Obama starts Throw you under Bus Tour


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama to propose new system for rating colleges | Political Headlines | Comcast

Obama will unveil the proposals Thursday as he opens a two-day bus tour through New York and Pennsylvania. The tour underscores the White House's desire to stay focused on domestic issues, even as foreign policy crises in Egypt and Syria vie for his attention.

Throughout the summer, the White House has been seeking to keep the president's public agenda centered on middle-class economic issues as a way to rally public support for his positions ahead of looming fiscal battles with congressional Republicans. And Obama, in an email to supporters this week, said a big part of middle-class security includes fundamentally rethinking how to pay for higher education.

"Just tinkering around the edges won't be enough," Obama said. "We've got to shake up the current system."

In an interview Thursday on MSNBC, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said the Obama administration wants to "understand who is doing a good job and who is not and start to move financial aid, move resources toward those universities that are serious about this mission."

Obama's answer is Financial aid for every problem that faces this Country , we are doomed .........:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:



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