Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court

Why don't they just eject the Obama cancer exit stage right?


Well, you could always try to win some elections.

But we know you can't do that. Impeachment is always a good option

Worked so well last time and the American people will love ya for it

You know why that is?

Because they know Obama deserves it. It's the right thing to do


I sincerely hope Republicans start impeachment proceedings before the next election

But we all know what cowards they are
I'm thrilled it was unanimous.

The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

so they will vote on their appointment in the senate ... case closed ... all of this wasted time ... here's what you stupid repub-lie-tards don't get ... I'm not throwing the bush card here ... George bush did the same Damn thing .... now that the court has ruled on it, you republicans won't get to do it anymore too ...:lol::lol: you just bent yourselves over, fuck yourselvers real hard in the ass, by yourselves ...:D:badgrin::badgrin:

you left-wing nutjobs dont get is; you're failing because you are failures; and you are trying to overstep your bounds

you will lose the Senate this fall morons
I'm thrilled it was unanimous.

The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

so they will vote on their appointment in the senate ... case closed ... all of this wasted time ... here's what you stupid repub-lie-tards don't get ... I'm not throwing the bush card here ... George bush did the same Damn thing .... now that the court has ruled on it, you republicans won't get to do it anymore too ...:lol::lol: you just bent yourselves over, fuck yourselvers real hard in the ass, by yourselves ...:D:badgrin::badgrin:



yum that was the first time in American history where the prezbo declared

the congress in recess
Obama is only interested in how he can either take advantage of laws or going around them.

Following the same rules and laws the rest of us do isn't in his mindset. This is evidence of his pampered upbringing. He truly believes the same rules that apply to us don't apply to him.

Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one

Why don't they just eject the Obama cancer exit stage right?


when you are ruled against by the court that doesn't mean its and impeachable offense ... all it means what he did has to be undone... so he undoes the appointment sends it to the senate where harry Reid has stop the republicans from filibustering his appointments they go right back to their job the next day .... what you repub-lie-tards did was fuck yourselves over ... and didn't realize it ... in my previous post Under Bush he did the same thing we dems didn't go crazy like you repub-lie-tards have ... now that you have fuck yourselves did it feel good ??? :lol::lol::ssex:
The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

Obama is only interested in how he can either take advantage of laws or going around them.

Following the same rules and laws the rest of us do isn't in his mindset. This is evidence of his pampered upbringing. He truly believes the same rules that apply to us don't apply to him.

Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one

"Preserve, Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"

That's part of the oath of office, just in case you didn't know idiot...People like you are clueless and there are way too many of you in this country:cuckoo:
The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

so they will vote on their appointment in the senate ... case closed ... all of this wasted time ... here's what you stupid repub-lie-tards don't get ... I'm not throwing the bush card here ... George bush did the same Damn thing .... now that the court has ruled on it, you republicans won't get to do it anymore too ...:lol::lol: you just bent yourselves over, fuck yourselvers real hard in the ass, by yourselves ...:D:badgrin::badgrin:


yum that was the first time in American history where the prezbo declared

the congress in recess

you repub-lie-tards and your made up history

The following relates to declared recess appointments made by President George W. Bush.

* A. Paul Anderson to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner August 22, 2003. [1]
* Michael J. Bartlett to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [2]
* Warren Bell to the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in December 2006. [3]
* Andrew G. Biggs was named to be Deputy Director of the Social Security Administration April 4, 2007.
* John R. Bolton as U.N. Ambassador in August 2005, after having been blocked by the Senate. Bolton was Bush's 106th recess appointment. (FSRN 1 Aug '05)
* William B. Cowen to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [4]
* Susan E. Dudley to be Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget on April 4, 2007.
* Eric S. Edelman as undersecretary of defense for policy to replace Douglas Feith in the No. 3 position in the Pentagon. "Democrats on the Senate Armed Services Committee led by Carl Levin of Michigan, their ranking member, stalled Edelman's nomination to force the release of documents related to a specialized intelligence unit Feith set up before the conflict." [5]
* Gordon R. England to be Deputy Secretary of Defense, January 4, 2006. [6]
* Alice S. Fisher to head the Criminal Division in the Department of Justice, after the "nomination stalled over tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, naval facility." [7]
* David W. Fleming to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Public) August 22, 2003. [8]
* Peter Flory as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, after having been blocked by the Senate. [9]
* Sam Fox was named Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenifotentiary of the United States of America to Belgium on April 4, 2007.
* Cynthia A. Glassman to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [10]
* C. Boyden Gray to be the Representative of the United States of America to the European Union, with the Rank and Status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary January 17, 2006.
* Jay Phillip Greene to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [11]
* Floyd Hall to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Hall was appointed in a recess appointment. [12]
* Tracy A. Henke to be Executive Director of the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness at the Department of Homeland Security. [13]
* Isacc C. Hunt, Jr. [14] to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [15]
* JoAnn Johnson to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002. [16]
* Peter N. Kirsanow to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [17]
* Charlotte A. Lane to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. She was nominated on June 7, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [18]
* Robert D. Lenhard to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [19]
* Deborah Matz to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002.
* Ronald E. Meisburg to be General Counsel to the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [20]
* Steven Kent Mullins to be United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota, vice James E. McMahon, January 9, 2006. [21]
* Julie L. Myers to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement), January 4, 2006. [22]
* Daniel Pearson to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. He was nominated on November 14, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [23]
* John Richard Petrocik to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [24]
* Charles W. Pickering, Sr. to Federal Appeals Court January 17, 2004, from which he had been blocked twice by the Senate. [25][26]
* Daniel Pipes to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace August 22, 2003. [27]
* Benjamin A. Powell to be General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 4, 2006. [28]
* Anthony J. Principi as chairman of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, as well as eight members of the Commission, April 1, 2005.
* William H. Pryor, Jr. to 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals February 20, 2004, "in the face of a Democratic filibuster of the nomination." [29][30]
* Otto Juan Reich to Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs January 11, 2002. [31]
* Ellen R. Sauerbrey to be Assistant Secretary of State (Population, Refugees, and Migration), January 4, 2006. [32]
* Eugene Scalia to Solicitor of Labor in the U.S. Department of Labor January 11, 2002.
* Peter C. Schaumber to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, for the remainder of a five-year term expiring on August 27, 2010. [33]
* Dorrance Smith to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, January 4, 2006. [34]
* Enrique J. Sosa to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Sosa was appointed in a recess appointment. [35]
* Michael E. Toner to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission March 29, 2002, for the remainder of a term expiring April 30, 2007; first announced November 21, 2001, and nomination sent to Senate March 4, 2002. [36]
* Juanita Alicia Vasquez-Gardner to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. She was nominated on July 24, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [37]
* Hans von Spakovsky to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [38]
* Dennis P. Walsh to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 17, 2006.
* Steven T. Walther to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [39]
* John Paul Woodley, Jr. to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) August 22, 2003. [40]

yep, yep, you repub-lie-tards and your made up history ... the fact that you repub-lie-tards pushed it, you now get to fuck yourselves ... you can't dso it any more ... way to go REPUB-LIE-TARDS !!!!!
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The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

Suddenly the Right loves those unelected judges who unconstitutionally usurped the power of judicial review?

Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one

Why don't they just eject the Obama cancer exit stage right?


when you are ruled against by the court that doesn't mean its and impeachable offense ... all it means what he did has to be undone... so he undoes the appointment sends it to the senate where harry Reid has stop the republicans from filibustering his appointments they go right back to their job the next day .... what you repub-lie-tards did was fuck yourselves over ... and didn't realize it ... in my previous post Under Bush he did the same thing we dems didn't go crazy like you repub-lie-tards have ... now that you have fuck yourselves did it feel good ??? :lol::lol::ssex:

But I'm not a Republican


so they will vote on their appointment in the senate ... case closed ... all of this wasted time ... here's what you stupid repub-lie-tards don't get ... I'm not throwing the bush card here ... George bush did the same Damn thing .... now that the court has ruled on it, you republicans won't get to do it anymore too ...:lol::lol: you just bent yourselves over, fuck yourselvers real hard in the ass, by yourselves ...:D:badgrin::badgrin:


yum that was the first time in American history where the prezbo declared

the congress in recess

you repub-lie-tards and your made up history

The following relates to declared recess appointments made by President George W. Bush.

* A. Paul Anderson to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner August 22, 2003. [1]
* Michael J. Bartlett to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [2]
* Warren Bell to the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in December 2006. [3]
* Andrew G. Biggs was named to be Deputy Director of the Social Security Administration April 4, 2007.
* John R. Bolton as U.N. Ambassador in August 2005, after having been blocked by the Senate. Bolton was Bush's 106th recess appointment. (FSRN 1 Aug '05)
* William B. Cowen to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [4]
* Susan E. Dudley to be Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget on April 4, 2007.
* Eric S. Edelman as undersecretary of defense for policy to replace Douglas Feith in the No. 3 position in the Pentagon. "Democrats on the Senate Armed Services Committee led by Carl Levin of Michigan, their ranking member, stalled Edelman's nomination to force the release of documents related to a specialized intelligence unit Feith set up before the conflict." [5]
* Gordon R. England to be Deputy Secretary of Defense, January 4, 2006. [6]
* Alice S. Fisher to head the Criminal Division in the Department of Justice, after the "nomination stalled over tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, naval facility." [7]
* David W. Fleming to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Public) August 22, 2003. [8]
* Peter Flory as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, after having been blocked by the Senate. [9]
* Sam Fox was named Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenifotentiary of the United States of America to Belgium on April 4, 2007.
* Cynthia A. Glassman to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [10]
* C. Boyden Gray to be the Representative of the United States of America to the European Union, with the Rank and Status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary January 17, 2006.
* Jay Phillip Greene to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [11]
* Floyd Hall to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Hall was appointed in a recess appointment. [12]
* Tracy A. Henke to be Executive Director of the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness at the Department of Homeland Security. [13]
* Isacc C. Hunt, Jr. [14] to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [15]
* JoAnn Johnson to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002. [16]
* Peter N. Kirsanow to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [17]
* Charlotte A. Lane to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. She was nominated on June 7, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [18]
* Robert D. Lenhard to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [19]
* Deborah Matz to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002.
* Ronald E. Meisburg to be General Counsel to the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [20]
* Steven Kent Mullins to be United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota, vice James E. McMahon, January 9, 2006. [21]
* Julie L. Myers to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement), January 4, 2006. [22]
* Daniel Pearson to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. He was nominated on November 14, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [23]
* John Richard Petrocik to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [24]
* Charles W. Pickering, Sr. to Federal Appeals Court January 17, 2004, from which he had been blocked twice by the Senate. [25][26]
* Daniel Pipes to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace August 22, 2003. [27]
* Benjamin A. Powell to be General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 4, 2006. [28]
* Anthony J. Principi as chairman of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, as well as eight members of the Commission, April 1, 2005.
* William H. Pryor, Jr. to 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals February 20, 2004, "in the face of a Democratic filibuster of the nomination." [29][30]
* Otto Juan Reich to Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs January 11, 2002. [31]
* Ellen R. Sauerbrey to be Assistant Secretary of State (Population, Refugees, and Migration), January 4, 2006. [32]
* Eugene Scalia to Solicitor of Labor in the U.S. Department of Labor January 11, 2002.
* Peter C. Schaumber to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, for the remainder of a five-year term expiring on August 27, 2010. [33]
* Dorrance Smith to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, January 4, 2006. [34]
* Enrique J. Sosa to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Sosa was appointed in a recess appointment. [35]
* Michael E. Toner to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission March 29, 2002, for the remainder of a term expiring April 30, 2007; first announced November 21, 2001, and nomination sent to Senate March 4, 2002. [36]
* Juanita Alicia Vasquez-Gardner to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. She was nominated on July 24, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [37]
* Hans von Spakovsky to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [38]
* Dennis P. Walsh to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 17, 2006.
* Steven T. Walther to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [39]
* John Paul Woodley, Jr. to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) August 22, 2003. [40]

yep, yep, you repub-lie-tards and your made up history ... the fact that you repub-lie-tards pushed it, you now get to fuck yourselves ... you can't dso it any more ... way to go REPUB-LIE-TARDS !!!!!

bush did not declare congress in recess

congress did

yum that was the first time in American history where the prezbo declared

the congress in recess

you repub-lie-tards and your made up history

The following relates to declared recess appointments made by President George W. Bush.

* A. Paul Anderson to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner August 22, 2003. [1]
* Michael J. Bartlett to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [2]
* Warren Bell to the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in December 2006. [3]
* Andrew G. Biggs was named to be Deputy Director of the Social Security Administration April 4, 2007.
* John R. Bolton as U.N. Ambassador in August 2005, after having been blocked by the Senate. Bolton was Bush's 106th recess appointment. (FSRN 1 Aug '05)
* William B. Cowen to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [4]
* Susan E. Dudley to be Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget on April 4, 2007.
* Eric S. Edelman as undersecretary of defense for policy to replace Douglas Feith in the No. 3 position in the Pentagon. "Democrats on the Senate Armed Services Committee led by Carl Levin of Michigan, their ranking member, stalled Edelman's nomination to force the release of documents related to a specialized intelligence unit Feith set up before the conflict." [5]
* Gordon R. England to be Deputy Secretary of Defense, January 4, 2006. [6]
* Alice S. Fisher to head the Criminal Division in the Department of Justice, after the "nomination stalled over tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, naval facility." [7]
* David W. Fleming to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Public) August 22, 2003. [8]
* Peter Flory as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, after having been blocked by the Senate. [9]
* Sam Fox was named Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenifotentiary of the United States of America to Belgium on April 4, 2007.
* Cynthia A. Glassman to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [10]
* C. Boyden Gray to be the Representative of the United States of America to the European Union, with the Rank and Status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary January 17, 2006.
* Jay Phillip Greene to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [11]
* Floyd Hall to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Hall was appointed in a recess appointment. [12]
* Tracy A. Henke to be Executive Director of the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness at the Department of Homeland Security. [13]
* Isacc C. Hunt, Jr. [14] to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [15]
* JoAnn Johnson to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002. [16]
* Peter N. Kirsanow to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [17]
* Charlotte A. Lane to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. She was nominated on June 7, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [18]
* Robert D. Lenhard to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [19]
* Deborah Matz to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002.
* Ronald E. Meisburg to be General Counsel to the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [20]
* Steven Kent Mullins to be United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota, vice James E. McMahon, January 9, 2006. [21]
* Julie L. Myers to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement), January 4, 2006. [22]
* Daniel Pearson to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. He was nominated on November 14, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [23]
* John Richard Petrocik to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [24]
* Charles W. Pickering, Sr. to Federal Appeals Court January 17, 2004, from which he had been blocked twice by the Senate. [25][26]
* Daniel Pipes to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace August 22, 2003. [27]
* Benjamin A. Powell to be General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 4, 2006. [28]
* Anthony J. Principi as chairman of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, as well as eight members of the Commission, April 1, 2005.
* William H. Pryor, Jr. to 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals February 20, 2004, "in the face of a Democratic filibuster of the nomination." [29][30]
* Otto Juan Reich to Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs January 11, 2002. [31]
* Ellen R. Sauerbrey to be Assistant Secretary of State (Population, Refugees, and Migration), January 4, 2006. [32]
* Eugene Scalia to Solicitor of Labor in the U.S. Department of Labor January 11, 2002.
* Peter C. Schaumber to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, for the remainder of a five-year term expiring on August 27, 2010. [33]
* Dorrance Smith to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, January 4, 2006. [34]
* Enrique J. Sosa to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Sosa was appointed in a recess appointment. [35]
* Michael E. Toner to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission March 29, 2002, for the remainder of a term expiring April 30, 2007; first announced November 21, 2001, and nomination sent to Senate March 4, 2002. [36]
* Juanita Alicia Vasquez-Gardner to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. She was nominated on July 24, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [37]
* Hans von Spakovsky to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [38]
* Dennis P. Walsh to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 17, 2006.
* Steven T. Walther to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [39]
* John Paul Woodley, Jr. to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) August 22, 2003. [40]

yep, yep, you repub-lie-tards and your made up history ... the fact that you repub-lie-tards pushed it, you now get to fuck yourselves ... you can't dso it any more ... way to go REPUB-LIE-TARDS !!!!!

bush did not declare congress in recess

congress did
and you keep believing that:D:D:lol::lol:
The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

Suddenly the Right loves those unelected judges who unconstitutionally usurped the power of judicial review?


We love them because even though they are in the pocket of Obama they can smell the rotting fish.
what will you left-wing losers do when you lose the senate in a few months?

the realy question is what will you repub-LIE-tards do when you lose the house and we left wing loser takes the senate majority ??? thats the real question ???:lol::lol:

Dems already have a Senate majority..............until November

and Republicans will make gains in the House

my god are you really that stupid you didnt know Dems have had a Senate majority since January of 2007?
you repub-lie-tards and your made up history

The following relates to declared recess appointments made by President George W. Bush.

* A. Paul Anderson to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner August 22, 2003. [1]
* Michael J. Bartlett to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [2]
* Warren Bell to the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in December 2006. [3]
* Andrew G. Biggs was named to be Deputy Director of the Social Security Administration April 4, 2007.
* John R. Bolton as U.N. Ambassador in August 2005, after having been blocked by the Senate. Bolton was Bush's 106th recess appointment. (FSRN 1 Aug '05)
* William B. Cowen to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board January 22, 2002. [4]
* Susan E. Dudley to be Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget on April 4, 2007.
* Eric S. Edelman as undersecretary of defense for policy to replace Douglas Feith in the No. 3 position in the Pentagon. "Democrats on the Senate Armed Services Committee led by Carl Levin of Michigan, their ranking member, stalled Edelman's nomination to force the release of documents related to a specialized intelligence unit Feith set up before the conflict." [5]
* Gordon R. England to be Deputy Secretary of Defense, January 4, 2006. [6]
* Alice S. Fisher to head the Criminal Division in the Department of Justice, after the "nomination stalled over tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, naval facility." [7]
* David W. Fleming to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Public) August 22, 2003. [8]
* Peter Flory as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, after having been blocked by the Senate. [9]
* Sam Fox was named Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenifotentiary of the United States of America to Belgium on April 4, 2007.
* Cynthia A. Glassman to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [10]
* C. Boyden Gray to be the Representative of the United States of America to the European Union, with the Rank and Status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary January 17, 2006.
* Jay Phillip Greene to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [11]
* Floyd Hall to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Hall was appointed in a recess appointment. [12]
* Tracy A. Henke to be Executive Director of the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness at the Department of Homeland Security. [13]
* Isacc C. Hunt, Jr. [14] to be a Member of the Commission of the Securities and Exchange Commission January 22, 2002. [15]
* JoAnn Johnson to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002. [16]
* Peter N. Kirsanow to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [17]
* Charlotte A. Lane to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. She was nominated on June 7, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [18]
* Robert D. Lenhard to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [19]
* Deborah Matz to be a Member of the Board of the National Credit Union Administration January 22, 2002.
* Ronald E. Meisburg to be General Counsel to the National Labor Relations Board, January 4, 2006. [20]
* Steven Kent Mullins to be United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota, vice James E. McMahon, January 9, 2006. [21]
* Julie L. Myers to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement), January 4, 2006. [22]
* Daniel Pearson to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission August 22, 2003. He was nominated on November 14, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [23]
* John Richard Petrocik to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic) August 22, 2003. [24]
* Charles W. Pickering, Sr. to Federal Appeals Court January 17, 2004, from which he had been blocked twice by the Senate. [25][26]
* Daniel Pipes to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace August 22, 2003. [27]
* Benjamin A. Powell to be General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 4, 2006. [28]
* Anthony J. Principi as chairman of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, as well as eight members of the Commission, April 1, 2005.
* William H. Pryor, Jr. to 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals February 20, 2004, "in the face of a Democratic filibuster of the nomination." [29][30]
* Otto Juan Reich to Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs January 11, 2002. [31]
* Ellen R. Sauerbrey to be Assistant Secretary of State (Population, Refugees, and Migration), January 4, 2006. [32]
* Eugene Scalia to Solicitor of Labor in the U.S. Department of Labor January 11, 2002.
* Peter C. Schaumber to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, for the remainder of a five-year term expiring on August 27, 2010. [33]
* Dorrance Smith to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, January 4, 2006. [34]
* Enrique J. Sosa to be a Member of the AMTRAK Reform Board, January 4, 2006. This is the second time that Sosa was appointed in a recess appointment. [35]
* Michael E. Toner to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission March 29, 2002, for the remainder of a term expiring April 30, 2007; first announced November 21, 2001, and nomination sent to Senate March 4, 2002. [36]
* Juanita Alicia Vasquez-Gardner to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. She was nominated on July 24, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003. [37]
* Hans von Spakovsky to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [38]
* Dennis P. Walsh to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board, January 17, 2006.
* Steven T. Walther to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission, January 4, 2006. [39]
* John Paul Woodley, Jr. to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) August 22, 2003. [40]

yep, yep, you repub-lie-tards and your made up history ... the fact that you repub-lie-tards pushed it, you now get to fuck yourselves ... you can't dso it any more ... way to go REPUB-LIE-TARDS !!!!!

bush did not declare congress in recess

congress did
and you keep believing that:D:D:lol::lol:

yes i will because it is the truth
The Court didn't rule against Obama. It ruled against all presidents, and I guarantee you if God forbid we ever have another Republican president,

the Right's attitude here will do a complete 180.

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