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Obama stimulus is failed

How long did it take to get out of the last economic downturn of this magnitude? :eusa_whistle: The Repubs are just screaming wolf for partisan political gain when the fact is, it's going to take a while to get out of the Bu$h II recession.

kinda like those fucking demonrats portraying Rayan shoving grandma over the cliff huh.. hypocrite. and just for your infoll this is the obama economy. Bush left office three years ago.. what a moron.

I'm FINE with that add...ONLY if it is embellished with the Country in the chair, and it's Obama/Pelosi/Reid doing the pushing.
I am not blaming anyone, I am merely pointing out your overheated pathological hypocrisy.

but, I could be wrong, let me check in with your virtual twin;

You're not blaming anyone?

Then you hold Obama and the Democratic Congress blameless for the 2009/2010 deficits.


you're inability to hold a consistent thought or conversation should be the model for a research paper at one of our national laboratories.

Blame? hold up, let me check in with Moonbat-
They had better have plenty of Gubmint cheese on hand to make him perform...
Once again job numbers are out. The results are dismal. We now have 9.1% unemployment, not counting those who have given up. Economists expected job creation to be 160k. We got just 54k. Manufacturing lost jobs for the first time in 7 months.
This isn't a recovery. IN a recovery jobs are stable, overtime increases, temporary work increases and then permanent employment increases. We are seeing continued job losses.
So the promise of Obama's stimulus to add however many jobs to the economy is a lie. It is a total failure.
In a British style parliamentary system they would stage a no-confidence vote in Obama. They would win.

The Stimulus is a clear Failure. Any Lib that tries to deny it is full of Crap. Obama himself told us if we passed it. By now we would only have 7% unemployment. Using his own standards it has been an utter failure.
How long did it take to get out of the last economic downturn of this magnitude? :eusa_whistle: The Repubs are just screaming wolf for partisan political gain when the fact is, it's going to take a while to get out of the Bu$h II recession.

Your so blind. Were not getting out of anything. Decisions Obama has made, like spending trillions on Government Stimulus programs. and Printing Trillions with quantitative easing 1, 2 and 3. Have assured things are going to get much worse before they ever get better.

This is no longer the Bush Recession. Only a completely dishonest partisan hack would try and call it that anymore.
I respectfully disagree. I suggest you step outside of the echo chamber and try to imagine if nothing had been done to shore up the financial crisis Obama and the country was heading into as he took office.

Try to consider what this country would be like today if all of the banks had failed. Consider what the world financial sector would be like if all major banks and lending institutions as well as their insurance organizations had failed. Try and consider what the U S manufacturing sector would be like if GM and Chrysler and all of their suppliers had gone bankrupt.

I believe that you and many have no idea what REAL TOTAL FAILURE looks like. I get it that we are still suffering pain and hardship. I get it that the country is getting weary of the time it is taking to put us back on a course of prosperity. I also get it that much of what happened was built on a bubble that collapsed in the value of housing just as the lending apparatus self imploded. If one is being fair and honest the country was kidding itself on the true value of equity and borrowing against a false net worth for many years based on the totally unrealistic assumption that property values would continue to rise.

I consider you a smart guy. I get it that you would like to have better opportunities. Look at it this way. You still have opportunities that have not evaporated in the wake of the greatest financial fraud ever committed in history. It could be unbelievably worse.

Strongly disagree. You have ZERO evidence that "all banks would have failed". It would NOT have happened. If Bear Sterns had been allowed to fold, I guarantee you the other banks would have made whatever changes were necessary to get their books in order. Whoever did fail would soon be replaced bu a new or smarter competitor. Similarly, if GM had gone under, Ford and other manufacturers would sell more cars. Hell, we might of actually had a NEW entrant into the auto market...wouldn't that be refreshing? Further, we did NOT need to bail out AIG. The other insurance companies would have picked up their market share, albeit with with sustainable rates and terms.

You want evidence of how this works? Look to the massive economic downturn of 1920. We don't think of it today as a "great depression" because instead of bailout and stimulus, the government at that time did two things: they cut spending in half and taxes in half. Sure some companies when under, big ones. But within a very short period of time, the economy rebounded and we had the roaring twenties.

Bail out and stimulus may delay the pain but they only make things worse when the chickens come home to roost.

I don't think you understand the the nature of the problem. We weren't talking about a few bad notes here and there...we were talking about something that had "infected" the entire American Financial system. No TARP..and there would have been anyone around to "compete". The rescue of GM was probably one of the most necessary no-brainers in history. And the stimulus..though to small and laden with 350Billion in tax cuts..averted another disaster. Why are things taking so long to fix? Conservatives, at every turn, have thwarted to the efforts of the Obama administration to set things right.

Well, you certainly have your Huffington Post talking points down. Forget that your argument lacks any specifics or evidence...or logic. No TARP in 1920, which was every bit as severe a downturn "infecting" the entire system as 2008, yet competition fixed the problem rather quickly. Just ignore that one...it doesn't fit our purely emotion argument.
Once again job numbers are out. The results are dismal. We now have 9.1% unemployment, not counting those who have given up. Economists expected job creation to be 160k. We got just 54k. Manufacturing lost jobs for the first time in 7 months.
This isn't a recovery. IN a recovery jobs are stable, overtime increases, temporary work increases and then permanent employment increases. We are seeing continued job losses.
So the promise of Obama's stimulus to add however many jobs to the economy is a lie. It is a total failure.
In a British style parliamentary system they would stage a no-confidence vote in Obama. They would win.

The Stimulus is a clear Failure. Any Lib that tries to deny it is full of Crap. Obama himself told us if we passed it. By now we would only have 7% unemployment. Using his own standards it has been an utter failure.
But Obama goes on blaming Republicans, Businesses for NOT buying into it...not hiring and NOT seeing what Obama terms as wisdom...

As he said on friday? "There will always be BUMPS in the road...which is true...but those bumps are created BY the Government...and to that end? Obama will NEVER admit the failure.
How long did it take to get out of the last economic downturn of this magnitude? :eusa_whistle: The Repubs are just screaming wolf for partisan political gain when the fact is, it's going to take a while to get out of the Bu$h II recession.

What was the last economic downturn of this magnitude? Probably early 1980s when UE went to 10.8% (thats the one the Dems always crow about Reagan creating). It was over in 1 year 4 months. We still aren't out of this one.
How long did it take to get out of the last economic downturn of this magnitude? :eusa_whistle: The Repubs are just screaming wolf for partisan political gain when the fact is, it's going to take a while to get out of the Bu$h II recession.

kinda like those fucking demonrats portraying Rayan shoving grandma over the cliff huh.. hypocrite. and just for your infoll this is the obama economy. Bush left office three years ago.. what a moron.

UMMMMmmm......???? WHEN did Bush leave office? :eek: Willow you are nothing if not entertaining! :lol: :lol: :lol:
How long did it take to get out of the last economic downturn of this magnitude? :eusa_whistle: The Repubs are just screaming wolf for partisan political gain when the fact is, it's going to take a while to get out of the Bu$h II recession.

What was the last economic downturn of this magnitude? Probably early 1980s when UE went to 10.8% (thats the one the Dems always crow about Reagan creating). It was over in 1 year 4 months. We still aren't out of this one.

And on our way to Double DIP...even Reagan didn't do that...but I'm sure some Statist round these parts will argue to the contrary...
You're right. He did have it licked, after years of double digit unemployment.

But at THIS point in his presidency, that was NOT the case.

And, unless my calendar is off, it doesn't seem to be September 2012 at the moment.

At this point in Reagan's first term, we were still in the 1981-1982 recession. At this point in Obama's, we are 23 months into what is supposed to be a recovery.

Obama's recovery is no better than being in a recession...in fact it's worse, considering the massive amounts of taxpayer money that have been wasted on his destructive, futile policies.

So we can't blame Reagan for the deep 1981 - 1982 recession because it occurred DURING his presidency.

lol, good one.

You sorely lack reading comprehension. I didn't way he wasn't responsible. The 1981-1982 recession happened on his watch; and there was a deliberate reason for enduring it - to cure double digit inflation that was ravaging the economy. Reagan didn't whine about it with a constant "It's Carter's Fault" refrain.

He took the public opinion hit, and held steady with his vision for getting the economy back on track.
Obama's policies, including the Stimulus, have resulted in the worst economic recovery in past century.

If we'd had a proper mix of low taxes, reasonable regulation, restrained government spending and leadership which instilled trust that the policies would remain in place, the private sector would be creating jobs.

Instead, Obama has fulfilled Ayn Rand's predictions. And it's going to get much worse before it gets better.

We've lost almost 500,000 local GOVERNMENT jobs since 2008, not to mention lost state jobs.

The 'restraint' in government spending you're referring to not happening has in fact been happening on a massive scale at the state and local levels,

and contrary to the cockeyed logic of the right, it is not creating jobs, it is killing them.

Good. Those bullshit public employee union do nothing jobs weren't worth having in the first place. That 500,000 is just a start.
Obama's policies, including the Stimulus, have resulted in the worst economic recovery in past century.

If we'd had a proper mix of low taxes, reasonable regulation, restrained government spending and leadership which instilled trust that the policies would remain in place, the private sector would be creating jobs.

Instead, Obama has fulfilled Ayn Rand's predictions. And it's going to get much worse before it gets better.

We've lost almost 500,000 local GOVERNMENT jobs since 2008, not to mention lost state jobs.

The 'restraint' in government spending you're referring to not happening has in fact been happening on a massive scale at the state and local levels,

and contrary to the cockeyed logic of the right, it is not creating jobs, it is killing them.

Good. Those bullshit public employee union do nothing jobs weren't worth having in the first place. That 500,000 is just a start.
I think Government should be cut to the BONE...And as for Government employees? Deep six 'em...Farm it out. Private enterprise could do their jobs at lower overhead.

Screw the GS unions. You need to go.
How long did it take to get out of the last economic downturn of this magnitude? :eusa_whistle: The Repubs are just screaming wolf for partisan political gain when the fact is, it's going to take a while to get out of the Bu$h II recession.

The 1981-1982 downturn was just as bad. And yet, 23 months after the recession ended, we had seen a over a 3 point drop in unemployment with inflation tamed.

The problems we have now are that Obama Made Things Worse.
How long did it take to get out of the last economic downturn of this magnitude? :eusa_whistle: The Repubs are just screaming wolf for partisan political gain when the fact is, it's going to take a while to get out of the Bu$h II recession.

The 1981-1982 downturn was just as bad. And yet, 23 months after the recession ended, we had seen a over a 3 point drop in unemployment with inflation tamed.

The problems we have now are that Obama Made Things Worse.

But but Reagan's numbers at this point in his presidency looked worse. So Obama is sure to be re-elected.

That's at least the fantasy that Dems have. They are in denial.
kinda like those fucking demonrats portraying Rayan shoving grandma over the cliff huh.. hypocrite. and just for your infoll this is the obama economy. Bush left office three years ago.. what a moron.

The last recession started in December 2007, even taking your ignorance into account, this economic disaster occurred during GWB’s watch.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The National Bureau of Economic Research said Monday that the U.S. has been in a recession since December 2007, making official what most Americans have already believed about the state of the economy .

It's official: U.S. in a recession since December 2007 - Dec. 1, 2008
Nobody is saying that the recession didn't start on GWB's watch, you idiot.

Our criticisms are aimed at the absolute disaster that Obamanomics has wrought upon what should have been a robust recovery. He Made Things Worse.
Nobody is saying that the recession didn't start on GWB's watch, you idiot.

Our criticisms are aimed at the absolute disaster that Obamanomics has wrought upon what should have been a robust recovery. He Made Things Worse.

Seems he is more content with Obama making things worse and the continuation of blaming Bush...that horse is a bloody stump already...and he like the rest of the Statists here need to give it a rest and start holding the Immacculated one they voted for accountable.
Something libs cannot understand. The recession began with Bush, who pushed Democrat-designed stimulus programs with predictable results (failure).
But Obama has taken that failure and tripled down on it. The results are not pretty: gross waste, fraud, and mismanagement, high structural deficits, potential default on debt, more government dependency, and of course high unemployment and low to no growth in GDP.
Something libs cannot understand. The recession began with Bush, who pushed Democrat-designed stimulus programs with predictable results (failure).
But Obama has taken that failure and tripled down on it. The results are not pretty: gross waste, fraud, and mismanagement, high structural deficits, potential default on debt, more government dependency, and of course high unemployment and low to no growth in GDP.

But it's the Republican's fault...he HAD to do it to teach us a lesson... /Tongue-In-Cheek...
Every picture tells a story...


And what do we have to show for those deficits: The New Meme that 9% Unemployment is the New Normal.

Thanks Obama!

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