Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court

Negotiate as in ....Repeal Obamacare or we will shut down Government?

This nonsense began long before Obamacare was even voted on.. He never would agree on a budget. Before the sequester he refused to work out differences with Congressional Republicans, instead choosing to insult them and negotiated like a Muslim. Making agreements and then going back on his word. The GOP discovered his word meant nothing

How many budgets have been sent to Obamas desk to sign?

Actually, prior to the shutdown it was Republicans who refused to bargain. Actually, Republicans never offered anything in return for not shutting down the government.
All they offered was....You can give us this or you can give us that and we will not shut down the Government

The Republican shutdown was led by Ted Cruz who celebrated when he got what he demanded

If it weren't for the fact that the Republicans actually passed a budget, and Reid said that we don't need one, you have a really good point there.
This nonsense began long before Obamacare was even voted on.. He never would agree on a budget. Before the sequester he refused to work out differences with Congressional Republicans, instead choosing to insult them and negotiated like a Muslim. Making agreements and then going back on his word. The GOP discovered his word meant nothing

How many budgets have been sent to Obamas desk to sign?

Actually, prior to the shutdown it was Republicans who refused to bargain. Actually, Republicans never offered anything in return for not shutting down the government.
All they offered was....You can give us this or you can give us that and we will not shut down the Government

The Republican shutdown was led by Ted Cruz who celebrated when he got what he demanded

If it weren't for the fact that the Republicans actually passed a budget, and Reid said that we don't need one, you have a really good point there.

Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare
I'm thrilled it was unanimous.

The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

Of course we do. Republicans deliberately creating power vacuums in government forces someone to do something to repair the sabotage. Saying the government does not work is one thing but making sure it does not work is another.

See thats the peroblem with people like yourself,you don't respect others,the voting public sent new congress critters to DC to STOP what was being done by the critters that were running the asylum,thats how it works in the real world. If the next round,it turns back the other way,so be it then it will be your turn to do the same,which you have.
You don't even know what you are talking about. They said he couldn't make an appointment without congressional support WHILE THEY WERE IN SESSION. Then said leaving behind one person who, every day, said we are in session as a "trick" and said that had to stop. Basically, they supported both sides. Which made it pretty much a draw.

What is wrong with you people? Are you really that desperate?

Obama appointed during a day off. They were still in session. The USSC said he can't do that just because congress will not approve a nominee. Obama can't rubber stamp his own nominee. Do you understand Liberty and Tyranny?

And the Supreme court said "in session" meant "functioning". One guy left behind is NOT functioning. What is wrong with you? It's simple enough for a simpleton to understand.

Funny how they didn't actually say that. What they actually said is that as long as they are able to conduct rgular business they are in session.. They then pointed out that Congress had actually conducted business during those pro forma sessions many times in the past, and used that to bitch slap Obama for claiming they weren't actually in session.

Then again, no one ever accused you of being able to read.
The Court didn't rule against Obama. It ruled against all presidents, and I guarantee you if God forbid we ever have another Republican president,

the Right's attitude here will do a complete 180.

I think the court didn't go far enough.

lol, an anarchist fan of the Supreme Court. Today anyway.

Fee free to point out where I claimed that SCOTUS does not have the power of judicial review.

When you realize I never said that I expect you to admit you are a partisan hack.
How many budgets have been sent to Obamas desk to sign?

Actually, prior to the shutdown it was Republicans who refused to bargain. Actually, Republicans never offered anything in return for not shutting down the government.
All they offered was....You can give us this or you can give us that and we will not shut down the Government

The Republican shutdown was led by Ted Cruz who celebrated when he got what he demanded

If it weren't for the fact that the Republicans actually passed a budget, and Reid said that we don't need one, you have a really good point there.

Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare

It's called doing what you were elected to do. If you can't take it as well as dish it out then stay in the kitchen and bake cookies with the girls.
How many budgets have been sent to Obamas desk to sign?

Actually, prior to the shutdown it was Republicans who refused to bargain. Actually, Republicans never offered anything in return for not shutting down the government.
All they offered was....You can give us this or you can give us that and we will not shut down the Government

The Republican shutdown was led by Ted Cruz who celebrated when he got what he demanded

If it weren't for the fact that the Republicans actually passed a budget, and Reid said that we don't need one, you have a really good point there.

Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare

If there had been a budget Republicans wouldn't have been able to use continuing resolutions for anything.

I guess that makes you wrong, doesn't it?
If it weren't for the fact that the Republicans actually passed a budget, and Reid said that we don't need one, you have a really good point there.

Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare

It's called doing what you were elected to do. If you can't take it as well as dish it out then stay in the kitchen and bake cookies with the girls.

They were elected to shut down the Government and waste $26 billion?
If it weren't for the fact that the Republicans actually passed a budget, and Reid said that we don't need one, you have a really good point there.

Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare

If there had been a budget Republicans wouldn't have been able to use continuing resolutions for anything.

I guess that makes you wrong, doesn't it?

Republicans were unable and unwilling to negotiate budget issues until hours before the government shutdown
Republicans were unable and unwilling to negotiate budget issues until hours before the government shutdown

It was understanding that there were to be no negotiations with "My way or the highway Obama" that slowed things down.

Sad, though, that they caved. A government that's shut down can't meddle in your life nearly as efficiently as when in full flower.
Had nothing to do with the continuing resolution that Republicans used as a means of extortion to cripple Obamacare

If there had been a budget Republicans wouldn't have been able to use continuing resolutions for anything.

I guess that makes you wrong, doesn't it?

Republicans were unable and unwilling to negotiate budget issues until hours before the government shutdown

The House, controlled by Republicans, passed a budget every year. The Senate, controlled by Harry Reid, didn't.

Reid: This year's budget is done | TheHill

Feel free to keep giving Republicans the blame for Reid's actions, it makes you look so smart when you ignore reality, just like a little girl who insist that unicorns are real.
You don't even know what you are talking about. They said he couldn't make an appointment without congressional support WHILE THEY WERE IN SESSION. Then said leaving behind one person who, every day, said we are in session as a "trick" and said that had to stop. Basically, they supported both sides. Which made it pretty much a draw.

What is wrong with you people? Are you really that desperate?

Obama appointed during a day off. They were still in session. The USSC said he can't do that just because congress will not approve a nominee. Obama can't rubber stamp his own nominee. Do you understand Liberty and Tyranny?

And the Supreme court said "in session" meant "functioning". One guy left behind is NOT functioning. What is wrong with you? It's simple enough for a simpleton to understand.

Your childish hyperbole doesn't change the facts of the matter. Congress never adjourn, so regardless of Obama's hissyfit, he can't appoint anyone unilaterally.

Too bad, so sad. That baby can't have everything he wants as much as it harelips his sorry ass.
How many budgets have been sent to Obamas desk to sign?

Actually, prior to the shutdown it was Republicans who refused to bargain. Actually, Republicans never offered anything in return for not shutting down the government.
All they offered was....You can give us this or you can give us that and we will not shut down the Government

The Republican shutdown was led by Ted Cruz who celebrated when he got what he demanded

But of course, the minority party is actually the majority party, right. Budgets were offered by the house, Dirty Harry blocked them. Hell even Obama's budget was offered and it was soundly turned down. Something wrong when the majority party just can't get things done.

Actually the Obama budget got zero votes the first time in history that has happened to a presidents budget proposal.

I guess the far left wanted a Budget.

Obama budget? lol

Since when is an 'Obama budget' presented by the GOP?

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)

This vote, on a Potemkin "Obama Budget," is not intended to be taken seriously. It's a stunt designed to get a slag into the newscycle, and they tend to work. What happens is a Republican legislator presents a "budget proposal" that's designed to be a satirical presentation of an "Obama budget." Democrats don't vote for it, because they recognize that it bears no resemblance to their budgetary preferences.

As House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi succinctly explained at the time, "It was a caricature of the president's budget, so we voted against it."

Senate Unanimously Rejects A Budget Offered By Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) [UPDATE]
If there had been a budget Republicans wouldn't have been able to use continuing resolutions for anything.

I guess that makes you wrong, doesn't it?

Republicans were unable and unwilling to negotiate budget issues until hours before the government shutdown

The House, controlled by Republicans, passed a budget every year. The Senate, controlled by Harry Reid, didn't.

Reid: This year's budget is done | TheHill

Feel free to keep giving Republicans the blame for Reid's actions, it makes you look so smart when you ignore reality, just like a little girl who insist that unicorns are real.

The Truth Behind The GOP's '1000 Days Without A Budget' Canard

First, Budget resolutions don't have the force of law, and they aren't the legislative tool that mandates what the government can and can not spend. That's what appropriations bills are for, and for the last 1000 days Democrats and Republicans have worked together, however acrimoniously, to devise spending plans for the government.

...But the much more important fact Republicans have left out is that the Senate passed a budget on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis last summer -- one that unlike an annual "budget resolution" has the force of law behind it. The Budget Control Act -- the law that resolved the debt limit fight -- set binding appropriations caps for this fiscal year and the next and instituted a mechanism to contain spending on domestic discretionary programs -- education, research, community health programs and the like -- through the next decade.

The Truth Behind The GOP's '1000 Days Without A Budget' Canard

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