Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court

Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one

Congress attempted to negotiate with the lying asswad, and instead, Obama refused, then blamed the constant impasse on Republicans.

Obama doesn't believe in compromise, unless it's compromising our security and or integrity, and never intended on using the constitution to accomplish his goals. He said he can't change America from within the government. Said Democracy was "messy" and more a hindrance rather than an asset.

He knows what he's been doing is bad for America, and he practcally dares anyone to stop him. Now we know why he was so paranoid when he first took office.

Negotiate as in ....Repeal Obamacare or we will shut down Government?

I believe they said "delay it" or is your selective memory that good ?

They wanted it delayed a year because it was not ready for prime time.

Well, Obama went forth and created a PR nightmare that is going to bite the dems in the ass in 2014.....they are running from it.

That he's has delayed implementation is only more ammunition.

I don't know who regrets not not delaying it worse......
The hell it is, hater dupe. The PENALTY for not signing up is a tax, duh:cuckoo:

Ooooo..."hater, dupe".... Harvard?

Obama never told us there was a penalty and a tax for not signing up. The fact is you're a useful idiot who will eat anything as long as Obama is serving it. You're the problem. Ignorant tool.

Iben, your opinion is not fact. Got a link, ignorant tool?

30,000 posts and you still haven't figured out that nobody really cares about anything you have to say.
Obama budget? lol

Since when is an 'Obama budget' presented by the GOP?

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)

This vote, on a Potemkin "Obama Budget," is not intended to be taken seriously. It's a stunt designed to get a slag into the newscycle, and they tend to work. What happens is a Republican legislator presents a "budget proposal" that's designed to be a satirical presentation of an "Obama budget." Democrats don't vote for it, because they recognize that it bears no resemblance to their budgetary preferences.

As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi succinctly explained at the time, "It was a caricature of the president's budget, so we voted against it."

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) [UPDATE]

Every single Obama budget has been brought up for a floor vote in the House, and even the Senate. So far they have gathered a grand total of 0 votes in support.

Sure, if by brought up you meant caricature of and presented by the GOP....

Damn, you just insist on stupid, don't you.

Can you explain, in detail, How Pelosi could vote on a budget brought up in the Senate?
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According to the Congressional Research Service, President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, President George H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments, President Bill Clinton made 139 recess appointments. President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, and as of January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments

http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P

How many of those were made when Congress was in session?

Oh you mean BEFORE the GOP chose to go extreme and create issues for the first black Prez?

I should have known you were a scumbag racist. My apologies for treating you lie an actual human being.
I'm thrilled it was unanimous.

The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

Of course we do. Republicans deliberately creating power vacuums in government forces someone to do something to repair the sabotage. Saying the government does not work is one thing but making sure it does not work is another.
And the first libtard opens mouth and diarrhea follows.
Every single Obama budget has been brought up for a floor vote in the House, and even the Senate. So far they have gathered a grand total of 0 votes in support.

Sure, if by brought up you meant caricature of and presented by the GOP....

Damn, you just insist on stupid, don't you.

Can you explain, in detail, How Pelosi could vote on a budget brought up in the Senate?
Don't expect a libtarded dimwit to be truthful.
Every single Obama budget has been brought up for a floor vote in the House, and even the Senate. So far they have gathered a grand total of 0 votes in support.

Sure, if by brought up you meant caricature of and presented by the GOP....

Damn, you just insist on stupid, don't you.

Can you explain, in detail, How Pelosi could vote on a budget brought up in the Senate?

Didn't go to the link huh? The GOP did it in the Senate AND House, like somehow a caricature of the Prez's budget was supposed to be taken seriously, lol
How many of those were made when Congress was in session?

Oh you mean BEFORE the GOP chose to go extreme and create issues for the first black Prez?

I should have known you were a scumbag racist. My apologies for treating you lie an actual human being.

Weird, telling the truth is racist? After all the TP/GOP didn't act in 8 years of Dubya's spending, all of a sudden it looks like the black guy will win, and surprise, the TP (Birchers) are born...
Can you explain, in detail, How Pelosi could vote on a budget brought up in the Senate?


Who in hell do you think Pelosi is? A dead person registered to vote in Chicago? They DO (dead in Chicago) vote in every election!

To bad Bush's DOJ UNPRECEDENTED investigation of over 5 years found ZERO cases of that happening, as well as zero cases in 300+ million votes of one voter impersonating another in ANY election they looked at, the 'fraud' voter ID's are 'supposed' to stop....
Sure, if by brought up you meant caricature of and presented by the GOP....

Damn, you just insist on stupid, don't you.

Can you explain, in detail, How Pelosi could vote on a budget brought up in the Senate?

Didn't go to the link huh? The GOP did it in the Senate AND House, like somehow a caricature of the Prez's budget was supposed to be taken seriously, lol

Why not? Even a caricature, whatever that means, would be good if what he proposed was good. The democrats are so stupid that they didn't realize they could ALL vote yes and then have the Republicans turn it down, what a grand coup that would be. No, they voted no because it was a steaming pile of horse dung.
Sure, if by brought up you meant caricature of and presented by the GOP....

Damn, you just insist on stupid, don't you.

Can you explain, in detail, How Pelosi could vote on a budget brought up in the Senate?

Didn't go to the link huh? The GOP did it in the Senate AND House, like somehow a caricature of the Prez's budget was supposed to be taken seriously, lol

Caricature? Do you want to go through the two budgets and show me the difference, or am I supposed to believe a politician is telling the truth?
Oh you mean BEFORE the GOP chose to go extreme and create issues for the first black Prez?

I should have known you were a scumbag racist. My apologies for treating you lie an actual human being.

Weird, telling the truth is racist? After all the TP/GOP didn't act in 8 years of Dubya's spending, all of a sudden it looks like the black guy will win, and surprise, the TP (Birchers) are born...

You were the one that brought skin color into the conversation, that makes you the racist here.
I predict if Obama goes immigration alone the country will have a Nevada ranch kind of get together.


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