Obama sure lied to NASA

So, again, you all admit that there is at least one government program that is successful, and that you support spending for.
NASA isn't full of lawyers and union goons, so they're an easy target.

NASA helps the Military Industrial Complex....another reason to attack them.

NASA is full of technical engineers and scientists that many times are conservative people....they are not Democrat goons, so to hell with them.

Obamination is destroying this country from the inside out gutting NASA, the military and the companies that make us a technological power in the world. We are going to pay for his bullshit for decades.

Another angle to look at it, and you are correct. Fedora is tipped and thank you.

The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Yes. According to our resident aline abduction and implant expert, 92% of all new technology came from NASA. of course, he refuses to prove it by posting a link corroborating that statement.

Yes, NASA has given us a lot of good things over the years... but 92% of ALL new technology is a ridiculous figure, and unless he can substantiate it, patently untrue.


Your answer, "Okay", is how the illiterate are handled and is what I do also. There is no point. The proof of my claim is in 4 posts with links in this very thread alone and they cannot even find it. It must be tourettes, or the drugs. They are liberals. What's new.

I'll kindly reiterate...NASA is a waste of good resources. Have been for some decades now.
Obamination is all about getting elected and keeping Democrats in power, so stealing money from NASA to give to his supporters is strategy #1.

NASA money can help pay for Obamacare.
NASA money can help idiots in junior colleges train for so-called "green" jobs through loans and grants.
NASA money can extend the unemployment payrolls for more years.
NASA money can be funneled to "community" workers to get out the next vote.
NASA money can help the GSA pay for more Vegas trips.
NASA money can help pay for the next Solyndra.

Pretty much Obamination gets more votes if he steals from NASA's pot and gives it to his people. He doesn't give a shit about this nation, it is all about his political side winning election after election.

Again, kudos, and so true it seems.

Obamination is all about getting elected and keeping Democrats in power, so stealing money from NASA to give to his supporters is strategy #1.

NASA money can help pay for Obamacare.
NASA money can help idiots in junior colleges train for so-called "green" jobs through loans and grants.
NASA money can extend the unemployment payrolls for more years.
NASA money can be funneled to "community" workers to get out the next vote.
NASA money can help the GSA pay for more Vegas trips.
NASA money can help pay for the next Solyndra.

Pretty much Obamination gets more votes if he steals from NASA's pot and gives it to his people. He doesn't give a shit about this nation, it is all about his political side winning election after election.

Again, kudos, and so true it seems.


still waiting for that proof of the 92% figure, fraud.
Ok NASA is still in business but Obama did kill the manned space flight section and that is what Obama lied about.....BTW, Killing the shuttle without a replacement vehicle in place was just plain stupid.

Utterly true. Kudos.


utterly false. The planning for ending the shuttle missions was begun under BUSH. It was outdated, and no longer safe. Period, end of story. Until private enterprise picks up the slack in regards to taking men and cargo to the ISS, the hitching a ride with the Russians was more cost effective and safer than the shuttle.

Live with it. It was awesome, but past it's time to end, Fraud.
If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.


What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Oh okay. So what product or service does NASA produce that provides revenues to our country?
This is hysterical and the press lies so bad....


These are (were) for sale.


Now, look at this article. Obama can be sooooooo proud...

Red tag sale: NASA cuts space shuttle price - Technology & science - Space - Human spaceflight - msnbc.com

This is also sooooooooo NBC......

It's dated but so funny.......What a legacy this latest pres leaves the rest of us and our nation.

I say that 10% of our technology comes from NASA!

10%! No more.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong!

I have. NASA has. Go the links. They are in this thread 4 times now.



Sweet, perhaps you can quote exactly the passage that states your 92% figure.

Until then, I'll go on stating that it's 10%.

And your links back me up! They do! You just have to read them! Honest!
Obamination is all about getting elected and keeping Democrats in power, so stealing money from NASA to give to his supporters is strategy #1.

NASA money can help pay for Obamacare.
NASA money can help idiots in junior colleges train for so-called "green" jobs through loans and grants.
NASA money can extend the unemployment payrolls for more years.
NASA money can be funneled to "community" workers to get out the next vote.
NASA money can help the GSA pay for more Vegas trips.
NASA money can help pay for the next Solyndra.

Pretty much Obamination gets more votes if he steals from NASA's pot and gives it to his people. He doesn't give a shit about this nation, it is all about his political side winning election after election.

Again, kudos, and so true it seems.


still waiting for that proof of the 92% figure, fraud.
92% of everything that Robert_Stephens has said in this thread is false.
What was the lie in my question? Rather than engage in petty attacks, perhaps you might engage in civil discourse. Assuming that is within your ken.
The lie was that NASA produces absolutely nothing for our country.

Utterly untrue. What else is there to talk about?

Oh okay. So what product or service does NASA produce that provides revenues to our country?
I thought the wingnut position was that if something cannot support itself and needs taxpayers to prop it up, it should be eliminated?
Oh look, a welfare bum chimes in on NASA.

Yes, giving NASA's money to welfare bums like you to sit on your ass is improving mankind. :cuckoo:

One would figure left-wing idiots would want to explore other planets since "Global Warming" has doomed this planet....

NASA is a waste of good resources.

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