Obama stomps feet and throws tantrum aimed at SCOTUS

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I was curious about it until I saw who wrote the article and who posted it. No worries.
How come when Obama does it the right calls it throwing a tantrum but when a Republicans does it he's using his bully pulpit? Does Gramps even realize he's got a double standard? He's old. Is he a racist? Archie Bunker type bigot?

No I'm not, but I did like all in the family.

Hey Gramps. I want to ask you a question. You guys always talk about how American workers make too much and that is why you send our jobs overseas to China.

American companies are the only companies that pay for healthcare. Wouldn't single payer/socialized medicine go a long way in making American companies more competitive? It would save them billions if you took this off their plate.

But I never hear any Republicans talk about this. Why? Is it because it contradicts your theories? Goes against your position? My brother can be somewhat of a righty and I asked him this and he said "companies like to give healthcare to attract good talent". Bullshit! I'm sure companies would love to take this off their plate.

You guys cry about how much money Sarbanes Oxley is costing companies but what about Healthcare? I bet it cost them much much more.

I've never said workers make too much. Perhaps you should ask someone who has actually said something like that.
How come when Obama does it the right calls it throwing a tantrum but when a Republicans does it he's using his bully pulpit? Does Gramps even realize he's got a double standard? He's old. Is he a racist? Archie Bunker type bigot?

No I'm not, but I did like all in the family.

Hey Gramps. I want to ask you a question. You guys always talk about how American workers make too much and that is why you send our jobs overseas to China.

American companies are the only companies that pay for healthcare. Wouldn't single payer/socialized medicine go a long way in making American companies more competitive? It would save them billions if you took this off their plate.

But I never hear any Republicans talk about this. Why? Is it because it contradicts your theories? Goes against your position? My brother can be somewhat of a righty and I asked him this and he said "companies like to give healthcare to attract good talent". Bullshit! I'm sure companies would love to take this off their plate.

There are HUGE Changes coming....and, there's very little "conservatives" can do.....​


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ1lPPTPSR4]SiCKO - Canadian Waiting Room Scene - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgWjW1PoHf0]Kiefer Sutherland's Grandfather Remembered For Bringing Universal Healthcare System To Canada 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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To me it shows his disgust for anything that falls outside of his idealism...as well as a WHOLE LOT OF ARROGANCE to assume he knows better than a team of the best lifelong judges and constitutional lawyers in the entire country.
Yahoo! News

US President Barack Obama on Monday challenged the "unelected" Supreme Court not to take the "extraordinary" and "unprecedented" step of overturning his landmark health reform law.

Obama gonna lose his security blanket or binkey on this one?
This guy is out to lunch.
He views the other branches of the federal government and the American people two ways.
One if one or more of these groups is in agreement with him, everything is fine. If not, he views all that disagree with utter contempt.
This time the target for that contempt is the Justices of the Supreme Court.
He's absolutely right.

Over the last decade the Supreme Court:

-Decided and installed an American President.
-Decided that private corporations can take over the land of a private citizen to further their own profit.
-Decided that a state's laws prohibiting the keeping of hand guns went "to far".
-Overturned a century's worth of election finance reform.
-Decided there was a "time limit" on when an employee can bring a case against an employer for unfair wage discrimination
-Decided that a Vice President's meetings with private corporations to determine public policy was secret and not subject to review.
-Decided not to hear cases concerning indefinite detention.
-Decided that police can strip search private citizens no matter what the cause.

It's a radical right wing court involved in judicial activism and legislating from the bench. It's been over stepping it's constitutional boundries for some time now.

Good on the President for pointing that out.
Oh please....The voting irregularities in Florida were in democrat controlled districts. It was discovered that there was no way to re-create the hanging/dimpled chads without there being more than one voting card in the machine. Since the democrats controlled the polling places, it is they who committed the fraud. Next, the Florida democrats successfully banned all absentee ballots of overseas military personnel. Reason...Military tend ot vote GOP. Again the fraud was perpetrated by the democrats.
The land for private use issue was rammed through by liberals on the SCOTUS...
The rest of your post is liberal talking points. All bullshit.
Actually you should keep you thoughts to yourself. Because the points you posted all solidify the fact that SCOTUS is independent and Obama should keep his mouth shut about it.
70 years of precedent.
WIckard v Filburn.

If the fed can tell a farmer, he can't grow wheat on his own land to feed his own cattle, it can tell you to buy insurance.

Last I looked, you CONZ weren't exactly brushed up on your basic civics or how to use "google" and we see this borne out again here.
Come back when you can post something relevant to the discussion.
To me it shows his disgust for anything that falls outside of his idealism...as well as a WHOLE LOT OF ARROGANCE to assume he knows better than a team of the best lifelong judges and constitutional lawyers in the entire country.
I think the term you're looking-for is UPPITY.

He's absolutely right.

Over the last decade the Supreme Court:

-Decided and installed an American President.
-Decided that private corporations can take over the land of a private citizen to further their own profit.
-Decided that a state's laws prohibiting the keeping of hand guns went "to far".
-Overturned a century's worth of election finance reform.
-Decided there was a "time limit" on when an employee can bring a case against an employer for unfair wage discrimination
-Decided that a Vice President's meetings with private corporations to determine public policy was secret and not subject to review.
-Decided not to hear cases concerning indefinite detention.
-Decided that police can strip search private citizens no matter what the cause.

It's a radical right wing court involved in judicial activism and legislating from the bench. It's been over stepping it's constitutional boundries for some time now.

Good on the President for pointing that out.
When a law you don't like makes it to the SCotUS and someone makes the same argument against overturning it that The Obama did - that an unelected court would be overturning the will of the people - what will be your response?
No I'm not, but I did like all in the family.

Hey Gramps. I want to ask you a question. You guys always talk about how American workers make too much and that is why you send our jobs overseas to China.

American companies are the only companies that pay for healthcare. Wouldn't single payer/socialized medicine go a long way in making American companies more competitive? It would save them billions if you took this off their plate.

But I never hear any Republicans talk about this. Why? Is it because it contradicts your theories? Goes against your position? My brother can be somewhat of a righty and I asked him this and he said "companies like to give healthcare to attract good talent". Bullshit! I'm sure companies would love to take this off their plate.

There are HUGE Changes coming....and, there's very little "conservatives" can do.....​


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ1lPPTPSR4]SiCKO - Canadian Waiting Room Scene - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgWjW1PoHf0]Kiefer Sutherland's Grandfather Remembered For Bringing Universal Healthcare System To Canada 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_ljfnysgF0]Kiefer Sutherland's Grandfather Remembered For Bringing Universal Healthcare System To Canada 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]​

Ah, the old scare tactic that our healthcare will turn into Canada's.

Fact is, in a lot of ways, Canada's healthcare is great. And trust me, if you have money, you will get in to see a doctor sooner rather than later. If you are worth a damn, maybe your company will buy you supplimental insurance. But basic preventative and catastrophic coverage should be a right.

But if you want to get plastic surgery or lasic eye surgery, you will have to pay for that on your own.

And if you haven't noticed, there is a wait list to see a doctor here in America too. I had a doctor tell me they could see me in 6 months. So sure you can go find a few flaws in Canada's healthcare, just as I can find flaws here.

This debate is too much for Republicans. Especially the new breed of Repub who doesn't know the meaning of compromise. One who can only see Rush's point of view. I don't waste too much time on people like you.
He's absolutely right.

Over the last decade the Supreme Court:

-Decided and installed an American President.
-Decided that private corporations can take over the land of a private citizen to further their own profit.
-Decided that a state's laws prohibiting the keeping of hand guns went "to far".
-Overturned a century's worth of election finance reform.
-Decided there was a "time limit" on when an employee can bring a case against an employer for unfair wage discrimination
-Decided that a Vice President's meetings with private corporations to determine public policy was secret and not subject to review.
-Decided not to hear cases concerning indefinite detention.
-Decided that police can strip search private citizens no matter what the cause.

It's a radical right wing court involved in judicial activism and legislating from the bench. It's been over stepping it's constitutional boundries for some time now.

Good on the President for pointing that out.

Bush had more votes that Gore in every recount, did you want SCOTUS to give FL to Gore as a booby prize?
To me it shows his disgust for anything that falls outside of his idealism...as well as a WHOLE LOT OF ARROGANCE to assume he knows better than a team of the best lifelong judges and constitutional lawyers in the entire country.

Did he? No. What obama is saying is not that he knows that this bill is Constitutional and the Justices don't. What he is saying is that the Justices should find the bill Constitutional because he said so.
When his one term is up Obama should move and start his own country taking his loyal followers with him

I would like nothing more than to have the Blue and Red states split up. You middle class Republicans would soon come running back to us begging to forgive you and looking for a good paying job with affordable healthcare.

But you would have to buy products that are made in our country. No more buying from China. And the rich don't run our government/banks and country. They pay their fair share in taxes too. And we don't go bankrupt on war. And you don't get social security or medicare. Trust me, 99% of you will die broke with a free unregulated economy. No unions so wages are really low. But Walmart will have everything you ever need including furnature because that will be all you can afford.
Yahoo! News

US President Barack Obama on Monday challenged the "unelected" Supreme Court not to take the "extraordinary" and "unprecedented" step of overturning his landmark health reform law.

Obama gonna lose his security blanket or binkey on this one?

at least your not going for the SCARY ANGRY BLACK MAN image.

Guess what , this right wing scotus better pull their shit together and NOT try to piss this country off with their partisan shit.

So you are saying that the Supreme Court needs to rule in favor of the majority or the minority and not in favor of Constitutional laws and guidelines?
Common defense is a more often used term in the Constitution. This is a proper use of government involvement. Common good should be determined by a free market economy.

"Promote" the general welfare, "Provide" for the common defense.

Why did the founders use different words to describe the governments role in those 2 areas?

Literary style.

There's very little difference between the intentions of both words.

In any case..the US stopped providing for "Defense" after the last time we were invaded. It's almost "offense" now (WWII being a huge exception).

Which has never ever been a problem for most conservatives.

They were both authored by the same people....literary style is incorrect.

There was a reason the chose differentiate between providing something, which means paying for and executing it, and promoting something which means to support and encourage.

The founders differentiated between the two for a reason. The federalist papers will tell you that the reason was that the federal government was to actually supply the nation with defense while it was only to support the general welfare, not supply it.
To me it shows his disgust for anything that falls outside of his idealism...as well as a WHOLE LOT OF ARROGANCE to assume he knows better than a team of the best lifelong judges and constitutional lawyers in the entire country.

Did he? No. What obama is saying is not that he knows that this bill is Constitutional and the Justices don't. What he is saying is that the Justices should find the bill Constitutional because he said so.

:eusa_shifty:..umm..which is what I said. He believes he knows more and if they find otherwise it is judicial activism. That is as arrogant as I have seen a President since Nixon.

Come to think of it...if I was a SCJ...I would be pretty pissed off. To accuse the Supreme Court of knowingly making a judgement wrong because they don't like something is a very big accusation.

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