Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court

The tea party does not have an exclusive franchise to interpret the intentions of the founders. These men were masters in the art of rhetoric and I like to believe that they despised anyone who could not defend their opinions within the bounds of rational discourse. They certainly had no use for the Calvinists, who most closely resemble the modern right winger, in their day.

I read history and history isn't "rhetoric."

You really need to find out what the word "rhetoric" meant in those days, it was an art practiced by learned men to constructively share ideas. You might try debating like the founders did who came up with all that neat stuff because they followed rules of rationalism and civility when having a discussion, even among bitter foes.

I suggested you don't tell me how and what they thought. You can if you want to, but you might as well blow smoke out of your butt and tap dance. In fact, that's probably a good idea. Entertainment.
The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

You don't even know what you are talking about. They said he couldn't make an appointment without congressional support WHILE THEY WERE IN SESSION. Then said leaving behind one person who, every day, said we are in session as a "trick" and said that had to stop. Basically, they supported both sides. Which made it pretty much a draw.

What is wrong with you people? Are you really that desperate?

Obama appointed during a day off. They were still in session. The USSC said he can't do that just because congress will not approve a nominee. Obama can't rubber stamp his own nominee. Do you understand Liberty and Tyranny?

the POTUS doesn't get a day off ... duuuuurrrrrrr
A student who studied The Kenyan Constitution is as much a Constitutional Scholar as one who studied The U.S. Constitution! Voters said so. Twice.


Who but you, Dotty Dottie, even dreamed that a person had to be born in Kenya to be schooled there! But if you insist......
You don't even know what you are talking about. They said he couldn't make an appointment without congressional support WHILE THEY WERE IN SESSION. Then said leaving behind one person who, every day, said we are in session as a "trick" and said that had to stop. Basically, they supported both sides. Which made it pretty much a draw.

What is wrong with you people? Are you really that desperate?

Obama appointed during a day off. They were still in session. The USSC said he can't do that just because congress will not approve a nominee. Obama can't rubber stamp his own nominee. Do you understand Liberty and Tyranny?

the POTUS doesn't get a day off ... duuuuurrrrrrr

The USSC ruled. Case closed.
You don't even know what you are talking about. They said he couldn't make an appointment without congressional support WHILE THEY WERE IN SESSION. Then said leaving behind one person who, every day, said we are in session as a "trick" and said that had to stop. Basically, they supported both sides. Which made it pretty much a draw.

What is wrong with you people? Are you really that desperate?

Obama appointed during a day off. They were still in session. The USSC said he can't do that just because congress will not approve a nominee. Obama can't rubber stamp his own nominee. Do you understand Liberty and Tyranny?

the POTUS doesn't get a day off ... duuuuurrrrrrr

Of course he does. Obamas-- cough, cough,--- work schedule is 1000-1700. Somewhere in there you can assume he's taking his smoke and whisky breaks mixed in during that busy 7 hour day. That's taking into account he has already blown off his daily security briefings

The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

You don't even know what you are talking about. They said he couldn't make an appointment without congressional support WHILE THEY WERE IN SESSION. Then said leaving behind one person who, every day, said we are in session as a "trick" and said that had to stop. Basically, they supported both sides. Which made it pretty much a draw.

What is wrong with you people? Are you really that desperate?

Obama appointed during a day off. They were still in session. The USSC said he can't do that just because congress will not approve a nominee. Obama can't rubber stamp his own nominee. Do you understand Liberty and Tyranny?

As the Oreo said---- "If congress wont act, I will'

What a dumbass

apparently there's at least one moron who doesn't know the meaning of the word "lost". Paint it as pretty a pink as one might like but it still means a whole bunch of board actions are null and void.

What a partisan dope ! Dumb as a $5,000.00 air force hammer though much cheaper.

apparently you .

This admin or any other doesn't have to honor a sc opinion until the sc rules... Nobody lost squat.

the saddest thing about this post is somebody thanked you.

The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

Obama is only interested in how he can either take advantage of laws or going around them.

Following the same rules and laws the rest of us do isn't in his mindset. This is evidence of his pampered upbringing. He truly believes the same rules that apply to us don't apply to him.
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
from p. 184,Sleep-Walking Through History: America in the Reagan Years, by Haynes Johnson, (1991, Doubleday)


Iran-Contra, Wedtech, HUD,

James Watt, Edwin Meese III, E. Bob Wallach, Lyn Nofziger, Michael Deaver, Casper Weinberger, Raymond Donovan, Elliott Abrams, Robert C. McFarlane, Oliver North, John Poindexter, Richard Secord


Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

And this has what to do with Obama, Wilson, FDR and LBJ being from the same central planner's school of government?

Not a damn thing...but thanks for playing. :cuckoo:


No, he was not. He talked a good Constitutional game but in reality, I played politics like the rest of them. One need only look at the gun bans he implemented for evidence of that.

Oh I thought you just wanted to list 'true stories'

Wow. Not too bright, are ya? :lol:

Oh unless there is an UNCONDITIONAL right, you can't be a constitutionalists?

Logical fallacy.

Man, you are really bad at this. :lol::lol::lol:
The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

Obama is only interested in how he can either take advantage of laws or going around them.

Following the same rules and laws the rest of us do isn't in his mindset. This is evidence of his pampered upbringing. He truly believes the same rules that apply to us don't apply to him.

Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one
it doesnt matter to rbid left-wing nutjobs and losers like rightwinger that obama keeps losing in the Supreme Court; even UNANIMOUSLY
the rabid left is unable to steer away from their fascist agenda; they feel they have the right to do to you whatever they need to do to "help" you

Keep pushing the envelope Mr Pesident.......make them try to stop you

And there you have it folks. The ultimate nanny state suck up with absolutely zero understanding of the history of tyranny and the evils of central planning.

Too fucking stupid to think for themselves, the sheeple can only hope the next dear leader is benevolent and kind, despite all historical evidence to the contrary.

The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

You don't even know what you are talking about. They said he couldn't make an appointment without congressional support WHILE THEY WERE IN SESSION. Then said leaving behind one person who, every day, said we are in session as a "trick" and said that had to stop. Basically, they supported both sides. Which made it pretty much a draw.

What is wrong with you people? Are you really that desperate?

What's wrong with you?

The Supremes said that Obama can't decide on his own when Congress is in or out of session. As long as they don't adjourn, they're still in session.
The constitutional lawyer, scholar and teacher seems to have a hard time following the document. And these are not split decisions even the rapid liberal don't support his actions. We told you people but did you listen? Hell yeah, everyone knew what he was doing was illegal only the left wing defended it, pitiful

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court | National Review Online

President Obama’s team suffered their twelfth unanimous defeat at the Supreme Court in the legal challenge to the so-called recess appointments made when Congress was not actually in recess, a string of defeats that only represents “the tip of the iceberg,” according to Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah).

“Not every case in which the president has exceeded his authority has made it all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lee, a former law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito, told National Review Online. “The fact that his track record is as bad as it is in the Supreme Court . . . is yet another indication of the fact that we’ve got a president who is playing fast and loose with the Constitution.”

Obama is only interested in how he can either take advantage of laws or going around them.

Following the same rules and laws the rest of us do isn't in his mindset. This is evidence of his pampered upbringing. He truly believes the same rules that apply to us don't apply to him.

Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one

Why don't they just eject the Obama cancer exit stage right?

The libs will just blame the Republicans for forcing Obama to violate the COTUS

Of course we do.

So you're okay with a President ignoring his Constitutional limits? Wonder if that will hold true when there's another party occupying the White House...:doubt:

Example please.

forces someone to do something to repair the sabotage.

Example please.

Saying the government does not work is one thing but making sure it does not work is another.

Example please.

Crickets. Color me shocked...:doubt:
Obama is only interested in how he can either take advantage of laws or going around them.

Following the same rules and laws the rest of us do isn't in his mindset. This is evidence of his pampered upbringing. He truly believes the same rules that apply to us don't apply to him.

Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one

Why don't they just eject the Obama cancer exit stage right?


Well, you could always try to win some elections.

But we know you can't do that. Impeachment is always a good option

Worked so well last time and the American people will love ya for it
Obama should have realized years ago that he is stuck with a Republican Party intent on obstructing all government and all appointees until they return to power

If Congress is unwilling to exercise its legislative role, Obama needs to substitute Executive Actions to the maximum extent possible.

Make Congress stop him. If they get a court decision, make them get another one, and another one

Why don't they just eject the Obama cancer exit stage right?


Well, you could always try to win some elections.

But we know you can't do that. Impeachment is always a good option

Worked so well last time and the American people will love ya for it

You know why that is?

Because they know Obama deserves it. It's the right thing to do


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