Obama Staffer Threatens Netanyahu

Netanahu needs to stay the fuck out of OUR politics.

You mean our politics, in a part of the world that does not affect us directly so much? But does affect Netanyahus country directly VERY much?
I dont blame him for asking to meet with congress, he wouldnt be looking for the best interest of his people if he didnt ask.
As long as he's forced to deal with an administration full of spoiled brats who hate his guts he'll never accomplish anything. It's pretty damned clear that nothing gets done if Obama is involved. Many of his people have close ties to Hamas, and Obama doesn't take a crap without Valarie Jarrett's okay. Valarie, who has her own Secret Service detail, born in Iran, big warning flag there.

So everything is a joke to this president. Instead of meeting with other world leaders or meeting with intelligence over Yemen this is the stuff Obama prefers to do:

FNC’s The Kelly File
January 22, 2015
9:50 p.m. Eastern


GLOZELL: Got milk?

MEGYN KELLY: Should we put a viewer warning on that? That was GloZell, one of three YouTube stars to score a sit-down interview with the President of the United States earlier today. While she did ask him a few hard hitting questions, this was one of our favorite moments.

GREEN: My momma said whenever you go to somebody's house you have to give them something.


GREENT: Don't come empty handed.


GREEN: So I have green lipsticks. One for your first wife –


GREEN: I mean –

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Do you know something I don't?

GREEN: Oh, for the First Lady and the first children.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Oh, I'll ask Michelle to try it on maybe even tonight.

GREEN: Okay.

KELLY: Howard Kurtz is host of Media Buzz on Fox News. Howie, how did it go?

HOWARD KURTZ: Well, look, GloZell is a star, she's funny, she’d probably have her own Netflix show by next week, but when did eating milk and cereal out of your bathtub become an audition to interview the President of the United States? Now Megyn, I'm not some old media curmudgeon saying Obama shouldn't go on Ellen or The View or Colbert. He’s got a sense of humor, that’s a political asset, but it just seemed beneath the dignity of the office to be hanging out with some of these YouTubers.

KELLY: You think? The woman who was bathing herself in the Fruit Loops one day and then sitting down with the President of the United States the next day, asking questions like about Cuba, like saying that – that the Castros put the “D” word in dictatorship.

KURTZ: I was going to let you handle that one.

KELLY: I wasn't sure how I was going to get that, but like, yeah, really, this is what the President is across from.

KURTZ: Well, there was that. There was Hank Green thanking him for ObamaCare. There was Bethany Mota saying his answers were awesome, asking him what super power he would like to have and also taking the selfie. So, maybe this is how the president wants the White House press corps to act around him.

KELLY: You know, here's a question for you, you know, Yemen was, like, collapsing today and al-Qaeda is really big there and he was sitting down with GloZell and I'm just thinking like, doesn't anybody say, well, this may not be the best – these may not be the best optics for us. That's what all the reporters always focus on.

KURTZ: Well, even if you grant it, the White House didn't know in advance there would be another foreign policy crisis. I mean, this was scheduled as the first interview two days after the State of the Union. Now, the State of the Union is a serious policy speech and this looked like Obama was just going to the D-list Hollywood afterparty and if he was serious about getting some of these proposals in this speech, the tax hike on the rich, the spending programs, free community college, through Congress he'd be working the mainstream media, but he doesn't think any of that's going to pass and the White House doesn't believe most of it's going to pass and so, you know, he goes to the party and hangs out with GloZell.

KELLY: If I ever get to interview the President I'm bringing a big picture of myself with crazy lipstick. I'm going to put it behind myself during the interview. I don't know how she managed to do that. That was impressive. Howie, good to see you.

KURTZ: She will be on the cover of New York Times Magazine after you are next Sunday, I bet.

KELLY: Thank you very much.

- See more at: FNC s Kurtz Pans Obama s YouTube Interview Maybe Its How He Wants the WH Press Corps to Act Around Him
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January 23, 2015
The President as Pest
By J.R. Dunn
With the SOTU behind us, what’s left for Obama in his lame duck years?

Looking at his record, it’s difficult to see any promise of accomplishment. His entire tenure has been one vast Gobi of negative achievement unparalleled in the history of this Republic. His domestic record -- to mention only the highlights -- consists of the Stimulus (“shovel-ready jobs”), ObamaCare, forcing tens of millions out of the workforce, decoupling the stock market from the economy as a whole, and a still stumbling recovery. His “post-racial presidency” is a sad joke, with race relations in a state of tension unseen since the late 60s. His party is in near-terminal disarray, with most of the states in the hands of the GOP and, apart from a pair of questionable female celebrity candidates, no one to take up the reins once he leaves.

As for foreign affairs, where do we commence? About his “victory” over Al Qaeda, the less said the better. He alienated Israel among only the most prominent of our allies. Putin’s Russia is on the rampage, and China is about to start a regional war over the South China Sea. Bush’s emphasis on assistance to Africa was abandoned by the first African-American president. A promising opening to India, a rising regional superpower, was tossed aside. But all this is a lagniappe to the greatest foreign-policy disaster since the 1970s -- the “Arab Spring”, a policy initiative so apocalyptic that media, academics, and left-leaning politicians don’t dare mention it. Thanks to Obama, along with his witch’s coven of Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power, the entire region, minus only Israel, is in chaos, with no sign of an end and a potential butcher’s bill in the tens of millions. (Nobody ever realized that Power’s epic study of genocide was actually a handbook.)

Moving on to scandals, we find another cornucopia. Fast and Furious! Lois Lerner! Solyndra! Jonathan Gruber! The Muslim Brotherhood! Illegal executive orders! Illegal ObamaCare changes! And going back, Obama’s award of a trillion-and-a-half dollars to his friends in the financial industry, for which he had no constitutional or legal sanction whatsoever. All this before the last phase of Obama’s tenure -- historically the period when festering scandals begin to bubble up.

So pathetic is Obama’s record that his supporters have been driven to claim credit on his behalf for endeavors that he not only had nothing to do with (fracking, e.g.) but actively opposed, and still opposes.

The notion of recovery simply beggars credulity. The Obama administration is in a state analogous to what aerodynamicists call “dynamic stall,” in which an aircraft is trapped by its own control surfaces at an angle in which no lift is generated and it begins plummeting like a brick. Efforts to regain control simply redouble the forces gripping the aircraft. The only solution is to punch out and watch the plane dig a hole. (See the climax of The Right Stuff for an example of this effect in action.)

There’s no way out for Obama. All we can hope for is that the most urgent threats -- China, the Jihadis, a renewed financial crisis -- will hold off until a competent hand takes the controls.

Articles The President as Pest
January 23, 2015
Obama fuming at Netanyahu invitation to Congress, plans retaliation
By Thomas Lifson
“Netanyahu spat in our face. There will be a price.” With these words, an unnamed Obama administration official declared war on Israel’s prime minister in an interview with the left0wing Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Smarting at being blindsided by the invitation to address a joint session of Congress and advocate a sanctions bill on Iran to kick in if the current round of negotiations fails, Obama is letting his anti-Israel feelings show more openly than ever before.

Haaretz also reports that Obama has been warning Netanyahu for ten days to not lobby Congress on the bipartisan sanctions bill:

U.S. President Barack Obama has demanded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stop encouraging U.S. senators and congressmen to advance new sanctions legislation against Iran.

A senior American official, who asked to remain anonymous due to the diplomatic sensitivity of the issue, said Obama gave Netanyahu this message during a telephone call on Monday, January 12.

There is obviously no principle, only political convenience behind this demand, since Obama stood by as British PM Cameron announced to the world that he was lobbying U.S. senators on the same bill, only in the opposite direction.

Netanyahu spat in our face White House officials said to say The Times of Israel

The spoiled brats in the Obama Administration are about to cause an international incident over whether or not Netanyahu asked for permission to talk to Congress.

Absolutely despicable. This comes after reports that when Obama first met with Netanyahu he treated him like shit and after doing this he ushered one of our strongest allies out the back exit unceremoniously. Quite a difference from the normal bowing and ring kissing sessions he conducts with Muslim leaders.

This administration is so anti Israel and pro jihadists it's unreal. It's blatant at this point.

I was just in another thread counting out how many whack jobs in the middle east Obama has backed. I've never seen the like from any US President apart from Carter. But even Carter wasn't this bloody agrgessively open about his intentions in the ME.

I hope and pray Bibi tells Obama and his freaking idiotic administration to stick it where the sun don't shine. Israel shall endure. Thank heavens these maniacs in the White House will be gone shortly.
January 24, 2015
'Fruit Loop' Obama's Peculiar Priorities
By Jeannie DeAngelis
Barack Obama is a man who painstakingly sets his priorities. Take, for instance, the recent funerals of two NYPD officers who were shot in the head by a radical Islamist thug as they sat in their parked police cruiser. Sadly, the president was not able to attend either Officer Ramos’s or Liu’s funeral.

However, while the Big Apple was steeped in unbearable heartache, with a heavy heart about being otherwise committed and under much emotional duress, a greatly shaken Obama and the first lady did manage to soothe their grief with a $1,000-a-couple dinner at the swanky Hawaiian Vintage Cave.

Then there was the terrorist attack in France that killed 17 people. Following the bloodshed, a million-person march descended on Paris. French President Francois Hollande and 44 foreign dignitaries, including leaders from Germany, Italy, Britain, Turkey, Israel, and the Palestinian territories, attended the protest.

One would think that not even another fundraiser in Gwyneth Paltrow’s backyard could stop Barack ‘Citizen of the World’ Obama from participating in the show of unity. But again, unfortunately, the president was mysteriously engaged elsewhere, possibly doing whatever he was doing on the night of the Benghazi attack.

No matter which way you slice it, Barack Obama is a very busy man with an ever-growing list of concerns to attend to.

Consider all the time it takes for him to finagle free college tuition for 13th and 14th grade, or to plot how to veto Republican sanctions against Iran. Then there’s the effort he’s investing in releasing every last Islamic insurgent from Gitmo in time for them to get back on the battlefield to do some real damage, and the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to reprimand anyone who says the forbidden words: “Islamic terrorist.”

There are only so many hours in a day to clean up the planet and punish overachievers. Moreover, it’s probably Barack Obama himself who chases down and recruits former Democrat campaign staffers to play down-and-out housewives at State of the Union addresses.

And let’s not forget -- when he’s not “fixing” our “broken” healthcare system, Obama is actively about the business of decimating our military, upping the minimum wage on behalf of the “hardest working people in America,” waving millions of illegal immigrants with infectious diseases across the border, and purposely contributing to racial unrest.

As if all that effort and responsibility isn’t enough to tucker one man out, now in the midst of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” without consulting the president, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner goes and invites Bibi Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on the dangers posed to Israel and the U.S. by Islamic extremism and a nuclear Iran.

Why, pray tell, does the Israeli prime minister have to issue this cautionary tale? After all, when and if he decides to, the president will be more than able to convince Iran to do things like release the imprisoned Christian pastor Saeed Abedini. In like manner, with a minimal amount of mediation on his part, an amicable Iran will also happily submit when Obama politely requests that they relinquish their nuclear ambitions.

That’s why, when the Israeli prime minister arrives in America, there is absolutely no reason to cut into the president’s packed schedule to meet with a man who was once left sitting in a White House meeting room for daring to defy Obama’s Palestinian-friendly wishes concerning Jewish construction in East Jerusalem.

Articles Fruit Loop Obama s Peculiar Priorities
Netanahu needs to stay the fuck out of OUR politics.

You mean our politics, in a part of the world that does not affect us directly so much? But does affect Netanyahus country directly VERY much?
I dont blame him for asking to meet with congress, he wouldnt be looking for the best interest of his people if he didnt ask.
Netanyahu did not ask to meet with congress. It was Boehner that asked Netanyahu to address Congress about Iran's weapons.

We have no intelligence network. All we have is obumble's assurances that Iran doesn't really mean it when the ruling mullahs say death to America. Congress is still entitled to information without relying on an increasingly hostile presidunce.

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