Obama stomps feet and throws tantrum aimed at SCOTUS

Why is everyone glossing over the fact that Obama is trying to influence a court on a decision that they are currently considering?

This thread is not about all the shit everyone is arguing about. It's about the audacity of Obama.

We all realized his audacity long ago and I think we are more excited about the other stuff ;) :lol:
Why is everyone glossing over the fact that Obama is trying to influence a court on a decision that they are currently considering?

This thread is not about all the shit everyone is arguing about. It's about the audacity of Obama.

Yeah because black me shouldnt talk that way huh?

It took what 8 pages for someone to bring up race, and who brings it up.....truthmatters is the first and only person to bring race into the conversation.

Get out of here you race hustler.
He's absolutely right.

Over the last decade the Supreme Court:

-Decided and installed an American President.
-Decided that private corporations can take over the land of a private citizen to further their own profit.
-Decided that a state's laws prohibiting the keeping of hand guns went "to far".
-Overturned a century's worth of election finance reform.
-Decided there was a "time limit" on when an employee can bring a case against an employer for unfair wage discrimination
-Decided that a Vice President's meetings with private corporations to determine public policy was secret and not subject to review.
-Decided not to hear cases concerning indefinite detention.
-Decided that police can strip search private citizens no matter what the cause.

It's a radical right wing court involved in judicial activism and legislating from the bench. It's been over stepping it's constitutional boundries for some time now.

Good on the President for pointing that out.

Bush had more votes that Gore in every recount, did you want SCOTUS to give FL to Gore as a booby prize?

Completely wrong! Revisionist history! They never completed the recount. Its a long story, but basically Gore actually won. Depending on if you count the votes that were thrown out fraudulently. And you are forgetting the 4 hour wait to vote in Democratic districts. Caging. Voting machines hacked. The GOP sent operatives in to disrupt the recount. You forget so much of what happened. Selective memory. Liar.

Anyways, they never completed the recount. The US Supreme Court gave Bush the victory. And funny you righties cry about states rights because the Florida Supreme Court gave it to Gore and the Federal Government trumped them. Did you forget that?
Gee......hypotheticals....THE typical "conservative"-response to avoiding the (actual) subject-at-hand.

How creative.


Its called having a discussion about a topic, you should maybe give it a try sometime instead of making crayola style posts ;)

Hell.....I'm managing to kick YOUR ass.


LOL you have yet to refute or disprove anything I've said jackass
In order to wage "war" W. needed the approval of Congress which he overwhelmingly got. So if you want to ask who it was that took us to war, TM...then you'd best look at EVERYONE who voted to go to war based on the intelligence we had at the time and in case you've forgotten...that included most of the Democrats serving in Congress.

why do you pretend the Bush addmin did not also LIE to congress?
so, you excuse Obama lies, because of Bush lies. Nice :rolleyes:

I still don't understand how pointing out that bush was a fuckup makes obama's fuckups ok to TM...she does that a lot.

2 wrongs don't make a right, 2 failures don't make a success.
Why is everyone glossing over the fact that Obama is trying to influence a court on a decision that they are currently considering?

This thread is not about all the shit everyone is arguing about. It's about the audacity of Obama.

We all realized his audacity long ago and I think we are more excited about the other stuff ;) :lol:

But you were ok when Bush used the Bully Pulpit to force Democrats to go along with invading Iraq?

The Supreme Court should be impeached. Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas for sure. They serve the corporations and rich, not us. Look at every decision they have made since Bush appointed Roberts and Alito. They've sided with corporations every time.

Want an example? Look at how they lowered the settlement amount for the Exxon Valdez accident. Its a slap in the face to the plaintiffs.
Common defense is a more often used term in the Constitution. This is a proper use of government involvement. Common good should be determined by a free market economy.

"Promote" the general welfare, "Provide" for the common defense.

Why did the founders use different words to describe the governments role in those 2 areas?
Literary style.
There's very little difference between the intentions of both words.
I -defy- you to support your statement with substantive original source material.

In any case..the US stopped providing for "Defense" after the last time we were invaded. It's almost "offense" now (WWII being a huge exception).
Only an exceptionally limited mind could reach this inane conclusion, based on the simplistic and ignorant idea that in order to legitimately provide for the common defense, the state may not undertake an offesnive action.

Which has never ever been a problem for most conservatives.
I didn't realize that you think JFK and LBJ were conservatives. Interesting.
who was it that had the audacity to take us to war on a pile of lies and get Americans killed for it?

In order to wage "war" W. needed the approval of Congress which he overwhelmingly got. So if you want to ask who it was that took us to war, TM...then you'd best look at EVERYONE who voted to go to war based on the intelligence we had at the time and in case you've forgotten...that included most of the Democrats serving in Congress.

why do you pretend the Bush addmin did not also LIE to congress?

Ah, yes...the ever popular "Bush lied" rant! Here's why I "pretend" that Bush didn't lie to Congress, TM...

Do you remember the secret Downing Street Memos? The ones that were leaked to the media? If you actually read them you'd see that in the planning leading up to the invasion of Iraq one of the primarly concerns of both the British and the American planners was whether Saddam would use his WMD's on an invading force and what the casualties would be if that were to take place. So kindly explain to me, in the light of THOSE memos how it is that Bush "lied"? The truth is that both Bush AND Democrats in Congress saw the same intelligence reports and arrived at the same conclusion...that Saddam Hussein was trying to obtain nuclear weapons and was a threat to both the region and the world.
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Why is everyone glossing over the fact that Obama is trying to influence a court on a decision that they are currently considering?

This thread is not about all the shit everyone is arguing about. It's about the audacity of Obama.

We all realized his audacity long ago and I think we are more excited about the other stuff ;) :lol:

But you were ok when Bush used the Bully Pulpit to force Democrats to go along with invading Iraq?

The Supreme Court should be impeached. Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas for sure. They serve the corporations and rich, not us. Look at every decision they have made since Bush appointed Roberts and Alito. They've sided with corporations every time.

Want an example? Look at how they lowered the settlement amount for the Exxon Valdez accident. Its a slap in the face to the plaintiffs.

No I wasn't ok with that nor was I ok with the patriot act or medicare part d, i fought against them. I don't see how that relates to this.
It's funny.

He thinks he's a powerful enough of a tyrant to tell the SCOTUS to not do their job properly.

in other words

when he said his law was Constitutional, he knew he was lying.

Could be we're seeing the dif between a constitutional law professor and
a constitutional law instructor.....

That and a president who thinks his powers are limitless.

Can't wait to hear about how the supremes ACTED STUPIDLY.

Thinks his powers should be limitless....

"During a February interview, President Obama was asked to respond to critics on the left who say he hasn’t been the transformational political figure he promised to be. “What’s frustrated people,” the president said, “is that I have not been able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008. Well, you know, it turns out that our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes”
How the Constitution Crisis Will End - theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God
But you were ok when Bush used the Bully Pulpit to force Democrats to go along with invading Iraq?
GWB did not -in fact, could not - force anyone. The leadership and senior memebers of the Democratic party, inlcuding both Clintons Gore, Kerry, Kennedy, etc - were all happily on board with the necessity of military action against Iraq, and, indeed, made some of the strongest arguments for it. If anyone "forced" the rank-and-file Democrats who might have been on the fence, it was them,. not GWB.
The Supreme Court should be impeached. Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas for sure. They serve the corporations and rich, not us. Look at every decision they have made since Bush appointed Roberts and Alito. They've sided with corporations every time.
Decisions you don't like = impeachable offense?
Grow up son, before the real world eats you alive.
Want an example? Look at how they lowered the settlement amount for the Exxon Valdez accident. Its a slap in the face to the plaintiffs.
You do know that in any and every court action, all sides have rights - right?
And the court must balance the rights of those parties against one another?
Why don't you show the part of the decision that, so very obviously, unbalances the rights of the defendant aginst the plantiff?
Could be we're seeing the dif between a constitutional law professor and
a constitutional law instructor.....

That and a president who thinks his powers are limitless.

Can't wait to hear about how the supremes ACTED STUPIDLY.

Thinks his powers should be limitless....

"During a February interview, President Obama was asked to respond to critics on the left who say he hasn’t been the transformational political figure he promised to be. “What’s frustrated people,” the president said, “is that I have not been able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008. Well, you know, it turns out that our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes”
How the Constitution Crisis Will End - theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God
Damn that seperation of powers thing.

What's scary is that there are people who also believe that the courts have the power to frce Congress (or a legislature) to poas legislation and the President (or governor) to sign it.

No wonder the Japs bombed us.
To me it shows his disgust for anything that falls outside of his idealism...as well as a WHOLE LOT OF ARROGANCE to assume he knows better than a team of the best lifelong judges and constitutional lawyers in the entire country.

Did he? No. What obama is saying is not that he knows that this bill is Constitutional and the Justices don't. What he is saying is that the Justices should find the bill Constitutional because he said so.

:eusa_shifty:..umm..which is what I said. He believes he knows more and if they find otherwise it is judicial activism. That is as arrogant as I have seen a President since Nixon.

Come to think of it...if I was a SCJ...I would be pretty pissed off. To accuse the Supreme Court of knowingly making a judgement wrong because they don't like something is a very big accusation.

Not after Citizens United.

And if you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that this new right wing court being run by Roberts is the definition of activist judges legislating from the bench.
Did he? No. What obama is saying is not that he knows that this bill is Constitutional and the Justices don't. What he is saying is that the Justices should find the bill Constitutional because he said so.

:eusa_shifty:..umm..which is what I said. He believes he knows more and if they find otherwise it is judicial activism. That is as arrogant as I have seen a President since Nixon.

Come to think of it...if I was a SCJ...I would be pretty pissed off. To accuse the Supreme Court of knowingly making a judgement wrong because they don't like something is a very big accusation.

Not after Citizens United.

And if you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that this new right wing court being run by Roberts is the definition of activist judges legislating from the bench.

Name one case where the supreme court "legislated" from the bench under roberts.

Just pick one so I can look into it and either agree or disagree with you...please explain why you consider it legislating from the bench too if you can.
When his one term is up Obama should move and start his own country taking his loyal followers with him

This is why I am not worried about Obama winning in November. No matter how bad things look for the GOP, right wingers will insist they are going to win. Delusional.

Gallup poll: Obama has 9-point lead over Romney in swing states - latimes.com

This might be a bigger ass kicking than Obama McCain or Clinton Dole.
....After which, Bill & Hill will be movin' back into the Whitehouse!!!


Could there (possibly) BE more well-deserved Karma delivered, to "conservatives", for the economic-damage DONE during the Reagan/Bush years??!!!!
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Did he? No. What obama is saying is not that he knows that this bill is Constitutional and the Justices don't. What he is saying is that the Justices should find the bill Constitutional because he said so.

:eusa_shifty:..umm..which is what I said. He believes he knows more and if they find otherwise it is judicial activism. That is as arrogant as I have seen a President since Nixon.

Come to think of it...if I was a SCJ...I would be pretty pissed off. To accuse the Supreme Court of knowingly making a judgement wrong because they don't like something is a very big accusation.

Not after Citizens United.

And if you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that this new right wing court being run by Roberts is the definition of activist judges legislating from the bench.


What the hell...

While we are at it...

In a way, the DoJ is legoislating from the....well....from the office of the DoJ.

I guess Holder did not feel "inciting violence" is a law worthy of having on the books so he deemed it not appropriate to press charges against the New Black Panthers for offering a bounty on the head of Zimmerman.,

But, of course, that is just fine with you.

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