obama...spoiled brat, classless a*****e to the end, shows Trump little respect.....

He sounds so abused:
"This was a meeting that was going to last for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, and we were just going to get to know each other," Trump said. "We had never met each other. I have great respect. The meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half. And... as far as I'm concerned, it could have gone on for a lot longer."
He sounds so abused:
"This was a meeting that was going to last for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, and we were just going to get to know each other," Trump said. "We had never met each other. I have great respect. The meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half. And... as far as I'm concerned, it could have gone on for a lot longer."

If you ever decide on an avatar, I'd suggest this one

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Americans should take heart in the outwardly cordial meeting between President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday at the White House.

“He and the president had a fantastic meeting,” Mr. Priebus said Friday on “Fox and Friends.” “They genuinely got along — it was real.”
I have a bridge in Arizona for sale....
President Trump is going to erase everything that obama did in the past 8 years. Did you think the little o would be happy about it?
So...you think he will raise OBL from the dead? :rofl: :rofl:
Little o made up for that by sending isis a new and badder leader when al Baghdadi was released from Gitmo. Trading one old sick Bin Laden for an additional 5 leaders in exchange for a traitor.

Oh yeah, that OBL, little o got him alright.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Americans should take heart in the outwardly cordial meeting between President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday at the White House.

“He and the president had a fantastic meeting,” Mr. Priebus said Friday on “Fox and Friends.” “They genuinely got along — it was real.”

Yeah....hide it all you want....obama didn't provide the basic courtesies that past Presidents have extended to the new one.....and you can bet that his team will put up road blocks to the Trump team...just like the clintons did when they vandalized the White House before Bush took over.

Trump says it went well. He isn't one to be quiet if he thinks he was wronged. You really are an idiot.

And you are troll.....

This is a huge opportunity for republicans. They are in control and can show how great they are. Instead you choose to divide?
C'mon...this is my surprised face?
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Americans should take heart in the outwardly cordial meeting between President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday at the White House.

“He and the president had a fantastic meeting,” Mr. Priebus said Friday on “Fox and Friends.” “They genuinely got along — it was real.”

Yeah....hide it all you want....obama didn't provide the basic courtesies that past Presidents have extended to the new one.....and you can bet that his team will put up road blocks to the Trump team...just like the clintons did when they vandalized the White House before Bush took over.

Trump says it went well. He isn't one to be quiet if he thinks he was wronged. You really are an idiot.

And you are troll.....

This is a huge opportunity for republicans. They are in control and can show how great they are. Instead you choose to divide?
C'mon...this is my surprised face?
They could easily fall on their face too. But we will certainly find out as there can be no excuses when they control everything.
So Trump and Obama got along well.

I told you the Alt Right are getting nervous right quick. It is going to get a lot worse for them, and it is not going to get better.
Come Spring Trump could really piss off Obama - and, of course, Jammie-Jake, by having the first cow's sharecropper garden removed and replaced with a tasteful little wooded area with a few benches where people could gather to honor the memory of all those Obama had killed in His little wars and especially the tragic four abandoned by Him and His "Secretary of State" in Benghazi.

Something permanent.
LOL. Trump is the architect behind one of the greatest and most historic defeats a party has handed to another. Democrats lost all three branches of the govt., Supreme Court, governorships, and state houses. Trump is a great fighter, he knows when he's delivered a knockout blow to president Hussein and his party. This fight's been called on Nov, 8, and now it's time to do the traditional complementing of the opponent. I think however it was a much greater blow to Hussein Obama than to Hillary. His entire agenda just got flushed down the toilet.
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And here we have the truth, how the petulant narcissist that is our current, and outgoing President is still a classless asshole....and Trump better watch his back .......

3 Things Missing From Yesterday's Trump/Obama Meeting

Classless to the very end, Barack Obama broke three important – and courteous – signs of respect for President-Elect Donald Trump as they met at the White House.

Yes, Obama gave a good scripted speech, saying he wished Trump well in his administration, but behind the words – the scripted words – were the actions of a man who has zero regard for decorum and dignity.

The first is the typical “photo op.”

The current and future president stand together, smiling and facing the cameras. It shows unity. It shows that this country is one nation. Take a look at George W. Bush incoming with Bill Clinton and outgoing with Barack Obama:

Obama provided no photo opportunity like that for Donald Trump.

The second is what they refer to as “the warm greeting.”

Presidents meet their successor as they walk into the White House, or there is a picture of them strolling the grounds. Obama permitted none of that with Donald Trump. How classless.

The final slap in the face is the enthusiastic handshake. When George W. Bush was welcomed by Bill Clinton, it was smiles on all sides. Again, a sign of unity. Lighthearted laughter… Something, anything to show respect. There was none of that. Here’s a comparison of two “handshakes.”
There are not a lot of people that really think that Trump deserves any particular respect. You people have to deal with the fact that Trump is the most unpopular President Elect in history. As Trump and his ilk try to destroy the environment, defund science and education, make our already poor health care system even worse, expect even more protests. Even in the mid-West.
LOL. Trump is the architect behind one of the greatest and most historic defeats a party has handed to another. Democrats lost all three branches of the govt., Supreme Court, governorships, and state houses. Trump is a great fighter, he knows when he's delivered a knockout blow to president Hussein. This fight's been called on Nov, 8, and now it's time to do the traditional complementing of the opponent. I think however it was a much greater blow to Hussein Obama than to Hillary. His entire agenda just got flushed down the toilet.
Obama won two elections and is now done because of term limits. He did not lose anything. Now it is trumps turn and hopefully he does a good job.
And here we have the truth, how the petulant narcissist that is our current, and outgoing President is still a classless asshole....and Trump better watch his back .......

3 Things Missing From Yesterday's Trump/Obama Meeting

Classless to the very end, Barack Obama broke three important – and courteous – signs of respect for President-Elect Donald Trump as they met at the White House.

Yes, Obama gave a good scripted speech, saying he wished Trump well in his administration, but behind the words – the scripted words – were the actions of a man who has zero regard for decorum and dignity.

The first is the typical “photo op.”

The current and future president stand together, smiling and facing the cameras. It shows unity. It shows that this country is one nation. Take a look at George W. Bush incoming with Bill Clinton and outgoing with Barack Obama:

Obama provided no photo opportunity like that for Donald Trump.

The second is what they refer to as “the warm greeting.”

Presidents meet their successor as they walk into the White House, or there is a picture of them strolling the grounds. Obama permitted none of that with Donald Trump. How classless.

The final slap in the face is the enthusiastic handshake. When George W. Bush was welcomed by Bill Clinton, it was smiles on all sides. Again, a sign of unity. Lighthearted laughter… Something, anything to show respect. There was none of that. Here’s a comparison of two “handshakes.”
There are not a lot of people that really think that Trump deserves any particular respect. You people have to deal with the fact that Trump is the most unpopular President Elect in history. As Trump and his ilk try to destroy the environment, defund science and education, make our already poor health care system even worse, expect even more protests. Even in the mid-West.

Keep telling yourself this crap.....after he leaves office after his second successful term with the highest approval ratings of a modern President and he has fixed healthcare, and the economy and stabilized immigration...you asswipes will still be pooping your diapers and having hissy fits...
LOL. Trump is the architect behind one of the greatest and most historic defeats a party has handed to another. Democrats lost all three branches of the govt., Supreme Court, governorships, and state houses. Trump is a great fighter, he knows when he's delivered a knockout blow to president Hussein. This fight's been called on Nov, 8, and now it's time to do the traditional complementing of the opponent. I think however it was a much greater blow to Hussein Obama than to Hillary. His entire agenda just got flushed down the toilet.
Obama won two elections and is now done because of term limits. He did not lose anything. Now it is trumps turn and hopefully he does a good job.
Obama campaigned like he was running and because of what happened on Nov. 8 everything he passed and worked for is about to get flushed down the toilet. Hillary and Bill are greedy corrupt grifters who made it to the presidency in the 90's, and are about $300 mill USD wealthier than when they entered politics. Hillary will get over it much faster than Obama.
LOL. Trump is the architect behind one of the greatest and most historic defeats a party has handed to another. Democrats lost all three branches of the govt., Supreme Court, governorships, and state houses. Trump is a great fighter, he knows when he's delivered a knockout blow to president Hussein. This fight's been called on Nov, 8, and now it's time to do the traditional complementing of the opponent. I think however it was a much greater blow to Hussein Obama than to Hillary. His entire agenda just got flushed down the toilet.
Obama won two elections and is now done because of term limits. He did not lose anything. Now it is trumps turn and hopefully he does a good job.
Obama campaigned like he was running and because of what happened on Nov. 8 everything he passed and worked for is about to get flushed down the toilet. Hillary and Bill are greedy corrupt grifters who made it to the presidency in the 90's, and are about $300 mill USD wealthier than when they entered office. Hillary will get over it much faster than Obama.

Until Rocco and Moose show up to get Putin's money back........
LOL. Trump is the architect behind one of the greatest and most historic defeats a party has handed to another. Democrats lost all three branches of the govt., Supreme Court, governorships, and state houses. Trump is a great fighter, he knows when he's delivered a knockout blow to president Hussein. This fight's been called on Nov, 8, and now it's time to do the traditional complementing of the opponent. I think however it was a much greater blow to Hussein Obama than to Hillary. His entire agenda just got flushed down the toilet.
Obama won two elections and is now done because of term limits. He did not lose anything. Now it is trumps turn and hopefully he does a good job.
Obama campaigned like he was running and because of what happened on Nov. 8 everything he passed and worked for is about to get flushed down the toilet. Hillary and Bill are greedy corrupt grifters who made it to the presidency in the 90's, and are about $300 mill USD wealthier than when they entered office. Hillary will get over it much faster than Obama.

Until Rocco and Moose show up to get Putin's money back........
LOL. You're right, uncle Rudy might still "lock'er up" when he's appointed Attorney General.
"everything he passed and worked for is about to get flushed down the toilet."

:) ACA will be around forever, just under a new name with some cosmetic changes. (Hint: health care industry loves ACA.)

:) PP will be around under the same name without breaking stride.

:) LGBT marriage is fact, and that won't change.

:) The millennials know they can call a racist a racist, then smile while the asshole racist rages.

:) We all know that Trump, if he can't control himself, will be impeached and convicted and removed by the socons and far right and the democrats.

The more life changes, the more it stays the same.

And: Trump is a progressive, always has been, always will be.

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