Obama sure lied to NASA

Did he lie?
1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3.an inaccurate or false statement.
4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
verb (used without object)
5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.

By definition of #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6...it is by definition a lie.
I do believe he knowingly told these people that he "would see to it that they didn't lose their job" when he knew they would of course lose their jobs. What other alternative was there? They would stay fully employed by playing cards all day?
He is a politician....period.

Excellent point, retort and opinion. I agree and it just gripes so many. Imagine if he would say on air, like on NBC or some other radical liberal media, and said, "I was mistaken and cut NASA's budget when I had promised to maintain. I and my advisors are lookinga at the sitruation over carefully".....

Even that would make him look at least honest, human and flawed like the rest of us. I wish others here would likewise.

Good post,

Did he lie?
1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3.an inaccurate or false statement.
4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
verb (used without object)
5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.

By definition of #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6...it is by definition a lie.
I do believe he knowingly told these people that he "would see to it that they didn't lose their job" when he knew they would of course lose their jobs. What other alternative was there? They would stay fully employed by playing cards all day?
He is a politician....period.

You are right.

We need leaders and statesmen.
Campaigning there in 08 he said he would never allow them to fold up.
He spoke at NASA stating that.
And then he folds them up.

All space travel and exploration should be privatized. Therefore Obama was absolutely correct in reducing Big Government! The Free Market! That's the key! Good Conservatie values!
Obviously you're a socialist who wants the State to control everything! Statist Liberal Socialst!

With what Obama has done, after he lied so badly, that is what is happening. It's being done by very wealthy space farers-adventuers and when they need more help or cooperation the russkies or chinese and stepping in.

This will be the way of things from here on out till get a Rublican back in to get NASA funding back to 2010 levels, as Obama lied about but promised he would do.

Your claim is flawed in that NASA's budget is $13,000,000,000 while Obama is at $15,000,000,000,000 and counting.....


Wait Robert. So your position is that we should have BIG GOVERNMENT wasting our money on something that produces absolutely nothing for our country?!?!?!
You dan,m Socialist Statist bastard! You're all for Big Government waste and spending! Hypocrite!
How sad that we are now reduced to hitching a ride with the Russians if we want to get someone into space.

We're a dieing super power as we no longer want to be great. China within the next 5-10 years will be the super power of science, space and idea's, while we become history. In truth we have been going backwards since at least Carter within space.

If you told someone in 1968 that we wouldn't have a space outpost on the moon today...Well, they'ed think you were nuts!

Sadly, we put treaties on anyone proventing them from touching the resources of space. No one! Please don't tell me the BULL SHIT that there's no resources in space, thank you very much. As this little rock isn't a trillionth of one trillionth of one perent of what's out there.

Obama is yet another anti-space president. Yes, Russia if they get to these resources could very well become more powerful then us.
All space travel and exploration should be privatized. Therefore Obama was absolutely correct in reducing Big Government! The Free Market! That's the key! Good Conservatie values!
Obviously you're a socialist who wants the State to control everything! Statist Liberal Socialst!

With what Obama has done, after he lied so badly, that is what is happening. It's being done by very wealthy space farers-adventuers and when they need more help or cooperation the russkies or chinese and stepping in.

This will be the way of things from here on out till get a Rublican back in to get NASA funding back to 2010 levels, as Obama lied about but promised he would do.

Your claim is flawed in that NASA's budget is $13,000,000,000 while Obama is at $15,000,000,000,000 and counting.....


Wait Robert. So your position is that we should have BIG GOVERNMENT wasting our money on something that produces absolutely nothing for our country?!?!?!
You dan,m Socialist Statist bastard! You're all for Big Government waste and spending! Hypocrite!

You're yet another one that thinks that all of the resources in the whole universe is on this one planet? Wow, news to me! Look at all that the tech and advancements that developed from the 1940-1970's through the space program...Think!
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How sad that we are now reduced to hitching a ride with the Russians if we want to get someone into space.

We're a dieing super power as we no longer want to be great. China within the next 5-10 years will be the super power of science, space and idea's, while we become history. In truth we have been going backwards since at least Carter within space.

If you told someone in 1968 that we wouldn't have a space outpost on the moon today...Well, they'ed think you were nuts!

Sadly, we put treaties on anyone proventing them from touching the resources of space. No one! Please don't tell me the BULL SHIT that there's no resources in space, thank you very much. As this little rock isn't a trillionth of one trillionth of one perent of what's out there.

Obama is yet another anti-space president. Yes, Russia if they get to these resources could very well become more powerful then us.

Hmmm. Okay you have me curious. What of value have we retrieved from space?
Did he lie?
1.a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2.something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3.an inaccurate or false statement.
4.the charge or accusation of lying: He flung the lie back at his accusers.
verb (used without object)
5.to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
6.to express what is false; convey a false impression.

By definition of #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6...it is by definition a lie.
I do believe he knowingly told these people that he "would see to it that they didn't lose their job" when he knew they would of course lose their jobs. What other alternative was there? They would stay fully employed by playing cards all day?
He is a politician....period.

You are right.

We need leaders and statesmen.

100% right! WE need a leader that wants us to be a super power and a great nation!
How sad that we are now reduced to hitching a ride with the Russians if we want to get someone into space.

We're a dieing super power as we no longer want to be great. China within the next 5-10 years will be the super power of science, space and idea's, while we become history. In truth we have been going backwards since at least Carter within space.

If you told someone in 1968 that we wouldn't have a space outpost on the moon today...Well, they'ed think you were nuts!

Sadly, we put treaties on anyone proventing them from touching the resources of space. No one! Please don't tell me the BULL SHIT that there's no resources in space, thank you very much. As this little rock isn't a trillionth of one trillionth of one perent of what's out there.

Obama is yet another anti-space president. Yes, Russia if they get to these resources could very well become more powerful then us.

Hmmm. Okay you have me curious. What of value have we retrieved from space?

A hell of a lot more then the great society.
-Knowlege: fastest advancement of such in the history of man. Lets of cures and advancements.
-we know there's limitless fresh water in outter space.
-limitless mentals to mine
-a chance to perserve our species. Seriously, we understand that astroids are a huge threat.

But, I guess that you think that not exploring and taking advantage of the universe is the be all in ends all. What a borning life! I'm thinking that you're of those people that thinks humanity is a disease and must never advance.
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With what Obama has done, after he lied so badly, that is what is happening. It's being done by very wealthy space farers-adventuers and when they need more help or cooperation the russkies or chinese and stepping in.

This will be the way of things from here on out till get a Rublican back in to get NASA funding back to 2010 levels, as Obama lied about but promised he would do.

Your claim is flawed in that NASA's budget is $13,000,000,000 while Obama is at $15,000,000,000,000 and counting.....


Wait Robert. So your position is that we should have BIG GOVERNMENT wasting our money on something that produces absolutely nothing for our country?!?!?!
You dan,m Socialist Statist bastard! You're all for Big Government waste and spending! Hypocrite!

You're yet another one that thinks that all of the resources in the whole universe is on this one planet? Wow, news to me! Look at all that the tech and advancements that developed from the 1940-1970's through the space program...Think!

But anything the government can do, private industry can do better, cheaper and more efficiently, right or wrong?
Wait Robert. So your position is that we should have BIG GOVERNMENT wasting our money on something that produces absolutely nothing for our country?!?!?!
You dan,m Socialist Statist bastard! You're all for Big Government waste and spending! Hypocrite!

You're yet another one that thinks that all of the resources in the whole universe is on this one planet? Wow, news to me! Look at all that the tech and advancements that developed from the 1940-1970's through the space program...Think!

But anything the government can do, private industry can do better, cheaper and more efficiently, right or wrong?

Well, if we can get out of the treaties that are stopping them from mining. Yes you're right in the long term.

I think the government should help in setting things up at first and lead in science.
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Wait Robert. So your position is that we should have BIG GOVERNMENT wasting our money on something that produces absolutely nothing for our country?!?!?!
You dan,m Socialist Statist bastard! You're all for Big Government waste and spending! Hypocrite!

You're yet another one that thinks that all of the resources in the whole universe is on this one planet? Wow, news to me! Look at all that the tech and advancements that developed from the 1940-1970's through the space program...Think!

But anything the government can do, private industry can do better, cheaper and more efficiently, right or wrong?

Always. You are correct.

NASA does the R&D, private world launches big time same into usuable tangibles for our society.


NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

NASA - NASA Spinoffs Fact Sheet

That is just page one.

Good post and discernment.

You're yet another one that thinks that all of the resources in the whole universe is on this one planet? Wow, news to me! Look at all that the tech and advancements that developed from the 1940-1970's through the space program...Think!

But anything the government can do, private industry can do better, cheaper and more efficiently, right or wrong?

Always. You are correct.

NASA does the R&D, private world launches big time same into usuable tangibles for our society.


NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

NASA - NASA Spinoffs Fact Sheet

That is just page one.

Good post and discernment.


So then Obama was inadvertantly brilliant in reducing the size of NASA!

But anything the government can do, private industry can do better, cheaper and more efficiently, right or wrong?

Always. You are correct.

NASA does the R&D, private world launches big time same into usuable tangibles for our society.


NASA - Space Program Benefits: NASA?s Positive Impact on Society

NASA - NASA Spinoffs Fact Sheet

That is just page one.

Good post and discernment.


So then Obama was inadvertantly brilliant in reducing the size of NASA!


We are repeating here, even in this same thread, but it's 15 pages now so I will address this:

Yes and No. On the one hand, yes, in NM here alone, there are 80 companies all engaged in building rigs for Earth to orbit.

But the crux is that Obama gave a speeh in 2010 to NASA-KSC that he would not cut NASA's budget. He did. And the orbiters, Atlantis and Endeavour were done. And they are only barely 1/3 into their operating life.

He lied patholgically. And it was found later that had he left NASA alone and even increased its budget (it should be at Apollo level of funding), the tax revenue would have been 9% higher than the cuts he made.

Bad deal.

NASA is one agnecy you do not want to screw with. Especially now.

Good question, hat is tipped.

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We either lead or we follow! Giving up in space or any science will mean the down fall of our nation as a great power.

China once had one of the biggest fleets in the world, but chosed to go inwards on its self...Lets not make the same mistake.
We either lead or we follow! Giving up in space or any science will mean the down fall of our nation as a great power.

China once had one of the biggest fleets in the world, but chosed to go inwards on its self...Lets not make the same mistake.

I've said that same thing for many many years and you formulated it perfeclty. Truly perfectly and I must thank you.

We are the bravest, wildest most intense and fair and exploratory nation and peoples the world has ever seen. Up there is the key to our tomorrows. We are going to receive an artifical message in the next 5 years, and then, all hell will break lose and NASA and money and space faring will not be an issue.

Great post and comeback. Hat is tipped, surely.

We either lead or we follow! Giving up in space or any science will mean the down fall of our nation as a great power.

China once had one of the biggest fleets in the world, but chosed to go inwards on its self...Lets not make the same mistake.

I've said that same thing for many many years and you formulated it perfeclty. Truly perfectly and I must thank you.

We are the bravest, wildest most intense and fair and exploratory nation and peoples the world has ever seen. Up there is the key to our tomorrows. We are going to receive an artifical message in the next 5 years, and then, all hell will break lose and NASA and money and space faring will not be an issue.

Great post and comeback. Hat is tipped, surely.


I thought you claimed you were NOT a UFO nut?


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