Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”
It was 12...Now it's 13 ~~~

Did you know the Obama administration’s position has been defeated in at least 13 – thirteen — cases before the Supreme Court since January 2012 that were unanimous decisions? It continued its abysmal record before the Supreme Court today with the announcement of two unanimous opinions against arguments the administration had supported. First, the Court rejected the administration’s power grab on recess appointments by making clear it could not decide when the Senate was in recess. Then it unanimously tossed out a law establishing abortion-clinic “buffer zones” against pro-life protests that the Obama administration argued on behalf of before the Court (though the case was led by Massachusetts attorney general Martha Coakley).

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th Time Since 2012 | National Review Online

It was 12...Now it's 13 ~~~

Did you know the Obama administration’s position has been defeated in at least 13 – thirteen — cases before the Supreme Court since January 2012 that were unanimous decisions? It continued its abysmal record before the Supreme Court today with the announcement of two unanimous opinions against arguments the administration had supported. First, the Court rejected the administration’s power grab on recess appointments by making clear it could not decide when the Senate was in recess. Then it unanimously tossed out a law establishing abortion-clinic “buffer zones” against pro-life protests that the Obama administration argued on behalf of before the Court (though the case was led by Massachusetts attorney general Martha Coakley).

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th Time Since 2012 | National Review Online


Until this moment I didn't realize just how racist was the SCOTUS. Damn Republicans. Damn Conservatives. They made him do it.
I'm thrilled it was unanimous.

The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

Of course we do. Republicans deliberately creating power vacuums in government forces someone to do something to repair the sabotage. Saying the government does not work is one thing but making sure it does not work is another.
Many of these also include victories for the Dems. OP=BS

Congratulations to the mindless "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"-TIME for making all this necessary, as well as stalling US and world recovery for 4 years plus now. A-holes and chumps....
apparently there's more there's one moron that doesn't know the difference between a SC opinion and a SC ruling ...

today it was an opinion. That ruling eased the bounds of the lower court ruling which included ALL recess appointments, including Republican appointments in the future.

what a bunch of partisan DOPES ! Dumb as hammers.
Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court

All of which, collectively, pales before ACA.
Apparently there's at least one moron who doesn't know the meaning of the word "lost". Paint it as pretty a pink as one might like but it still means a whole bunch of board actions are null and void.

What a partisan DOPE ! Dumb as a $5,000.00 Air Force Hammer though much cheaper.
Apparently there's at least one moron who doesn't know the meaning of the word "lost". Paint it as pretty a pink as one might like but it still means a whole bunch of board actions are null and void.

What a partisan DOPE ! Dumb as a $5,000.00 Air Force Hammer though much cheaper.

apparently you .

this admin or any other doesn't have to honor a SC opinion until the SC rules... nobody LOST squat.
I'm thrilled it was unanimous.

The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

Of course we do.

So you're okay with a President ignoring his Constitutional limits? Wonder if that will hold true when there's another party occupying the White House...:doubt:

Republicans deliberately creating power vacuums in government

Example please.

forces someone to do something to repair the sabotage.

Example please.

Saying the government does not work is one thing but making sure it does not work is another.

Example please.
Apparently there's at least one moron who doesn't know the meaning of the word "lost". Paint it as pretty a pink as one might like but it still means a whole bunch of board actions are null and void.

What a partisan DOPE ! Dumb as a $5,000.00 Air Force Hammer though much cheaper.


this admin or any other doesn't have to honor a SC opinion until the SC rules... nobody LOST squat.

I can't address "any other" but certainly one would have to wait a long for this regime to honor any ruling, let alone any opinion, from any court. Unless, of course, the court has its own army.
He's a central planner, cut from the same bolt as Wilson, FDR and LBJ. They have no need for the rule of law cuz you see, they know what's best for everyone else. True story.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
from p. 184,Sleep-Walking Through History: America in the Reagan Years, by Haynes Johnson, (1991, Doubleday)


Iran-Contra, Wedtech, HUD,

James Watt, Edwin Meese III, E. Bob Wallach, Lyn Nofziger, Michael Deaver, Casper Weinberger, Raymond Donovan, Elliott Abrams, Robert C. McFarlane, Oliver North, John Poindexter, Richard Secord


Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans


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