Obama still hasn't commented on the story about the teacher being raped and killed

Yeah, he pretty much sticks to commenting on crimes committed by whites, and apparently "white Hispanics".
Your ability to suspend reality for the sake of politics is hilarious.

Obama on the murder of Christopher Lane, shot by three thugs while jogging:

As the president has expressed on too many tragic occasions, there is an extra measure of evil in an act of violence that cuts a young life short. The president and first lady’s thoughts and prayers are with Chris Lane’s family and friends in these trying times


Yeah, he pretty much sticks to commenting on crimes committed by whites, and apparently "white Hispanics".
Your ability to suspend reality for the sake of politics is hilarious.

Obama on the murder of Christopher Lane, shot by three thugs while jogging:

As the president has expressed on too many tragic occasions, there is an extra measure of evil in an act of violence that cuts a young life short. The president and first lady’s thoughts and prayers are with Chris Lane’s family and friends in these trying times


Did he say if he had a son, they could have looked like them? This was an issue in Australia which decidedly did not help the international image of Americans, and especially black Americans. He would have never said anything if that were not the case, and you damn well know it.
Did he say if he had a son, they could have looked like them?
Who cares, neither you or I made an claim based on whether he compared anyone to a son.

Must be neat living in whatever logical fallacy land you do where adding an additional qualifier to a false statement makes it anything but a false statement.

You said he only comments when the perps are white. Easily proven false. Now you throw some more smokescreen up to cover your bullshit, maybe he's never commented on a crime the perps were black and happened to be wearing a purple shirt.
Did he say if he had a son, they could have looked like them?
Who cares, neither you or I made an claim based on whether he compared anyone to a son.

Must be neat living in whatever logical fallacy land you do where adding an additional qualifier to a false statement makes it anything but a false statement.

You said he only comments when the perps are white. Easily proven false. Now you throw some more smokescreen up to cover your bullshit, maybe he's never commented on a crime the perps were black and happened to be wearing a purple shirt.
No, I indirectly make a claim that Obama said if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin. Perhaps not as strongly as Sharpton, Jackson and yourself, but Obama is still a bit of a race pimp. You can take a race pimp out of a shithole like Chicago, but you can't take a shithole out of a race pimp.

Racism is racism, a tautology perhaps, but as such; obviously true.
I seem to remember Obama commenting on Gabby Giffords....she is white
I somewhat remember him commenting on the kids at Sandy Hook Elementary.....they were white

But I must be mistaken, Obama is a racist and only comments when things happen to black people

When he commented on Giffords and Sandy Hook, the issue of race wasn't raised. When he spoke of Trayvon Martin, Clayton Lockett, and Henry Louis Gates Jr., race WAS a key factor in his comments.
The point is, Obama only comments when the victim is black

This is true, but only if you're stupid enough to think your lies are real.
Stop talking bollocks; it makes you look like a fucking idiot.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwv5Q4R3pbM]'Our hearts broken today': Obama's full speech on school shooting in Connecticut - YouTube[/ame]
I seem to remember Obama commenting on Gabby Giffords....she is white
I somewhat remember him commenting on the kids at Sandy Hook Elementary.....they were white

But I must be mistaken, Obama is a racist and only comments when things happen to black people

When he commented on Giffords and Sandy Hook, the issue of race wasn't raised. When he spoke of Trayvon Martin, Clayton Lockett, and Henry Louis Gates Jr., race WAS a key factor in his comments.

So what? Can't you understand why that is? In my lifetime I have witnessed discrimination against blacks, simply because they were black. There are people alive today who remember black people being lynched and nothing being done to stop it, in fact, the law condoning it. I remember my parents talking about going to a restaurant with a black friend and coworker (they were teachers) and being told "We don't serve coloreds here."

So black people are still climbing out of that hole where not so long ago in this country it was perfectly acceptable to discriminate against blacks and even kill them if they smiled at a white girl.

Perhaps if white people had ever been oppressed in this country, had ever been singled out and discriminated against simply because they were white...perhaps then some of you would "get it."

But I know perfectly well why a lot of people don't get it. Because they're racists that why. They're outraged that a ****** managed to get himself elected as President of the United States of America.

I mean, how dare these black people remember their history of oppression in this country. They should just get over it, right, and move along? Even though a lot of the racism is still occurring, eh?

And how dare a black president try to further the cause of equality for blacks in this country? How dare he! If he sees any incidents where blacks are quite obviously being profiled because they are black, he should just shut up, right?

Well, guess what, he can speak up if he wants to. And let me remind some of you racists, this is his SECOND term. That means he was REELECTED. By the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Get over it.

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