Obama Spied on the press, don’t you liberals recall? The AP?

Also James Rosen from Fox News.

This is all confirmed and liberals are ok with it.

I think even the AP was ok with it because they loved Obama.
If you will remember, Obama got his start as the don of Honolulu's notorious Choom Gang. Guys with that kind of background are inclined to keep an eye on his enemies.
It’s weird how historically anti establishment liberals love this.
Liberals pretend this didn’t happen.

It did and you don’t care because Obama is a god to you.

Obama was the most corrupt POTUS ever. Just admit it,.

Why do you excuse it because ORANGE MAN BAD?

Obama is the most corrupt POTUS in history. We all know it.
It's OK. The braindead minions of the Left don't care because he was Black and a Democrat. They'll just write it all off as another one of those crazy "Right Wing Conspiracy Theories." Too bad it is all documented 1000 different ways not to mention fresh in all our recent past.
Would any one of you like to tell us the whole story or are you just going to keep saying Obama spied on a reporter? Because this story is kinda like your bitching about unmasking.

Why do you excuse it because ORANGE MAN BAD?

Obama is the most corrupt POTUS in history. We all know it.
They don't remember, because everything bad for their party they have amnesia. Or as Joe would say: "Milk of Magnesia" :icon_rolleyes:

No more Malarky is Biden’s slogan. What a stupid prick.
Why do you excuse it because ORANGE MAN BAD?Obama is the most corrupt POTUS in history. We all know it.

Are you suggesting bed wetters have frontal lobes? These parasites are BRAIN DEAD. They ignored their messiah's crimes even when they were told about them, so how could they possibly REMEMBER information they were deliberately ignorant of? Imagine being a soviet slave. You see people disappear in the middle of the night all the time, but you keep your mouth shut unless you need to parrot inane gibberish they've programmed to you repeat in front of commissars or KGB minions. You do as your told by apparatchiks and convince yourself you're free because you're not being exploited by "capitalists".

That's the "mentality" of these sniveling bed wetters. The government can fuck them all day and night 365/24, but a corporation can't expect them to be productive 40 hours a week.

So they cling to cults of personality that promise to fuck the rich and give them free shit. These assholes are parasites of the worst sort.


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