Obama Staffer Threatens Netanyahu

Look at the way Obama operates and this fits right in. He's kissed asses of other leaders.

He bows to Muslims. He gives generously to Islamic terrorists, like Muslim Brotherhood. Obama likely checks with CAIR before making decisions on dealing with radical Muslims.

The president of Mexico was invited to talk about reforming our immigration system.

He only invites those who share his beliefs. This is not surprising that he is hostile towards Israel. Most radicals are.
He releases terrorists from Gitmo who have pledged to attack us and Israel. I think he would be more comfortable being the president of ISIS.

Fuck Israel as long as Netanyhoooooo is PM
Doesn't matter who the PM is you will hate that country anyway. It's how you are.

nope, have been one of the biggest supporters of Israel I know...even at usmb, but Netanyahu is crossing too many lines.

very sad
And what lines would that be?
Oh look.

Yet another non-issue for the RWs to drool over.

Carry on.


If it wasn't for Obama complaining and throw a fit over it, it wouldn't really be an issue worth discussing at all. Congress can invite whoever they want to speak before the assembly, they are a separate government branch and as such are not required to ask for permission from the executive.
January 23, 2015
Obama fuming at Netanyahu invitation to Congress, plans retaliation
By Thomas Lifson
“Netanyahu spat in our face. There will be a price.” With these words, an unnamed Obama administration official declared war on Israel’s prime minister in an interview with the left0wing Israeli newspaper Haaretz. s.​

It appears that there is a CIVIL WAR in Israel. The Mossad has turned against him

Israeli Mossad Goes Rogue, Warns U.S. on Iran Sanctions

1205 Jan 21, 2015 7:26 PM EST

By Josh Rogin & Eli Lake

The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has broken ranks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, telling U.S. officials and lawmakers that a new Iran sanctions bill in the U.S. Congress would tank the Iran nuclear negotiations.

Netanyahu gets punked by his own intelligence service!​
Mossad chief denies opposing new sanctions on Iran - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

Mossad chief Tamir Pardo issued a rare press release on Thursday denying reports that he told U.S. senators he was opposed to further sanctions on Iran during its negotiations with world powers over its contentious nuclear program.

In a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office, Pardo noted that he did meet with a delegation of senators on January 19, at their request, and with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approval.

"Contrary to what has been reported, the Head of the Mossad did not say that he opposes imposing additional sanctions on Iran, " read the statement. Rather, "the Head of the Mossad emphasized in the meeting that the exceptional effectiveness of the sanctions imposed on Iran in recent years are what brought Iran to the negotiating table."

Now why would Bloomberg News -- a pro zionist publication - make up the story. Now Bloomberg News did not quote Tamir Pardo.......


battling images?

.... the Iran nuclear negotiations.
What "negotiations"?

"Negotiations" is what you call talks aimed at reaching a compromise between two groups.

What makes you think Iran is interested in compromising anything?
telling U.S. officials and lawmakers that a new Iran sanctions bill in the U.S. Congress would tank the Iran nuclear negotiations.
The only reason Iran is participating in these "negotiations", is to gain time to complete their nuclear weapons development and deployment.

IOW, the "negotiations" were "tanked" before they even began. Iran has no intention of letting the negotiations accomplish anything, except to play their part in the destruction of Israel, followed by the domination of the rest of the Middle East by a nuclear-armed Iran.

The only remarkable thing about this, is that some people are still pretending they don't know it.
Mean while the clueless Democrats on this thread don't know the Iran back terrorist just forced the US back president of Yemen to resign
obastard has alienated the very last ally we had in the region. Egypt has nothing to do with us over obastard's support of the muslim brotherhood. Yemen is gone. All counter terrorism operations were ended today. Who knows what's going to happen in Saudi Arabia. Israel was our last link. Oh yes the bastard presidunce has no operational intelligence at all and doesn't believe in questioning anyway.

He is brewing a disaster that will dwarf 911.
"Obama Staffer Threatens Netanyahu"

We can only assume that your ODS has turned you into such a blind partisan hack that you aren't even aware of your lies – or if you are aware of the fact that you're a liar, you don't care.
"Obama Staffer Threatens Netanyahu"

We can only assume that your ODS has turned you into such a blind partisan hack that you aren't even aware of your lies – or if you are aware of the fact that you're a liar, you don't care.
Please elaborate. I can't wait to hear your explanation of this.
Netanahu needs to stay the fuck out of OUR politics.

You mean our politics, in a part of the world that does not affect us directly so much? But does affect Netanyahus country directly VERY much?
I dont blame him for asking to meet with congress, he wouldnt be looking for the best interest of his people if he didnt ask.

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