Obama sure lied to NASA

As an aside, with all that you have done to yourself here to today, according to all these mails, you are a new gen and level laughing stalk. Too funny. you have sure made a lot of enemies here. Hilarious stuff.

Hope they share here.

As an aside, getting back on track, in and on a shuttle stack on the pad, which goes first, at T-6 seconds, the liquids or the solids for firing sequence?

I have deleted nothing as it is being monitored. No need and I absolutely would not delete same. Little child, do you know what you are doing? Do you understand what you are walking into here?

And is the Earth warming or cooling. And since this thread is about NASA, Obama, etc, are you able to stay focused as an teen-adult. Try to post something about NASA and the shutoff of the orbiters and when you are exhausted at this near sexual fixation with me, get back on track here.

I am awaiting your apology also.


the veiled threats really should stop. Assuming of course you want to keep posting rights there intact. They take that seriously on this board.

as for an apology, you can shove that up your lying, narcissistic, self-important anus.

You think I defamed you...sue me. For a man than can be anywhere in the world in 20 hours, suing me should be child's play. :rofl:

Child. It is far past "suing" Apologize now.

You cannot do it as you are too much a little child.

Now, as I pleased with you, this is a NASA thread. Please post something down the lines of:

Next GEN shuttle
The fact that space seems to unite us all
The facts or details of the shuttles
Manned flight
the cooperation of everyone in the same goal to get from Earth to Orbit.

These are good starts.

The other noise, you have not a clue. But it is amusing. Haven't had this sort of humorous entertainment since the Art Bell shows.


you seriously take yourself too seriously.
I have deleted nothing as it is being monitored. No need and I absolutely would not delete same. Little child, do you know what you are doing? Do you understand what you are walking into here?

And is the Earth warming or cooling. And since this thread is about NASA, Obama, etc, are you able to stay focused as an teen-adult. Try to post something about NASA and the shutoff of the orbiters and when you are exhausted at this near sexual fixation with me, get back on track here.

I am awaiting your apology also.


the veiled threats really should stop. Assuming of course you want to keep posting rights there intact. They take that seriously on this board.

as for an apology, you can shove that up your lying, narcissistic, self-important anus.

You think I defamed you...sue me. For a man than can be anywhere in the world in 20 hours, suing me should be child's play. :rofl:

Child. It is far past "suing" Apologize now.

You cannot do it as you are too much a little child.

Now, as I pleased with you, this is a NASA thread. Please post something down the lines of:

Next GEN shuttle
The fact that space seems to unite us all
The facts or details of the shuttles
Manned flight
the cooperation of everyone in the same goal to get from Earth to Orbit.

These are good starts.

The other noise, you have not a clue. But it is amusing. Haven't had this sort of humorous entertainment since the Art Bell shows.


And he sure ripped you a new ass, too! :rofl:
As an aside, getting back on track, in and on a shuttle stack on the pad, which goes first, at T-6 seconds, the liquids or the solids for firing sequence?


anyone who wants to know the REAL you, can go here for starters...

Robert A.M. Stephens - Again! - Part I

You antics are comic legend online... priceless laughs at your complete insanity.:lol:


I love how in the above link, you claim that you never claimed you were a Navy SEAL... but in this one...
someone claims you were...
Robert was in the Seals. I have seen the paperwork, I have seen the pictures of him with his team. I can not elaborate more, but I am sure of this.

Oh...and you were 'highly clearanced' at NASA too! Not just an artist, huh...
Robert does have access to what he says he does. One does not have the badges he has without a very thorough security check. While I worked at NASA I had the lowest clearance that there was, Robert was much nearer the top, if my memory serves me he was one of a few who had direct access to the shuttle and anywhere on any center he wished to go---even the most sensitive areas at the various top secret air facilities and test beds. He had also gone through pre astronaut training for the artist in space project..

OMG, could you BE any more phoney?


Apparently, you could...
Here's a few mentions of your Navy Seal claims, getting shot all to Hell.
Last edited:
Campaigning there in 08 he said he would never allow them to fold up.
He spoke at NASA stating that.
And then he folds them up.

All space travel and exploration should be privatized. Therefore Obama was absolutely correct in reducing Big Government! The Free Market! That's the key! Good Conservatie values!
Obviously you're a socialist who wants the State to control everything! Statist Liberal Socialst!
the veiled threats really should stop. Assuming of course you want to keep posting rights there intact. They take that seriously on this board.

as for an apology, you can shove that up your lying, narcissistic, self-important anus.

You think I defamed you...sue me. For a man than can be anywhere in the world in 20 hours, suing me should be child's play. :rofl:

Child. It is far past "suing" Apologize now.

You cannot do it as you are too much a little child.

Now, as I pleased with you, this is a NASA thread. Please post something down the lines of:

Next GEN shuttle
The fact that space seems to unite us all
The facts or details of the shuttles
Manned flight
the cooperation of everyone in the same goal to get from Earth to Orbit.

These are good starts.

The other noise, you have not a clue. But it is amusing. Haven't had this sort of humorous entertainment since the Art Bell shows.


And he sure ripped you a new ass, too! :rofl:

He sued me for 60,000,000 and filed in 6 states.

i told him not to do that.

He did.

He lost.

He is now living in the Philippines with his 3 rd teen wife.


Do not defame here.

This data on yourself is hilarious. 24......hahahahahahahahahahaha

a little tiny boy.

But very very boastful with his Dell keyboard, tongue hanging out of his mouth, pounding on that little keyboard. All pasty, mom and dad in the living room, real rough stuff.


Yea, you are a real dynamo alright.

A laughing stock but hey, the net is filled with your ilk.

Did you ever see the movie, Apocolpse Now!? I loved that part when Robert Duvall said to the guy, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning! It, it, smells like victory"........

Reap the Whirlwind.

Child. It is far past "suing" Apologize now.

You cannot do it as you are too much a little child.

Now, as I pleased with you, this is a NASA thread. Please post something down the lines of:

Next GEN shuttle
The fact that space seems to unite us all
The facts or details of the shuttles
Manned flight
the cooperation of everyone in the same goal to get from Earth to Orbit.

These are good starts.

The other noise, you have not a clue. But it is amusing. Haven't had this sort of humorous entertainment since the Art Bell shows.


And he sure ripped you a new ass, too! :rofl:

He sued me for 60,000,000 and filed in 6 states.

i told him not to do that.

He did.

He lost.

He is now living in the Philippines with his 3 rd teen wife.


Do not defame here.

This data on yourself is hilarious. 24......hahahahahahahahahahaha

a little tiny boy.

But very very boastful with his Dell keyboard, tongue hanging out of his mouth, pounding on that little keyboard. All pasty, mom and dad in the living room, real rough stuff.


Yea, you are a real dynamo alright.

A laughing stock but hey, the net is filled with your ilk.

Did you ever see the movie, Apocolpse Now!? I loved that part when Robert Duvall said to the guy, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning! It, it, smells like victory"........

Reap the Whirlwind.


data on me.. do tell. Let's here all this data you have on me. This should be entertaining. Much more so than your UFO crap, or your lies about dating an astronaut, or even the nonsense you tried that the Indiana Jones outfit was typical for archeologists in the 20's :rofl:

And if the 24 was a guess at my age, you're so far off it is funny.
Last edited:
I love the ignore feature. Too cool. Just blank. Perfect.

Cassandra, i mean Conservative:

I was also the Candidate to be the first artist in space on board a shuttle orbiter. True or false. Truth or delusion. See what has been going on in the
General Discussion Section. Post away princess, my little sumptous angel I cannot see anymore. Love it. Uh oh, not another threat somehow.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

.........Smells Like Victory...............


I love the ignore feature. Too cool. Just blank. Perfect.

Cassandra, i mean Conservative:

I was also the Candidate to be the first artist in space on board a shuttle orbiter. True or false. Truth or delusion. See what has been going on in the
General Discussion Section. Post away princess, my little sumptous angel I cannot see anymore. Love it. Uh oh, not another threat somehow.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

.........Smells Like Victory...............



Ignore is for pussies who cannot handle it here. The victory you smell is mine.
the veiled threats really should stop. Assuming of course you want to keep posting rights there intact. They take that seriously on this board.

as for an apology, you can shove that up your lying, narcissistic, self-important anus.

You think I defamed you...sue me. For a man than can be anywhere in the world in 20 hours, suing me should be child's play. :rofl:

Child. It is far past "suing" Apologize now.

You cannot do it as you are too much a little child.

Now, as I pleased with you, this is a NASA thread. Please post something down the lines of:

Next GEN shuttle
The fact that space seems to unite us all
The facts or details of the shuttles
Manned flight
the cooperation of everyone in the same goal to get from Earth to Orbit.

These are good starts.

The other noise, you have not a clue. But it is amusing. Haven't had this sort of humorous entertainment since the Art Bell shows.


And he sure ripped you a new ass, too! :rofl:
"We now take you back to the night of February 15, 1996, when Art rips this guy a new asshole"
Campaigning there in 08 he said he would never allow them to fold up.
He spoke at NASA stating that.
And then he folds them up.

All space travel and exploration should be privatized. Therefore Obama was absolutely correct in reducing Big Government! The Free Market! That's the key! Good Conservatie values!
Obviously you're a socialist who wants the State to control everything! Statist Liberal Socialst!

With what Obama has done, after he lied so badly, that is what is happening. It's being done by very wealthy space farers-adventuers and when they need more help or cooperation the russkies or chinese and stepping in.

This will be the way of things from here on out till get a Rublican back in to get NASA funding back to 2010 levels, as Obama lied about but promised he would do.

Your claim is flawed in that NASA's budget is $13,000,000,000 while Obama is at $15,000,000,000,000 and counting.....

Campaigning there in 08 he said he would never allow them to fold up.
He spoke at NASA stating that.
And then he folds them up.

All space travel and exploration should be privatized. Therefore Obama was absolutely correct in reducing Big Government! The Free Market! That's the key! Good Conservatie values!
Obviously you're a socialist who wants the State to control everything! Statist Liberal Socialst!

With what Obama has done, after he lied so badly, that is what is happening. It's being done by very wealthy space farers-adventuers and when they need more help or cooperation the russkies or chinese and stepping in.

This will be the way of things from here on out till get a Rublican back in to get NASA funding back to 2010 levels, as Obama lied about but promised he would do.

Your claim is flawed in that NASA's budget is $13,000,000,000 while Obama is at $15,000,000,000,000 and counting.....


EX 30 is being subsidized but are doing good. Irony here,

NASA - Crews and Expeditions

...is the Russians and American are doing experiments together and along with the funding is the help of Russians, Chinese, Turks, Indians and Japanese, a global cabal of space cooperation. Perhaps this cutting isn't so bad afterall. They are doing better than ever.

Who could have imagined.

At that link, also, note the clock for time duration for orbit. In the future expeditions note the crews scheduled next up and coming...

I wonder if Obama ever comes there and looks?

I know the one daughter does as she is into astronomy and spends time with her dad out on the WH lawn looking through their refractor telescope.

At that link, also, note the clock for time duration for orbit. In the future expeditions note the crews scheduled next up and coming...

I wonder if Obama ever comes there and looks?

I know the one daughter does as she is into astronomy and spends time with her dad out on the WH lawn looking through their refractor telescope.


jeep loving fraud
Did he lie?
1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3.an inaccurate or false statement.
4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
verb (used without object)
5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.

By definition of #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6...it is by definition a lie.
I do believe he knowingly told these people that he "would see to it that they didn't lose their job" when he knew they would of course lose their jobs. What other alternative was there? They would stay fully employed by playing cards all day?
He is a politician....period.
Did he lie?
1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3.an inaccurate or false statement.
4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
verb (used without object)
5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.

By definition of #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6...it is by definition a lie.
I do believe he knowingly told these people that he "would see to it that they didn't lose their job" when he knew they would of course lose their jobs. What other alternative was there? They would stay fully employed by playing cards all day?
He is a politician....period.

You are right.

We need leaders and statesmen.
Did he lie?
1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3.an inaccurate or false statement.
4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
verb (used without object)
5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.

By definition of #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6...it is by definition a lie.
I do believe he knowingly told these people that he "would see to it that they didn't lose their job" when he knew they would of course lose their jobs. What other alternative was there? They would stay fully employed by playing cards all day?
He is a politician....period.

You are right.

We need leaders and statesmen.


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