Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court

According to the Congressional Research Service, President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, President George H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments, President Bill Clinton made 139 recess appointments. President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, and as of January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments

http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P
Republicans were unable and unwilling to negotiate budget issues until hours before the government shutdown

It was understanding that there were to be no negotiations with "My way or the highway Obama" that slowed things down.

Sad, though, that they caved. A government that's shut down can't meddle in your life nearly as efficiently as when in full flower.

There was plenty of room to negotiate up until the continuing resolution needed to take effect. Republicans refused.....they wanted their extortion tool

Once we were in government shutdown, the only thing to discuss was how soon can we get government working?
The only sabotage lately has been the Obama administration's consistent abuse of power, abuse of vets at the VA by rewarding their VA doofuses-for-brains administrators, and abuse of the American People by abusing our very fair-to-the-average-person Constitution as written by some very wise American men in the 1770s, God bless their dear souls.

Yeah, but those founding fathers (whoops, sexist term there) are all dead now.

Benghazi type dead.

So.....what difference does it make?

It's bad for black children to have a negative role model at this point, or one so corrupt they are forced to worship and sing songs to by corrupt school officials. If it's bad for black children, it's bad for every child in America.

Obama needs to break with the past and do his job right. The President should consider himself the servant of the American people, not the dictator of his will over the people's elected representatives. He needs to operate in a way that shows he is dedicated to the principles that freed this nation from monarchs who ruled by fear and not by consultation with the people's hopes for personal and national betterment.

Why couldn't the first black president be someone who cared about America for all instead of a shove-it-down-their-throat kingpin?
The only sabotage lately has been the Obama administration's consistent abuse of power, abuse of vets at the VA by rewarding their VA doofuses-for-brains administrators, and abuse of the American People by abusing our very fair-to-the-average-person Constitution as written by some very wise American men in the 1770s, God bless their dear souls.

Yeah, but those founding fathers (whoops, sexist term there) are all dead now.

Benghazi type dead.

So.....what difference does it make?

It's bad for black children to have a negative role model at this point, or one so corrupt they are forced to worship and sing songs to by corrupt school officials. If it's bad for black children, it's bad for every child in America.

Obama needs to break with the past and do his job right. The President should consider himself the servant of the American people, not the dictator of his will over the people's elected representatives. He needs to operate in a way that shows he is dedicated to the principles that freed this nation from monarchs who ruled by fear and not by consultation with the people's hopes for personal and national betterment.

Why couldn't the first black president be someone who cared about America for all instead of a shove-it-down-their-throat kingpin?

Look at these so called Conservative guru's, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck ( the three wise monkeys) you name it, everyone of them dropped out of college, too dumb possibly, but more likely too close minded to accept any other opinion or theory!!!

Parrots repeat what they hear. The RW media doesn't profit from educating their listeners. They know the money is in saying outrageous things that fit their listeners ideology. The listeners want to be outraged. The RW media produces the outrageous material. Truth not required. It's a symbiotic relationship.
But of course, the minority party is actually the majority party, right. Budgets were offered by the house, Dirty Harry blocked them. Hell even Obama's budget was offered and it was soundly turned down. Something wrong when the majority party just can't get things done.

Actually the Obama budget got zero votes the first time in history that has happened to a presidents budget proposal.

I guess the far left wanted a Budget.

Obama budget? lol

Since when is an 'Obama budget' presented by the GOP?

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)

This vote, on a Potemkin "Obama Budget," is not intended to be taken seriously. It's a stunt designed to get a slag into the newscycle, and they tend to work. What happens is a Republican legislator presents a "budget proposal" that's designed to be a satirical presentation of an "Obama budget." Democrats don't vote for it, because they recognize that it bears no resemblance to their budgetary preferences.

As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi succinctly explained at the time, "It was a caricature of the president's budget, so we voted against it."

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) [UPDATE]

Every single Obama budget has been brought up for a floor vote in the House, and even the Senate. So far they have gathered a grand total of 0 votes in support.
According to the Congressional Research Service, President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, President George H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments, President Bill Clinton made 139 recess appointments. President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, and as of January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments

http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P

How many of those were made when Congress was in session?
According to the Congressional Research Service, President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, President George H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments, President Bill Clinton made 139 recess appointments. President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, and as of January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments

http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P

How many of those were made when Congress was in session?

Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare

If there had been a budget Republicans wouldn't have been able to use continuing resolutions for anything.

I guess that makes you wrong, doesn't it?

Republicans were unable and unwilling to negotiate budget issues until hours before the government shutdown

republicans realized they needed to curtail Obama's run away spending with no results. a president with a community organizer mentality of spend other peoples money is not healthy for this country. Obama has made it clear he is interested in pushing only his agenda. his agenda is killing us. there is no negotiating with a lunatic.
If there had been a budget Republicans wouldn't have been able to use continuing resolutions for anything.

I guess that makes you wrong, doesn't it?

Republicans were unable and unwilling to negotiate budget issues until hours before the government shutdown

republicans realized they needed to curtail Obama's run away spending with no results. a president with a community organizer mentality of spend other peoples money is not healthy for this country. Obama has made it clear he is interested in pushing only his agenda. his agenda is killing us. there is no negotiating with a lunatic.

Curtail his spending?

By wasting $26 billion on a useless shutdown?
Lets face it....a firm majority doesn't take this guy seriously anymore. Most think he's a joke......know he couldn't lead a small group of homeless people to a porta-potty.

No president in history has ever taken blaming everybody else except himself to this level. People get it.......finally.
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Lets face it....a firm majority doesn't take this guy seriously anymore. Most think he's a joke......know he couldn't lead a small group of homeless people to a porta-potty.

No president in history has ever taken blaming everybody else except himself to this level. People get it.......finally.

have you noticed his teeth are starting to fall out
Actually the Obama budget got zero votes the first time in history that has happened to a presidents budget proposal.

I guess the far left wanted a Budget.

Obama budget? lol

Since when is an 'Obama budget' presented by the GOP?

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)

This vote, on a Potemkin "Obama Budget," is not intended to be taken seriously. It's a stunt designed to get a slag into the newscycle, and they tend to work. What happens is a Republican legislator presents a "budget proposal" that's designed to be a satirical presentation of an "Obama budget." Democrats don't vote for it, because they recognize that it bears no resemblance to their budgetary preferences.

As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi succinctly explained at the time, "It was a caricature of the president's budget, so we voted against it."

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) [UPDATE]

Every single Obama budget has been brought up for a floor vote in the House, and even the Senate. So far they have gathered a grand total of 0 votes in support.

Sure, if by brought up you meant caricature of and presented by the GOP....
According to the Congressional Research Service, President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, President George H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments, President Bill Clinton made 139 recess appointments. President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, and as of January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments

http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P

How many of those were made when Congress was in session?

Oh you mean BEFORE the GOP chose to go extreme and create issues for the first black Prez?
According to the Congressional Research Service, President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, President George H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments, President Bill Clinton made 139 recess appointments. President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, and as of January 5, 2012, President Barack Obama had made 32 recess appointments

http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P

How many of those were made when Congress was in session?

Oh you mean BEFORE the GOP chose to go extreme and create issues for the first black Prez?

Oh you mean before the two justices appointed by Obama voted against this lawlessness?

BTW, the answer is none.
Lets face it....a firm majority doesn't take this guy seriously anymore. Most think he's a joke......know he couldn't lead a small group of homeless people to a porta-potty.

No president in history has ever taken blaming everybody else except himself to this level. People get it.......finally.

Nope, 47 percent would still vote for him, that will never change.
Lets face it....a firm majority doesn't take this guy seriously anymore. Most think he's a joke......know he couldn't lead a small group of homeless people to a porta-potty.

No president in history has ever taken blaming everybody else except himself to this level. People get it.......finally.

Nope, 47 percent would still vote for him, that will never change.

Nope, 47 percent would still vote for him, that will never change

Lets face it....a firm majority doesn't take this guy seriously anymore. Most think he's a joke......know he couldn't lead a small group of homeless people to a porta-potty.

No president in history has ever taken blaming everybody else except himself to this level. People get it.......finally.

He's basically turned out to be an affirmative action failure.
Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare

It's called doing what you were elected to do. If you can't take it as well as dish it out then stay in the kitchen and bake cookies with the girls.

They were elected to shut down the Government and waste $26 billion?

Yes they were.

I'll work for anyone who is for shutting it down again...for longer.

And spare me the social security folks who won't get their checks meme.......

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