Obama spends $350,000 of taxpayers' money to unseat Israel's government

Obama spends $350,000 of taxpayers' money to unseat Israel's government


Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

This old story has been thoroughly debunked.
Did you read the wantingly trite propaganda piece to which you have referred, OP-er?
  • The title of the piece says, "Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election."
  • In the piece is written, "The [U.S. Senate Permanent] Subcommittee [examining the matter] found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds [provided by the State Department] to influence the 2015 Israeli elections." OneVoice is the organization to which the money was given.
Surely you don't expect Americans to take umbrage over Israeli organizations acting to influence their own country's election outcome?

There is also the matter of the sum involved being $350K. Would that not wasting, ostensibly, $350K the height of what needs fixing with the federal government's actual spending habits. Raising that contribution is thematically no different that bemoaning the loss of one's $2K dollar sport jacket in the fire that consumed the house in which the garment hung.
Obama reportedly meddled in the Israeli election trying to get Netanyahu ousted which knowing Obama, was most probably true. Especially given the fact he's been traveling the world doing all he can to disrupt governments everywhere possible. Anyone who's been paying attention knows the jerks intention was to destroy America and he's been working on behalf of the Middle East all along.
Another mindless moron parroting the GOP scripted lie!
Thank you.
Another gullible idiot that can't see all of Obama's corruption which is right in front of his face.
Another gullible idiot that can't see all of Obama's corruption which is right in front of his face.

With Trump's inauguration, whatever corruption or well intentioned blunders the Obama Administration made ceased to be relevant on the personal level you have noted. At that same instant, Trump's malfeasant and poorly conceived notions became what matters for everyone, regardless of whether they, like you, choose to deny their germanity.

One can deny that fire is hot, but one's fingers held in it will in time prove otherwise. We know the most ardent Trumpkins will eventually realize what a hot mess Trump is. The question is when, not whether, that will occur.

"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
If you type it in big bold letters its more believable. Next time use all caps to really nail it.
That's a direct quote from the OP's article. Here... I'll write it super tiny to make you feel more adequate: "The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
Attempt to read the rest.

I'll put it bold so maybe you won't miss it.

“The subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections. Soon after the grant period ended [November 2014], however, OneVoice used the campaign infrastructure and resources built, in part, with State Department grants funds to support V15.

“In service of V15, OneVoice deployed its social media platform, which more than doubled during the State Department grant period; used its database of voter contact information, including email addresses, which OVI expanded during the grant period; and enlisted its network of trained activists, many of whom were recruited or trained under the grant, to support and recruit for V15.”

OneVoice even informed the State Department about its anti-Netanyahu campaign “during the federal grant period,” said Marc Thiessen, a resident fellow of the American Enterprise Institute. “But the State Department did nothing.”

As the subcommittee reported: “This pivot to electoral politics was consistent with a strategic plan developed by OneVoice leadership and emailed to State Department officials during the grant period.”

Part of the plan’s objective was to “strengthen the [center-left] bloc, rather than any one party, [and] in tandem weaken Netanyahu and his right wing parties,” the subcommittee report said.

“Additionally, the proposal listed seven ‘Specific Israeli Tactical Objectives.’ The second objective was clear: ‘Shift support within the Knesset from a Likud-centric coalition to a center left coalition through public education and grassroots mobilization initiatives.’ ”

According to the subcommittee: “OneVoice’s use of government-funded resources for political purposes was not prohibited by the grant agreement because the State Department placed no limitations on the post-grant use of those resources.”

However, “after the State Department grant period ended, OneVoice shifted its focus to influencing the electoral outcome by working to defeat incumbent Prime Minister Netanyahu,” said the subcommittee. “Planning for this effort began during the period when OneVoice was still a State Department grantee.”


"The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
If you type it in big bold letters its more believable. Next time use all caps to really nail it.
That's a direct quote from the OP's article. Here... I'll write it super tiny to make you feel more adequate: "The Subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
Attempt to read the rest.

I'll put it bold so maybe you won't miss it.

“The subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections. Soon after the grant period ended [November 2014], however, OneVoice used the campaign infrastructure and resources built, in part, with State Department grants funds to support V15.

“In service of V15, OneVoice deployed its social media platform, which more than doubled during the State Department grant period; used its database of voter contact information, including email addresses, which OVI expanded during the grant period; and enlisted its network of trained activists, many of whom were recruited or trained under the grant, to support and recruit for V15.”

OneVoice even informed the State Department about its anti-Netanyahu campaign “during the federal grant period,” said Marc Thiessen, a resident fellow of the American Enterprise Institute. “But the State Department did nothing.”

As the subcommittee reported: “This pivot to electoral politics was consistent with a strategic plan developed by OneVoice leadership and emailed to State Department officials during the grant period.”

Part of the plan’s objective was to “strengthen the [center-left] bloc, rather than any one party, [and] in tandem weaken Netanyahu and his right wing parties,” the subcommittee report said.

“Additionally, the proposal listed seven ‘Specific Israeli Tactical Objectives.’ The second objective was clear: ‘Shift support within the Knesset from a Likud-centric coalition to a center left coalition through public education and grassroots mobilization initiatives.’ ”

According to the subcommittee: “OneVoice’s use of government-funded resources for political purposes was not prohibited by the grant agreement because the State Department placed no limitations on the post-grant use of those resources.”

However, “after the State Department grant period ended, OneVoice shifted its focus to influencing the electoral outcome by working to defeat incumbent Prime Minister Netanyahu,” said the subcommittee. “Planning for this effort began during the period when OneVoice was still a State Department grantee.”
OneVoice has existed for 15 years. The grant was a blip on their income and not a cent of it was used against Netanyahu. The State Department hands out tons of grants. End of story.

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