYahoo's opponent in the 2015 special election that NaziYahoo called for in Dec 2014 and gave him $350,000 taxpayer dollars to do it.

The TIMELINE shows that Bird left Obama and started his own consulting firm and was hired by One Voice in 2013. One Voice was given a grant, to support the peace negotiations, that ran out in November 2014, BEFORE NaziYahoo called for a special election in December 2014. Weeks AFTER the special early election was called a group call V15 (Victory in 2015) was formed and hired Bird as a consultant, obviously V15 did not exist as an opposition group before NaziYahoo called for an early special election because the regularly scheduled election would have been in 2017 and the opposition group would have called themselves V17.

So Bird who had been in Israel since 2013 joins V15, who did not get a grant from Obama, or anyone, with taxpayer money, somehow was sent by Obama in 2013 to oppose NaziYahoo in an election that no one in 2013 knew would take place in 2015, and Obama funded V15 with money what went to One Voice, not V15, and ran out in November 2014.

That is the TIMELINE your LIE has to work with.
I'm going to need a link to this fairy tale. Since we all watched the news about Obie trying to get rid of the Jewish badass.
So you can't rebut the TIMELINE.
Thank you.

"Jen Psaki (spokesperson)
Jan 28 State Dept Press Briefing

"...QUESTION: There’s a report out that a U.S. State Department-funded group is financing an Israeli campaign against Prime Minister Netanyahu. Do you have any response to that?

MS. PSAKI: Well, this is a report – just so people who haven’t followed this as closely know what the details are – about a group called OneVoice. The U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv provided a grant to OneVoice to promote dialogue and support for peace negotiations and a two-state solution. That grant ran from September of 2013 to November of 2014. During the period of the grant, as is standard practice, the U.S. Embassy approved OneVoice Israel’s implementation plan for the grant and monitored its performance. And, as is routine for such a grant, final payments are disbursed after the grantee provides documentation showing completion of the grant terms. Now you’ve learned more about U.S. Government grants than you ever thought you needed to know.

The grant ended before the advent of V15. It ended before there was a declaration of an Israeli election. We’ve seen the media reports about the activities of V15, but the embassy has not provided any funds, support, or direction to the group..."

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