Obama staffers can’t find work in Trump’s DC: ‘There are no jobs’

Their jobs went away, like the West Virginia coal miners. Time for the Obama staffers to learn a new profession.

Trump will have some shovel ready jobs for these people. They can help rebuild our bridges and roads.
Their jobs went away, like the West Virginia coal miners. Time for the Obama staffers to learn a new profession.

Trump will have some shovel ready jobs for these people. They can help rebuild our bridges and roads.

Construction workers need glory hole services
Watch, the suicide rate is going skyrocket among the Snowflake crowd. Reality is a bitch in heat.
Obama staffers can’t find work in Trump’s DC: ‘There are no jobs’
Plenty of jobs for these fuck ups on the front lines in Afghanistan.
Says the bad-ass, keyboard kommando nightfox, who is afraid of his own shadow. Punk.
You can be garbage man, at the dim clubs.
Have you ever considered doing stand up? You should give it a try. Take my word for it, you'll have the audience laughing their asses off at you.
I'm sorry. this is too funny. the people responsible for our crappy economy are shocked to learn that the economy sucks. Maybe if they did their actual jobs instead of forcing the crap they did on the American people they could find work.
Obama staffers can’t find work in Trump’s DC: ‘There are no jobs’
Plenty of jobs for these fuck ups on the front lines in Afghanistan.
Says the bad-ass, keyboard kommando nightfox, who is afraid of his own shadow. Punk.
You can be garbage man, at the dim clubs.
Have you ever considered doing stand up? You should give it a try. Take my word for it, you'll have the audience laughing their asses off at you.
Your surrender is noted, and rejected.
Obama staffers can’t find work in Trump’s DC: ‘There are no jobs’
Plenty of jobs for these fuck ups on the front lines in Afghanistan.
Says the bad-ass, keyboard kommando nightfox, who is afraid of his own shadow. Punk.
You can be garbage man, at the dim clubs.
Er...ummm... It already has a job; it's the Very Obnoxious Retard, every Internet message board has at least one.

Obama staffers can’t find work in Trump’s DC: ‘There are no jobs’
Plenty of jobs for these fuck ups on the front lines in Afghanistan.
Says the bad-ass, keyboard kommando nightfox, who is afraid of his own shadow. Punk.
You can be garbage man, at the dim clubs.
Er...ummm... It already has a job; it's the Very Obnoxious Retard, every Internet message board has at least one.

Awwww, what's wrong? Did I hurt the little snowflake's feelings. LOL.
That red headed bitch looks more like Rosa Klebb each time I see her:


Who is that, and when did it start transgendering...........if it/she did? (sorry mods, just asking a question, and good to know these things, especially with links from the accurate MSM, hehehehehehe)

Jennifer Psaki....Barry's State Dept lying hag:


LOL, well I do see a wedding ring on her finger, and she doesn't look like the person with the military uniform on, so should I assume it is not the same person, or that the photo was doctored..............or rather that Obama turned her to the Obama side of the force, and now she doesn't know which restroom she belongs in-)

would you eat her out?
all the RW loonbots have to worry about is Obama's staffers?


how pathetic is that?
Obama staffers can’t find work in Trump’s DC: ‘There are no jobs’
Plenty of jobs for these fuck ups on the front lines in Afghanistan.
Says the bad-ass, keyboard kommando nightfox, who is afraid of his own shadow. Punk.
You can be garbage man, at the dim clubs.
Er...ummm... It already has a job; it's the Very Obnoxious Retard, every Internet message board has at least one.

Awwww, what's wrong? Did I hurt the little snowflake's feelings. LOL.
Yeah well, sorry to rain on your ego trip but that would require that I actually cared about what you think or say, you're just another left wing wind up toy, fun to play with for a minute or two but not much use beyond that, tschüss

"Oh, well, we almost had a romantic ending! " -- Bugs Bunny
Obama said we are at nearly "FULL EMPLOYMENT"....I can't imagine how these people can't find jobs.

They can sweep up after Trump's inauguration.
all the RW loonbots have to worry about is Obama's staffers?


how pathetic is that?

We are not worried about them, we are making fun of them and laughing at their misfortune.


could have fooled me .. don't look now, but the rest of the country is making fun of you.
Must not be any country I know of. Every where I go the people are celebrating Trump and laughing hard at the Stains.

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